Show I 1 tha lady of the lak e I 1 J ny sin walten SCOTT I 1 1 Cont imel alor standard 4 last I 1 ill the drew not for their fi 11 the af 1 oro I 1 pa wa acal 17 l 7 i of chieftain chieft aln I 1 n their leaders name tile r from far alio roved 1 I 1 to I 1 ibro battle which they loved there tile bacel 1 alie swarthy su arthy spaniards tikeri you trace I 1 I 1 the laving there more freely breathed ili mountain air I 1 the soil that paid wall the toil ahe sitio w ed french and german balne I 1 I 1 and in terry came to share with ill concealed disdain of the shanty jai n halt bravo ili airris uell to wield the heavy halbert brand and abiell in camps licentious wild and bold ju pillage amice and uncontrolled and ow by eol aids and feast from ruia bf discipline released I 1 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 iva I 1 4 I 1 ilia y beld debate of bloody arity loch katrine and achi tay j fierce m 4 their speech and imi a i their oft to their tda I 1 I 1 nor sink their tone to abare ilia ear of comrades groaning near whose mangled and bodies gored bore takai bf the sword 41 enough neighboring to the court of inard L their prayers wails 1 aicard f sid burden to the ruffian joke i and sara get oath by in ay iy spoke 1 at length up started john of brent A yaman from tha banks of trent A stranger to respect or fear in peace a of too leer in host a hardy still tile boldest of tile e rew when deed of danger was to do ed that dai games cut I 1 and marred the dicera dicers brawling sport t and loud renew it bow I 1 and willoa merry catch T troll I 1 let each ilia buxom brethren of the brand and spear I 1 1 I 1 41 4 1 at 1 I t on still rea cheis t h at rotor and poule 1 laid a swin gitig long curse on the bonny bown bowl I t jolly blackjack blick jack I 1 and the seven deadly sins in it flagon 1 I gack yet whoop barnaby I 1 with ilia drink out and a fig for tile vicar I 1 I 1 our vicar ho calls it damnation to sip tho ripe guidy dew of a comans womans acar it says that beelzebub lurks in her ke sly and Apol lyoa shoots darts from her merry black eye yet W I 1 loop jackl kiss CH lian the quicker quit ker till ilia bjoorn like a rose and a fig for tile 1 1 1 conr bear thus p reaches and why 1 lie riot a the placket and pot and t office poor laymen to arho ip fringe the domains of our good I 1 teother church yet bully boys I 1 I 1 off with your liquor I 1 scat word and a fig for I 1 lie vicar I 1 I 1 vl the warders challenge beard with dut I 1 I 1 I 1 staid in lidid roar ilia merry shout A foldier to the portal went here ii old bertram sirs of ghent and beat for jubilee the drum I 1 4 anaid and minstrel with him come 11 Berl Vain a fleming gray ana bear rd was erit e ring ivr ilia courton guard A ith him andin plaid and a mountain mad who backa ar d ilc to escape the view of the booso scene and boisterous crew what nos they only know from noon treve we fou kaith foe ali wild and as abla aa tile judo mountains where they dwell j on both sided store of blood is lost nor much success can either boast abut thy captives friend such spoil As theirs must needs reward thy toll old amt thou wai and wars grow sharp I 1 thou now b ast glee maiden and harp I 1 Get thee an ape and tru ge ilia land the jeader ofa juggler ba ald vir I 1 no comrad le fort one mine after the fl them sought conr line the agai and jhb girl and baving audience of ilia earl mai babo I 1 should purvey them steed and bring them hitherward with speed your rod me aarm none friall do thain charno I 1 1 pr harm illean yo his boast bohli of ever to strife and jangling beni L shall be strike doe beside our lodge and yet the lealous niggard grudge to pay tile forester his fee I 1 ill have my shaKe howler it be despite of moray mar or theo Beit earn liis forward step withstood and burning in his vengeful mood old allan though unfit jor strife bard xi pon bla daquet giao V 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 6 I 1 1 but ellen boldly stepped between and dropped at olneq i the I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 so fram bi ain cloud appears 1 tbt sum ob may through pum r k I 1 11 the savage soldiery a dazed i ason de ec endea angel gazed E en hardy ab asbel an I 1 ili I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 stood half