Show CALL FOR democratic CONVENT convection IONi ahn territorial democratic central coin of utah hereby request their fallow democrats in tile the several coun counting of the teri Terii territory tory to select delegates delc gatei to meet in contention 1 nt at tile city hallin hall in suit salt lake city on oil saturny saturday Satu rJay 1 uno one J 1872 it at 3 2 p to fur tile purpose of selecting delegates to utah in tile the national democrat jo ic convention of july ath 1872 in baltimore alio to chioso n permanent centra committee commatee for elio territory and to transact trana acl such other business its a may bo be deemed proper that culi county send the following number of vic salt lake coun county ty 10 19 to oele 8 6 4 liSum summit 3 utah 10 davis 7 J juab 3 11 organ 2 Sa farinato rinato 7 cache U af sevier 1 and l inac 0 2 1 1 1 1 box elder 6 mil mi baij 1 I 1 IR heaver t U iron 1 4 washington 4 aano 2 0 I 1 ana and that the hie county convention bu bo hell held 1 at tile county teats on oil S saturday the ath at 2 pm 11 D johnson E 21 31 barnum levi E artur jo gordon win nl coin carl mitten I 1 SALT isaae carr may 21 isoz |