Show orn crALl ll 11 4 of THE stait 4 PASSED AT till THE k devouil he cochI bess aall of tile die 2211 grelis nature no 55 As A ACT to nh ah act approved proved ip wooly eighth eighteen hundred anti anil sev rev enty one amending nit an net app kovei may liny thirty eighteen hundred and seventy I 1 entitled an ail net act to enforce ilia rights of citizens of the united states to vote in the several sidles of this union and fur other oilier purposes ite be i 11 I 1 by tho senate anil and house of representatives of tile iho united states of in congress ic niti eteen of an act to allend an act approved may birtt fatt eighteen bundred mid and entiL ILLI 41 an net act to lo enforce the rights of citizens citi zent of the united states to vote in tile the overal states of thib lii union and for other pur purposes pow and amended endA set net approved rury twenty eighth eighteen I 1 hundred slid and prenty tom nty one dball be and hereby ie i amended tended an to eo as to rend as follows fulloW il sec 19 11 list nj all I 1 i ote for Pe presen n tallies datil ca in congress liall I 1 bo be by vi ritten or printed ballot any law of any state to tho the contrary cry anti anil nil all votes rotes received or recorded contrary t to tl alio to I 1 scions section hall be of rone tafea provided that tins its section shall not apply to any statts voting othe riso aioo elections for saaid efrid representatives shall occur pre ilous to tile ilia ii ff meeting celing of ili lagis I 1 egis baturo laturo next after tile approval of said net act approved slay 3 miscellaneous |