Show pu ant of tile finest quality and finish juat received by A kulin lt brother Croth cr tf a 2 go agnf elio ako tile flow c and oil clothe juet ed nt at the tha now naw york falorca batore naf tf fsr coal coal I 1 coal I 1 van dyke coal deli ired cred for sll 11 I or ton blinton coal delivered for 1059 per tan to n orders icat nt at utah ulal auff aud cal lumber yard will prompt prot nit Alt tr te sl G ORE befit yar 0 drugs drug paints oils oil EWI aglais glais arnish and dyo dye now an and d fo sale bale whiles while iilo salo and retail ly by lf sa vf liew hats now new LAW 1120 latest spring styles out ara a ro 1 at l ali the new york store elora h bif 21 lf ys miners loola boots anil and clothing outfits 11 LAper than llian e cr at A kulm kuhn A brother tf lf M elio lot ia of dress iriss goods kb ails linens laina cs and nn to iho tpring find mt opened nt at the ilia new york store ait t tsa call nt at kupfers jewelry es ment find examine cx aniio t fit firt fi t OT ladies ind watches cli chains rings nod culko culk o to be fjord in tins this vr or any other othe r city cily ina codi coalt t fi HOTELS AND restaurants metropolitan hotel aw montana street C 0 N an 1 U UT ra AIS I 1 mikii proprietors is 18 A CLASS locel loc fl commodious sod bd well urr angea ali tile rooms aru are neatly ft 1 d l comfortably iho I 1 he tables bro are led with lui the best the marlet al lords frcho band in kny ally a tyle on i hort bort notice abo list bar la Is stocked with the finest wince cioca liquors anti cifare Cl fiaro API V CASINO restaurant MRS L HERMAN day board per week ff corinne Corti inc arii f HOTEL no r 30 30 elret Sla reet SANI proprietor HELENA MONTANA this hotel is located in tho coni con i tor of tho the city and is tho cheapest and and bost hous 1 0 u so 0 in an fn M i J MARTIN c CO and acl jobbers of wines madli arid I 1 4 wor ov tos ifrosia I 1 ru I 1 treet i I 1 1 0 NIL N I 1 cea V M civil engineer ond end U 8 minera Min erx surveyor kr for utah A I 1 r ills surveys for L a and ud om rr lou A f ira th bic ary apy diagrams ana pi ra will receive receil 0 lern aernout out anti tid I 1 rapt at aal aol aal D a ed work I 1 abo grialou ou iro Laro full 3 aid und ry anleo in tho llin by li lie its oin cl I 1 ria fak 10 hupf till hour adf lako aly er r vi it i ts 19 C C Clila ml ailts U V 8 Rl rort rt ancial cial lion J M 1 I bloore tor amt leb lolic ally try ff dt 0 1 ii 1 i resi bont bok or condne Corio oe lion hon 0 0 i r U V 8 collor or for twi general R ll laxell U S R lloil oni oarn rna tf OR rent A adobe F FOR house liouns locates appl iffa t A ti T at tho davit a 0 carita ml IA tt ICE FOR TRE THE iLLION Pl arre TP and rl E an riven ICE n cut ral for 1 l lo 10 ap bl at lily hour in tle day in a I 1 fi arb ra of the city lesi v or lars with 1 1 11 t betor lily wictor ator arks f pot pat 0 N acil f blacksmith SHOPS comer front etri fl heeln lef ra cra c sac S fcc VF UTAH U T I 1 rf TK AND CARRIAGE promptly T rep repaired alred aud and cattle shod into ing tools repaired end bod all of ilkay done I 1 reigh tere are invited to cill CAR kud and ato A nod aud fad il out tho the alx lx W W HULL Brith iier hlyer and plasterer none lut but tho the best proposals for transportation