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Show MEETING WILL BE HELD THURSDAY At ino Methodist church tomivrow evening, under the auspices of the Woniun Christian Temperance union, un-ion, a ui'-etlng will be held, to which the general public H Invited. The following program will be given giv-en : Mush . Instrume ntal, Mr. JcvMe Welch Yoakum. Invocation. Rev. Mr. Hickman. Vocal solo. Mls Wlrmns. Address. ' Christian Citizenship." Rev. F. V. Fisher. Recitation. Ml-s Nettle Craig Vocal solo. Miss Mildred Helsner. AddrerN, 'prohibition," JuJre A. W. Age e. Music, Instrumental. Mn.i Helle Craig. Address. "W. C. T. V. Work.- a member. liv-nedlctlon. nev. F. V. richer. |