Show I 1 BLACK WHITE abito divorce case is on trial ja san francisco it ought to be called ilia mack divorce i lae according to a report of the liba tile first placed I 1 upon tile stand was daniel hotd inan who was oil behalf of ilia defendant ile that lie had becci a resident of round valley for so mayears ile mr and mrs white anany of the wit noves m rio hall j during ilia trull commencement of the trial of aize case lie aheu in thil company of whito met james neafus laho was anc ol 01 ilia ot tile I 1 plaintiff after talking fur some binic they commenced to eon veric about abo else and leaful that till of chitos wl ba re mono y for testifying in tile ca ilia m lines s gave tile of abom ito said hall received money and that be baying given i only corroborative testimony i received but 12 1 tho next mi tn I 1 0 a called mas W son iauch of ills testimony mas of such ri character that it because for mrs whito ito court taken ile testified to having been ap proa chod by ilia plaintiff plain tift and offered a reward it to would procuro testimony tZ inculpate mrs white witness said that be accepted whites proposals and immediately lire chitos they lie said advised him to continue to do in norderto did so fur ther testified on one occasion the plaintiff changed his mind regarding his original plan andna dou proposal to him to take her out riding on the balinas Be linas and throw her into a ravine the witness wit nesa dis shaded W its f 11 idea and it was given up |