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Show r PAGE SEVEN j THE BINGHAM PRESS-BULLETI- N "Cryptic" and "Esoteric" Cryptic means "not plainly evident or understandable, hidden, secret, oc-cult." Esoteric means "pertaining to tlie doctrines designed for the inner circle of disciples only. Said of cer-tain theories, formulas, religious rites, etc.; adapted exclusively for the In-itiated and enlightened few." - Ancient Cavern Temples Reminiscent of the days when caves were widely used as tombs and places of worship, cavern temples still exist in India. Palestine and Egypt. The construction of the catacombs of Home Is believed to have been inspired by the ancient practice of burial. Ill the hollows of rocks. Philadelphia Ledg- - r. . Round and Long "S" T. C. Hansard, in his hook called "TjiK.graphiu" (printed in London, IS2:)). says: "The introduction if tlie ro.:rid V instead of the long is an in the art of priming, for ahlch we are Indebted to tlie Ingeni-ous Mr. Bell, who introduced them In his edition of the British Theater, pub-- , " lished The Press-Bulleti- n i, Entered as second-clas- s matter at the postoffice at Bingham Canyon, Utah, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Subscription Price, per year, in advance $2.00 Address all communications to the Press-Bulleti- n at Bingham Canyon, Utah. PHIL M. GOLD WATER, Publisher on the roof caved in trapping the two men in. Roy Richards, Bill Green and Bud Peterson were seriously burned and are in the Lark Hospital. Mr. Richards was on a ladder, reach-ing to a burning roof, when it caved in, he falling just inside the door. His left cheek and the side of his bo:dy were burned badly before he could get out. Mr. Green and Peterson were carrying a trunk down a stairs when it caved in. The trunk which was said to be very valuable was Ipst, but the men were rescued by the firemen. Mr. Green will not be able to use his left arm again and Mr, PetT erson will soon be all right; ' - '' The fire was reported to have start-ed at the east end of the town and burning westwardly. Burned was re-ported as follows: 10 garages,' four,-chicke-coops, one store and fifteen houses, nine being occupied. BIG FIRE RAGES .; IflLlRyiGEOSS Fire Sweeps Through Lark Causing Loss of Valuable Property. By Ralph M. '. Lark, Sept.-'2- A large fire started today about one o'clock when some careless- person threw some hot ashes into the garbage can which had some waste paper in it. The paper soon' lit in the can which was against the house and the flames were soon touching the wood and the house started to burn. Thus the fire was started, its cruel flames lapping at everything that happened to be in its way. Among the fire's victims were Geo. S. Smith and Mr. Williams who went into a burning building to find a lost baby who was later found in an old shed near by. When the search was mock you cold You must eat! You must dress. But no one can make you use inferior oil and pay cold cash for the repairs .that must .result, Mn-Mot-or Oil will eliiriinate at least one of the bills that knock you cold. MonaNotor will stop all repair bills from faulty lubrication. ' Buy only Mon-Kot-or OH. - Ran Francisco, Cal. Los Angelep, CaL Oils & Greases Don't Overlook that subscription. If you are in arrears remember I that we cm always (iod good use for the MONEY I BEULAH BREINHOLT H ! s... ; of Salt Lake City , I Pupil of LaVar Jensen and E. P. Kimball j J I Will receive a limited number oi f pupils for instruction on the 4 r; Pianoforte v F Registration September 25 and 26 , $ I 7 - Studio 297 Main Street ; I r Phone 101 ' J. ; Hall's Cktarrh Medicine l Those who are in a "run down" condi-tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in good health. This fact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly Influenced toy constitutional conditions. i HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con-sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists in improving the General Health.:-Sol-by druggists for over 40 Tears. . J. Cheney & Co., ;Toledo Ohio. Get Back Your Health! Are you dragging around day after day with a dull backache? Are you tired and lame njornings subject to headaches, dizzy spalls and sharp, stab-bing pains? Then thre'.8 surely Some-thing wrong. Probably .it's kidney weakness! Don't wait for more serious kidney trouble. Get back your health and keep it.. For quick relief get Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic to the kid-neys. They have helped thousands and should help you. slc'yotpr neighbor 1 A UttJijCase T. J.' Robertspn.T carpenter, Ji( S. rW-- First St..' W., Utah, says: Vc5tt;3S3 ."For about two 0JM&S ' weeks I aid lttic fi'1 VTOBf work of V ft1'" i the pain and weak- W rN.' ness in my back. I TJ viHi'.i'.ipi had- - a- - .ore. . back and my kid- - f'lR&M V TteVQ weakened so Vfi III that I had to set W&gMtf HhM up at night. Doan's kLJ PillR put ..an end to the .backache and strengthened my kidneys." DOAN'S piiLS STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS Co., Mfg. Chem., Bugalo, N. Y. ! 