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Show ry, Norma Olson, Van Dyne Hutch-ings, Hutch-ings, Bessie and Bertha Keppele, Melva Turner, Florence Giles, Ella Orgill, June O'Neal, Jennie and Margaret Mar-garet Adams, Mickey Culleton, Garth Jones, Riley Patten, Robert and F.d-die F.d-die O'Neal, Willard Nichols, Harvey Wolfe, Thomas and J. D. CaulfieH, Lional Brady, Thomas Hurley a::d Eddie Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Norden entertained enter-tained at dinner Saturday evening of last week honoring Dr. Lingren of Boston, and . Mr. Jack Thompson of Chicago. Mrs. W. S. Jones entertained Tuesday Tues-day evening of this week at her home. Games and music were enjoyed by Mrs. C. D. Abel, Miss Teddy Ward, Miss Caroline Rasmussen, Miss D'On Ashton, Mrs. Joe Kemp, Mrs. Geo. Bolman, Mrs. D. V. Clays, Miss Lu-ella Lu-ella Butler, and Mrs. G. B. Covey. Mrs. J. F. Hales was hostess to the L. D. S. Relief Society Tuesday afternoon af-ternoon of this week at her home on Main street. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Robert Kelly, Mrs. L. Brady, Mrs. Dave Lyons, Mrs. E. Cohn, Mrs. Jesse Nix, Mrs. Art Cook, Mrs.- Ray Kenner, Mrs. Ray Gemmell and Mrs. Paul Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Garrity entertained enter-tained at dinner Tuesday evening, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Currey Leiser. Mrs. Dee Adams entertained at dinner din-ner Monday evening honoring Miss Ardis Rossi of Midvale. Mrs. Bessie Call Nielsen, a September Sep-tember bride, was the recipient of a miscellaneous shower given by the Misses Mabel Neprud, June Rhees, arfd Alata Acord at the home of Mrs. John Knudsen in Copperfield Friday evening of last week. Cards were the feature of the evening's entertainment. entertain-ment. Miss Stella Klopenstine won high score, and Mrs. Bessie Nielsen received the guest prize. The rooms were effectively decorated with fall flowers. The .bride's place at the table was marked by a miniature bride holding hold-ing pink ribbons leading to a shower of gifts. A dainty two-course luncheon lunch-eon was served to Mrs. Bessie Call Nielsen, Mrs. Bernicc Ralls, Mrs. John Knudsen, and the Misses Alta Mrs. PI. B. Aven was hostess to the Bridge Club Wednesday evening of last week at her home in Copperfield. Ladies prize was won by Mrs. J. B. Myers, and gentleman's prize was won by Art Maly. Luncheon was served to Mr. and Mrs., J. B. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Breckon, Mr. and Mrs. Art Maly and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd J. Barnard. Mrs. Fred Myers was hostess to the W. B. A. Guard team Thursday of last week at her home on Main Street. Bridge was played. First prize was won by Mrs. J. J. Doyle, second by Mrs. Vaughn Christensen and consolation by Mrs. Herb Gust. Luncheon was served to Mrs. J. J. Doyle, Mrs. Pete Lotts, Mrs. Joe Marriott, Mrs. Herb Gust, Mrs. Vaughn Christensen, Mrs. S, Swan, Mrs. Jack Davidson, Mrs. Hebe Nichols, Nich-ols, Mrs. Charles Sullenger, and Mrs. M. Murray. Mrs. Joe Norden entertained at a birthday party Friday evening of last week at her home at Apex, honoring I Mr. Norden's birthday anniversary. Five hundred was played. Ladies I first prize'.was won by Mrs. Leland Walker, consolation by Mrs. Art Maly, gentlemen's first prize was won by Mr. Louis Buchman, consolation by Mr. Roy Shilling. Delicious refreshments re-freshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Shilling, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shilling, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Buchman, Buch-man, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Aven, Mr. and Mrs. Art Maly, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Breckon, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ransom, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wardlaw, Mr. ami Mrs. Leland Walker, and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cotter. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowes and Mr. and Mrs. A. Long spent Wednesday of this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sessions of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Dee Adams entertained at a birthday party Wednesday evening of this week honoring her son, Rodney's fifteenth anniversary. Games and dancing furnished the diversion. Refreshments Re-freshments were served to Leila Hen- Miller, Edith Borg, Ruby Knudsen,'; Stella Klopenstine, Lilas McColeman, Gertrude Colyar, Louise Van Ee, June Rhees, Alta Acord and Mabel Neprud.1 Mr. and Mrs. George Nix entertained entertain-ed at their home on Main Street Fri-i Fri-i day evening of last week honoring Mrs. A. M. Peterson. Refreshments were served to thirty-five guests. Mrs. F. Ernest Dean entertained at dinner Wednesday evening of this week at her.home on Main street honoring hon-oring Mrs. A. M. Peterson. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Peterson, all of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Alblese of Mid-vale, Mid-vale, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Nix, and "Mr: and Mrs. George Nix. Mrs. Cecil Bennett entertained at luncheon Thursday of this week at her home on Carr Fork honoring Mrs. William Wallace and Mrs. Frank Mead. Mrs. Dave Lyons entertained at her home in the Eckman Friday of last week honoring Mrs. Annie Smith, who will leave this week for her home in Windermere, England. A musical program by Mrs. Clyde Siddoway and Miss Mary Brady formed the evening's eve-ning's diversion. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Clyde Siddoway, Mrs. Wilford Harris, Mrs. H. H. Higgs, Mrs. L. Brady, Mrs. E. Cohn and Mrs. Ray Kenner. Announcement is made of the marriage mar-riage of Miss Blanche Rasmussen of Roosevelt, Utah, to Mr. William Thomas of Bingham Canyon, Monday of this week at Roosevelt. Mrs. Arthur Mangum entertained at her home Wednesday of this week with a birthday party honoring her son's seventh anniversary. Games were played and refreshments served to IS guests. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCarty were business visitors in Salt Lake Wednesday Wed-nesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mead and family fam-ily and Miss Carter spent Sunday with friends in Salt Lake City Sunday of this week. (g).SOCIETY The first meeting of the Copperton-ian Copperton-ian staff was a luncheon held in the faculty room of the high school Wednesday Wed-nesday afternoon of this' week. Members Mem-bers present were Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Atkin, Ellen Dahlstrom, Editor-in-chief, Druzelle Prigmore, Nona Ner-din, Ner-din, Anna Steele, Harvey Wolfe, Gerald Ger-ald Franz, Robert Colyar, Garth Jones, Gene Sacramano, Lionel Brady, Hazel Heather, Catherine Williams, Van Dyne Hutchings, Leila Henry, Margaret Adams, Helen Mechems, Mrs. Edna P. Wade, and J. Byron Birch. |