waif ashamed 4 vill I 1 file 61 I 1 my fataei wag the Eold fors f cliveres Cli vered him in cam pa in marches bcd lcd I 1 i hofft 0 alithe tj r tho I 1 Wrong I 1 L I 1 I 1 should cities daughter cuffar wrong answered do brent most forward still I 1 n avery I 1 feat fl apgood c r iii i 1 I sharal me of th part I 1 i and thou child par maid I 1 an outlaw I 1 by forest laws arid merry needwood Ne edwood knows the caulli 0 I 1 I 1 t I 1 1 ros v ier a be 1114 ir ow ijo wiped ilia fron eye and lirow 4 must bear one 11 age I 1 think as thou I 1 I 1 diw ye my I 1 go to call the captain of ouri vatch to wi there lies my fi albort on the floor and be that steps my balbert oer to do maid anju ous flirt I 1 aj shaft his ia booso speech or jesting ro yo all know do brent ellen farsi I 1 I 1 i 11 J I 1 i their captain I 1 came a gai lant young I 1 of tull b ardinel ard inee house he sprung I 1 yet tho spurs of knight I 1 I 1 gay was his mien ilia humor light and though by court eRv c forward bid ii ill i 1 bealing bold tito bagh born mai den ill could brook the scanning of ills curious look and dauntless eyo anda in sooth coulig LIs was a generous aluth but ellena love ly faco and mien I 1 c r might lightly bear construction I 1 sl 1 I 1 I 1 and give loose fancy scope to range welcome toi stirling towers fair maid I 1 I 1 J come ye to seek a all a maion ek iid N on palfrey with like arrant of yore I 1 I does illy high quest a knight require or may suit a squi pArl 1 I 1 her dark oyo and sighed I 1 I 1 1 wa 0 what have I 1 to do Ns fill pride I 1 I 1 i through scenes of and 1 a strife I 1 1 1 mf r I 1 i A suppliant for a fa I 1 ii ia I 1 q i af pf I 1 I 1 I 1 crave an audience of the king I 1 I 1 I 1 bogold Bo lold to back my bat a rig I 1 the royal pledge monarch glyen by ilia to fitzi I 1 james I 1 X I 1 0 young k I 1 with do ep respert and look this ring our duties awn and pardon ift wertll ll 4 in 44 n I 1 I 1 a my folly I 1 I 1 soon as the day fiffia wide IA ga 1 te s tito king shall know I 1 waits I 1 I 1 picaso you 1 I n fitting bower 11 pt 1 I 1 repose you till his boar 1 I 1 female attendance shall obey I 1 your best for or array I 1 permit I 1 marii nal you the wai 11 I 1 but cre site followed with the grace and open bounty of her race sho bade her slender purse be shared among the soldiers of the guard the rest with thanks gurdon took but bafit with shy and awkward 11 w look I 1 I 1 on the reluctant maidens hold forrd wilily vack ae 1 I 1 gold 0 I forgive a lia ehg lish 1 an d 0 forget its ruder I 1 7 purse shall be k if r V ir in jeopardy of wai where bdyer crests may keep afar With thanks etwas all she could the maid 1 llis rugged courtesy couite sy repaid I 1 1 1 xa L I 1 forth with leils went allan made to john of Drent my lady safe 0 let tour grace give me to sea my masters face I 1 ilia minitree min itrel 1 to share his doom i bound tha cradle to the tab donth fa descent since first mi sires hakea for his noble house their I 1 djs nor ono of all the race was known but prized its weal abobo their own with the chiefs P rth blivins our caire our harp mu at sooth the infant heir I 1 teach the youth tales of figlia and I 1 graco ilia earliest feat of field or allae in peace in war our rank we keep we bis board we sooth ills I 1 sleep nor leave him till we pour our verse A doleful tribute oer his bearbo then le t me captive lot it is my highl deny it not ir little we reek said john oi brent we southern men of iong descent nor wot wo how a name a word makes clansman clansmen clans men vassals to a lord yet kind my noble landlords laud lords part god alm the bouso of beaudesert Beau desert I 1 and but I 1 loved to drive the deer more than to aliide ilia laboa rint steer I 1 bad not dwelt an outcast here come good old minstrel follow me thy lord and in thou a see I 1 I 1 then from a rusted iron look A bunch of ponderous keys lie took a torch and allan lea through grated arch and A dread 1 chere deep I 1 I 1 I 1 S polo moan and fettery I 1 I 1 din I 1 A 4 through rugged vaults m idere stored A y wheel and axe and d and many a bilde ous engine grim 1 for joiet and crushing limb by artists formed who deemed it shame and sin to eiyo their work a name J tk 1 11 I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 V 0 I 1 |