1,000 POUNDS of COAL FREE I 1 ; ' ;.. ONLY ONE MORE WEEK I To Take Advantage of This Unusual Offer j t -- Hpr7v We will give absolutely free - I - t f S " ' n v. 1,000 pounds of lump coal with-- 1 --iiiitiJzyj- I every Washington Home '.Fur- - .. ,v I during this big sale. ' t fA'Z'A-,-r - ; nace bought I ' l-tl- X V I Washington Home Furnace itself wiU.., . 1 1 ' fe - , . ' 1 reduce vour coal bill one-thir- d to one-.- - X r - 1 - - half. t I '' """ N" ' I SALE POSITIVELY CL6SES SATURDAY,'; . I , ' ' ' I - roCTOBER 15,' at;;9 p.mr V ! J' K ' ., ' ' - .'(?- - r .y.. ;;;l'-v- , t f . - ' " ; . J In addition apsQWteiy - J'-- , I free 1,000 pounds of coal, consequently 't ' ' ' 1 '.' ' . 1 vour coal bill this winter will be very. ' " " ! . ' smalL : - i I... , J improved air duct y- 1 t 1 '" "" . ' ; ' 4 increases heating efficiency one-thir- d; ''I . t ' v. " q making.. Washington Home Furnace the' - ' I J - - ' ,'. greatest fuel saver known. If.'.' Produces circulating moist heat most' It X fx ' 'i healthful heat known. Will heat as much C - ;V' ' ' J as two or three stoves or five or six V ' ... 4 I I grates. - - : 3 .k...v - I ' i" i Heats from four to seven rooms. T i . r;;;:.; , V ' - " ' ' No cellar to dig. ;T I v rt I Grained mahogany finish. ' :: . ! 1. " , - l Come in and let us explain other fuel- - ' f C' V ' saving features of the Washington Home t V ' . Furnace. You will say it is one of the I t - A y't, best day's work you have ever done. Z 1 l "; " R. JAY MITCHELL 1 t , 3 ,: Phone 43 , -- jt "No This is not a Victrola J - , Robust Mother of Five Healthy, Happy Chil-dren Keeps Fit with Beecham's Pills "When I feel a dizzy headache coming on, 1 take one or two Beecham's Pills. "I am 33 a healthy, robust mother with 6ve happy children, thanks to Beecham's. I do all my own housework, besides sewing, washing, ironing and caring for the children." Mrs. ALBERT ORMEROD Fall River, Mass. For FREE SAMPLE write B. F. Allen Co., 417 Canal Street, New York Buy from your druggist ia 25 and 50e bozea For constipation, biliousness, sick head-aches, and other digestive ailments take Beecham's Fills ! O'DONNELL COMPANY !i I FUNERAL DIRECTORS I $ I :' f I BINGHAM CANYON Phone 17 - - .. ... Jt FOR OVER ZO TEARS haarlem oil has been a world-wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. "haarlem oTl correct internal troubles, stimulate vitaJ organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist on the original genuine Gold Medal. IKEEP YOUR SCALP! Clean and Healthy I WITH CUTiCURA I Boschee's Syruf bo 7SHrj I yWay toughs and I Lung Troubles fwaaL lm'ul,t Successful for 89 yeare VwAJt' Sc and 90c bottl- B-jffifrA? aMJtaia ALL DRUGGISTS c " . - 4 - ! EDITH ELAINE MARCEL PARLOR i Isis Theatre Building . Phone for Appointments I 264M 187W 1 : :: ...,.1.,Jl...ja.i.wAMM'W limllBllllllIililllIIIIimilllIl,lrtlII!l nimil!imiluUlllim!UlimUUlHmiUUui,i,m1UHmm,ut,,U1m1uUuuuI.,u,uUHuIuuUK1BI, I Showincr First Run Pictures Only ; s I FRIDAY AND SATURDAY J Big Western Special '1 I "THE OUTLAW'S DAUGHTER" j I SUNDAY AND MONDAY ,1 I SUPER VAUDEVILLE PROGRAM, also I "LILIES OF THE STREETS" j j With Johnnie Walker j Comedy ' ' News TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Elaine Hammerstein and Lou Tellegen I . "PARISIAN NIGHTS" ' : ; : I I THURSDAY 1 Richard Talmadge in ...... ' j "TEARING THROUGH" j 1 COMINGSUNDAYOCT.il I 1 CHARLES CHAPLIN in i "THE GOLD RUSH" 1 Thirty-on- e per cent of all hospital treatment in - the United States In 1923 was given free and 19.3 per eeni "us only partly pnd for. TTtVVVVVttTV'J'rTVVVTV-.- - i - - - - - - "1I"H" """""'! 