Show I 1 I 1 BE interested IN politics the chicago inter ocran arrives at tile conclusion that the election of i senator in iowa Is a matter of some ilia boundaries of that tend almost for ing it as one 31 a which tho eola at tile nation aro concerned As great and abbea paper as the one cited knows 0 course I 1 divak 0 f rna ater of a lort it F I 1 its baft a little bei cause wine 0 its may no t look at things in that W a T and take it to task for not conf ivin its editorial work to matters nearer home that Is where aby malcol avid tile duty of tr copal pom to teach them that such is ilia ease as I 1 well as to show thern b ow and why I 1 itt I 1 there are in ili communities tholo who have their bobbles and seek to drag etheln into all descul anions at all 1 placa aall il leies I n fact wa may say hwo weib chave their own way part of the time and bell gregarious entities in ilia makeup make up of tilt r icar other are met with only hera and there the other class choso who would liko ta j avo it their own way constituting moro noly no ly ilia bulk of tile population this Is not necessarily because are self isil in the flon acceptation that term but with a ter pardonable consideration for their I 1 hwel fare and a llie ference for those things which please them best they do not for the time take cognizance of outliers ot liers wants ile to so arrange things that each of these particular groups W v t 11 ave is ifs peculiar taste gratified to tho i exclusion of others would be decidedly beyond ilia possibilities and the only thing kemaL ning Is to cut ilia 1031 in accordance with the number among whom it is to bo shared so that none may go without and none have more than any other I 1 t is i distasteful theme to a crept many but I 1 the majority it is well that such is jhc thc case the first ahing of adem nature to be considered by man I 1 ketill I 1 s government its origin foreso 1 and ends vo acquire a I 1 on or another system in wl lit our intentions our edu gation gt occupation air culli stances and preference or ilia study leading tl it makes of us politicians to that extant and it is a good tiling no I 1 matter the discussion of I 1 topics be dry and or not it aall goes to forio opinions opinions into principles and become crystallized into we we I 1 ike t hcan or not and it if instas d well to jakc a part in tile procedure by means of thoy are incubated and brough forth as to hang back and let others have till the say this we can do miya effectually by being inter ested not merely engagingly idame I 1 haq ici pation A discussion by tho inter beean or any other paper or any persons 0 I 1 the next senator arora comra tomra or elsewhere is not only legitimate but proper wo I 1 I 1 need more of that kind of thing wo I 1 lik to sea states concerned in tile do ins and welfare of their sister states and tile individual parts of each elsewhere is ilia cement that binds firmly together ilia component parts of the I 1 Ite public it is vitally essential that I 1 the sympathy we fe cl for popular I 1 be so comprehensive tha t it ilia nation in general as I 1 well as the locality interested in par ti cular by and bye and the sooner tan better this territory will alato le merged from its bibaud frock of 11 i lotical infancy and donned the flown k gorgius robes of maturity and state noad 1 we shall then have a couple af senators of our own and judging of t tho future by the past wo inay fely apay I 1 liht they will be men upon whom we can rely in m horn we take aido IV want all ilia feeling of gladness we experience at their being chosen fow confined to so enuch 1 f ilia public domain as lies within our boundaries we want it to scale the mountains munt ains traverse ilia plains and bloat along tile rivers aud the wisdom of our choice be confirmed cou firmed by those h h us A part and para elola great political enterprise in llaine and Calif orilia in and louisiana we want them to seem to take as much I 1 interest in the subject As wd do and if it should ie the genuine article so i much ilia better by all means look at and after sometimes tile I 1 a men each state and territory salads to lV ashington as law makem and while I 1 I 1 boit are at it take a reasonable into r at in political affairs general IV cant hurt you and may at a time you r think not oabe of great and lasting to you aad yours 1 1 I 1 aliw dare DA re bince ebli telegraph gravely informed us that the del I 1 I 1 campos line of steamships from ban franciscono Franci scoto south american ports the only rival the pacific mail com bany had was withdrawn all ill 0 steamers tied up and awaiting better birnes cheaper coal etc to come tile vm next day came a dispatch announcing that the previous one was conceived in error and brought forth I 1 in prejudice or words to that that del campos balul no buell anten eions regarding his esslean those at the I 1 tion rag would continue to float from at any cost in the 1 meantime the pacific ahrent I 1 ly caused it th bo announced that no I 1 advaney in freight of passenger rates would be mada because of their eliav ing it all their own way all of which was acry magnanimous exceed in so perhaps however ilia public were better satisfied on that point after the M end was placed I 1 JR foro them 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 ot I 1 I 1 k |