ca ait Q mn dai tronc baun in kiil is isu 1871 u SEALED FAI LED LID S I 1 N UP L ICA tr walh wi t ii 7 guarantee signed by two al ilia part lop abat bonds will aill be bof git iia Q on oa at fraT aa dof of contract con traci will bo be reached bt be this abl offelo until eleven oclo cli a at on monday jane ats slab 12 1071 tor ae uit the of ong on tu guillion illion por rols moro more or less jf f army aim frola froia tto I 1 of taso atai tah southern Kall road to such aach military tary stations as may ma ta bo bashed I noar boszor alt gall june 1573 did lid i BIH ill lao bo up to lo the CT a vy clay and nil hour by br capt E D baiter A Q II 11 at 1 I osha utah to bo ft rewarded to the be chief ar ur mr adopt Plat tein with till general order ai or ar 1 1 l 10 he 0 right 0 floel any or ai 0 1 l bids bi is reh orad rull full zon wado known oil ar at t ali alik anc ALEX i PERRY dla at chief J IV V ai 11 1 OP 01 PENSIONS FOR UTAH OFf yi i corner of fourth and filon lo utana tane strew C CO 0 KIN it I 1 IV X WE E U UTAH TA II 11 7 JOB wr ad i ox eer i HI SIT rl t 4 i 1 4 N EW A MATERIAL to A T E R I 1 A L AT kr nie sill Y in lt l t 4 f Re reporter portar office AT SM SK a lj 1 ti r 1 1 r f I 1 4 aas U r I 1 amona o a fr 7 i U 4 apa av s cje iski 4 7 1 tas 10 digwi 1 s 1 1 4 4 allu jl lU ELF ih 1 I 7 I 1 itt GEORGE fl A LOWE r 1 J CE CEP corinno P iri rinno 21 n 43 it A A full stock of tha P ls chicago ON HAND AND POP OF ALWAYS A r M at reasonable prices theae bolts tied f 1 mado or of 1156 very atry ce cei bet I cintr mat in tr trUla i an oa ara aown an It trough taa ake wot wool as the th bt beat aj inot roll ablo IOB IOKI ciui a ua il m X 7 RF also albo a bulf uli bodt of 0 wagon RII all siet waga rows till ruble eluse B woods wilma aud and ca bags tift go material of 0 all destri ions for sale at ahti at lowest ash bagh rak I 1 4 also alio oa band a NO AB mje at c mowers reaper and na self raking reapers readers Re apers threshing M machines ac h f nos sulky naceep tk plows crain drill ill cang plows fl an aca d all t 1 kinds 0 af fas 1 best beat and lates 1 marott Mp roTt A I 1 til i aroi A roi th abo 0 vnye IL K V dt it sao f POP OR iak AND ri JL KO go to la V A mol moats 0 4 orpo itu abo bout Curl af in the lULar act line c to ode r ma ate worle guaranteed oriler order lily will recoil prompt sa noi SHEPHERD i house sign and ornamental menla fainter glaziou and paper hanger street fifth GORINNE CORINNE UTAH in til g tl ills tt ELK ELKI ELKHORN HORN CORRAL abil elvory T L att AT 11 JL J L 1 da recall every for or teamsters tda tbt publia Jene generally rally the bt best ot at eadie kores con ta ley hand fir biri a jr ii il aai CITY MEAT markall curlier cirner bf d and fifth slices atall IS V aror 1 L 11 wholesale fid aad retail gaib rho ho highest cash prices paid for fat stock 4 4 prices of 3 reata 8 to lant atrit s rr B families pA MILIES IS ALL parta 0 the a try city forniti areah but 01 ol by the carea cr rt udo dilo or quarter quart cr comaty criers otte ustel fl itt 44 i y y 14 ir 41 0 t 0 ohn SE er Dron tana st co cc X 1 t rt ir r T IL 7 A AT air 0 C I MM IMM 1112 R 1 lal cf c fla tal 1 y P J I 1 cr 0 jn J n W am zi and taus la at cid laia nob ca h atel as dl BIB nl artt t |