1 SHADY NOOK DAIRY j 1 Best by Test I Eventuall-y- Why not now? mmMmmmmmmmmmm mmmmb- m- Sure Relief 3f5b) 6 Bell-an- s Bell-an-s FOR INDIGESTION 5 and 75$ Pkfi's.Sold Everywhere been investigated but can not come Clever Theme to a conclusion. ' ; (Continued from Page 1) FIRE CONSUMES : ICR PROPERTY Four Large Haystacks Burned Barns Corrals and Fruit Trees Damaged. By Ruby Peterson Lark, Sept. 28 The people of Lark were surprised and frightened yester-day to see huge clouds of smoke pouring into the air. Seeing the smoke was coming from Kuphalt's, the people rushed over to aid the un-fortunate ranchers. On arriving at the point of disaster: the people gasped at the sight which they beheld. Two large haystacks had, burned to the ground and two more were fastly burning. The men hurried here and there with water but the flames danced on' their way to destruction. Horses and cattle were running and plunging wildly about. The women and chil-dren went hurriedly home while men fought the fire. The air was suffo-cating. The sun seemed to .give ex-cessive heat as if to make the air un-bearable. The dry June grass caught on fire, spreading the destruction. Presently the barns caught the flames, but' were checked by the men. The flames were now reaching the house. The fence caught fire, thus shooting forth flames which caught on the trees which were growing near by. A wild cry was heard. One of the men was burned quite badly which caused a little delay. After leaving the burnt man in the care of the doc-tor, the men started to fight for con-trol of the fire. At last the fire was under control and very soon put out. The men had put up a good fight and like all strong, they conquered the monster. The cause of the fire has FIFTEEN DEAD , IfNY DYING Loss Estimated $190,000 Third Fire . in Canyon Since August. By V. M. Rimby Fifteen meet their death last' night at 11 :30 p.m. as Highland Boy Hotel, goes up in flames. ... The fire was believed to have start-ed at the basement of the Highland Boy Hotel, setting, the garage next to it on fire, the fire spread so rapidly with the dry breeze that it was im-possible to get it under control. The inmates of the hotel were burned in. their beds before, they had time to escape. China Bays Less .Autos Evidently people of China would rather fight than ride, automobiles: purchased there this year being of normal. FIRE DESTROYS Loss Estimated at $250,000. --- Gaunt. Ruins Mark Place Where Homes Once Stood.. By Ole Hervilla ... i Fire originating in a rooming house in the early morning destroVednlany buildings. For nearly five hours the Bingham and Murray departments struggled' .valiantly to check the flames and only by blasting did they succeed m check-ing the flames from spreading to the other buildings. , A small boy, . discovering the .fire, sent in the alarm but the Bingham volunteer fire department was' too small and a hurried call for help was sent to, Murray and by combining t.h,c two forces they were able to battle ' the iire. " ' lv A' :." DSSASTRGUS FIRE i SWEEPS CAMP A Total Loss of $50,000 Six Killed Many Injured. Ry Lola Robbins A big fire started Tuesday nthrning in a large boarding house. The loss has been estimated around $50,000. The people all gathered near while the policemcn: had to keep the crowds moving back on account of the falling buildings. Many were left homeless, while others saved a few things. Women, ' and children were panic stricken as they stood and watched their homes and hard earned savings go up in the ' blue smoke that encircled them. Great was not only the loss of prop- - erty but also the heroic men who gave up their lives fighting to the last trying to save home and families. ' Men in the fire departments were not only the ones that were killed or in-- I jured, but the falling red hot bricks ' and beams also injured many others. ' ! VOLCANO ERUPTS AS ;l NEW MOVIE NOVELTY Huge Spectacular Scene Is Filmed ! ; for "The Lost World" During the countless millions of years the twinkling stprs have watch- - ed over the earth, the blinking eyes of the skies have rarely beheld a spectacular scene the equal of the,. volcano-fore- st fire episode in "The Lost World," which opens at the Princess theatre Thursday. '' While hot lava from a volcano starts the fireworks by igniting a forest thousands of acres in extent. 4 I Prehistoric dinosaurs bigger than I ten elephants and more dangerous I than a hundred tigers and lions rolled I into one, are driven from their lairs J by the approaching flames. There arc scores of these creatures of the' reptilian age in this spectacle. Paleontologists say these mighty monsters have been dead at least 10 million years, but First 'National and Wattcrson R. Rothackcr have brought theni to life on the screen after over seven years' work. As the flames bear down, the flee- - ing monsters try to get to a big lake. 1 Characters enacted by Bessie Love, Lloyd Huges, Lewis Stone, Wallace Beery, also make for this watery refuge, and they are in peril of their i lives from the crushing legs of these i mighty creatures. I The volcano-fore- fire sequence in i "The Lost World" is but one of many incidents in the picturt equally as I thrilling. In fact, all of the thrills of Conan Doyle's novel, from which the picture was adapated by Earl g Hudson ,are to be seen. |