Show talc GRAPHIC NEWS ay THE WESTERN UNION compi UTAH IDAHO MONTANA RAILROAD U BILL PASSED OHIO dr DEMOCRACY FOR CREELEY marino marine Dis disaster astor till taik SENATE ta 7 ajmo AJ mV 11 av forty men on a strike co SALT LAKE CITY stilt lako lake city may 23 it is 13 reported that Brig boin young lias bai sold liia bis in ili tile utah central railroad to win jennings ind and chop sharp for tile hie Iut purpose loe of greater inter interest in the tha construction of the utah butali southern superintendent sickle odthe of the U 11 r P III made A trip trill to tho the terminus tor minin of tho U utah t h southern railroad Hail road yesterday yett erday tire weather is firm and the snow n is rapidly disappearing from tile cottonwood cottonwoods Cotton woods mining distri cli may 28 senate Sn te tho mourning gussion was mainly occupied in III debating daunting tile alic resolution to lo adjourn on juno june ad lit in lie L iun tile lill bill was under consideration several sections were considered lut but without willi out making much progress the senate adjourned home sargent moved to eu pend the llie rules and hinss tile bill to provide that the public land of california shall not bo be excluded 1 as mineral lands from pro emption empt ion cr homestead entry except where bonn bona fide in mining ining claims exist rejected the bill will not be reported now tin unless less tho the committee so EO instructs tho the bill granting tile right of way to the tha utah idaho find and montana railroad passed unda r the suspension of tile rules A conference report on en jhc thc ali bill authorizing the llie president to t 0 appoint a paymaster federal for the army walt brei and agreed to after hichi the house adjourned NEV lihew YORK YO know cw may 28 A representation of tio ilo NL firm of havro havre co the boston dispatch li patel in reference to the cia tin reports concerning the fleet diz disaster aster ile iio tays says tile report is en cn in respect to nil all but three vessels anil and that thai lie hat has advises advices ml vices of tile the fare return of most of tile fleet it now appears that thirty persona gersoni were ui i hr ihn nl nion of f the llie tug epsilon yesterday erday chrinian Chri tian to adny dabbed tabbed hism ife her ana himself it is ill aill 11 lie die lyman Tru trumain nain john 1 P townsend find and henry dailey jr anre ta retained as a counsel r foryt 4 or it is estimated that inn are on en in die all AH anro quiet anil confident of suc ceLs A washington wahington depatch dit patch says ny tile iho pres im ident lias 1113 11 13 signed tile pacific mall mail subsidy bill FOREICH NEWS london may oy 23 28 in the iho commons this evening gladstone replied very briefly to the ques questions tims of and I 1 concerning ce alio llio supplemental article making no staten statement vent or of importance aas brithe in tho house this evening caused liy by toni tom hughes in tion lin to the il motion for alie adjournment of parliament for the derby din by day which occurs tomorrow to morrow on rising ho be win was greeted with wilh ironical ironic sl cheers and laughter lie ile vigorously t ig denounced tile the engli h racecourses race courses its as liming introduced the most corrupt and insidious system of gambling that ever ili disgraced any country while opposed to horse racing ho he believed that bont boat racing cricket and other salutary competition of bunian strength and pluck I luck ought to lie bo encouraged cou raged the motion toadie to adjourn bairn till thurs d adny fly was carried by to 53 paris play 23 the bigaro authoritatively announce a that nillson Xi lloil will marry 31 10 secand in paris eaily eady in july madrid ll adrid stay MAY as the cortes reassembled to day the resolution to censure the into mini try was as reacted wasi ington may si 21 red cloud delegation had an anten bew u M ith ali tile alio president preside de I 1 otto to daiy atho proposed to bliem to move to the cherokee io country the defeat of the ku cu klux bill in tile holso lias had an bearing on the question ofine anal of congress the mider standing had ad alln that if the voto vote disclosed a in favor of tile measure tile the senate seato would riot not net act on oft the concu concurrent resolution for a final adjournment on the 3 3rd ard of june but allow congress to 3 adjourn tomorrow to morrow to bo be recalled by procla 1 r 0 cla matin to a new session of unlimited time lime su so large A republican oto tv agat t tile bill li ho boeer ocier eer has hai pro gramme the gellogg today to d day ty divorced his i logan kellogg site ale retaining the cutto cu tody ly of her child miscellaneous pittsburg burg may aray 28 gen en jy 11 wai is le i to congress for vic the district tu to dily find anti ia cuini ipa L I 1 grabson for ilia di ditri brict cl cululi atit 0 anny 21 santa ContI Ill a 1 l ft fuw few 1 demo e M cratic politicians met luere today to day to consult on llie lie situation aal allx tile time for kol holding ing tile convention gin ward prop proposed 0 d resolutions resolution involving a n plan tazi object of III N ia no to till noce pity or of ution IB A ahe hp nf nal f I 1 ilir lie iw n I 1 v I 1 t io I 1 III lifter after the baltimore convention ward announced himself in favor of a straight dern socratic nomination a at baltimore rud groce back n lils flatt choice were tilled and it a simple vias adopted calling tho the convention conventi on to meet nt at cl flails fl aili on june 27 to n minitte a state nod delegal to baltimore vm to heartily if the ru conri eudor acil L d his nomination Illi ladel pit ill may liny 28 A brafa club was orgA organized nied today to day to veceiva delegates to boston lio iton siny mity 28 the re potted rac destruction of tho the newfoundland a ical al ing fleet N i edited here A st johns letter by last li mall says twelve vessels cro lost and ail misting but aff or three of the hitter aro are not out go long ns to bo given up tho crews of all 1 I ilie luoin to be loft wora dived forty five out ot men of the brig huntsman tile TIC annual annu il meeting of tile american unitarian society haq held here today to day tile bew eagland womans comans stiff ingo ago as aa had bad Us its anual c convention ut lit the tremont temple mile tc to day lloyd garrison president chicago may 28 charlca a 11 california boy lit at dexter patk park today to r rido i two live haired miles in twelve consecutive hours on oil tho the thol unhorse lorse bolted jumped alie anil find threw er cr with such force thai lie he wis was taken insensible lie ile now lies lica very low though mi his physician hiis blis hope of his recovery lit in the hurdle race on the same track shortly after one orthe horses horse fell and killed him fair ani injured the rider it is opposed supposed up posed fatally miscellaneous |