Show JOTTINGS ABOUT TOWN I 1 good Tem nice meet aliis ili evening jud judge e clancy left for for IJ lc clena lena abi corli biorn ac A V gamley chili cubia is to lo be 1 0 nt at broncho li list nig lilt rain scared cleared tile ditches and nourished nouri hed vegetation ritt raft rit t freights leavo kayo every d 1 ly from froin the luo diamond R i 1114 0 chap hickers tire the hie bablon in ili logue with wilh local nabo lii J 0 U D biond ant ani r P J farwell lert left here fur the capital thi s afternoon uin idin ii n back tit t liis his old corner or korpita pita aison co stanley are rapidly file moving ing into inlo theil new in th alm 3 Creig lilon ton block vol lo 10 Dieren dorris expected to arri ardire ve here from ill chilin it A week from tills this 1 time 1 Ear barl s diary is ij ilia neatest anent of the kind to a gunj found in this thia or any anny lather country t reverend P 7 doming of the Cali caliolio olic lehi 4 ae I 1 1 litko city 0 on n ly the california 1 I abtin tonight N vi ilk li a most attractive attract tivo gramme pro go and be the kingbaum Ding brout canon gold boll c it is flow cicro arill some or of our young men fire arc on the prospect charles hibay Xi litey io ia alio o t accommodating agent of life central find corll tri at brigham city junction barometer B 2977 39 30 fresh not no lira att wind I 1 nd and threaten tl angat 5 15 A ni io to duy a light snow fill hric ahme I 1 ho he next regular oc the wills ladies of abo church fiill take place tomorrow evening it tha of mrs leater on colorado street delegates from aill if pai paita is bf uenh lt it 11 ia to ie ported arc botel 19 eyers fur for rooms und and boale during daring tile Ei illing of tile com convention n tion lore here I 1 it is a good sign to tec see a Slin strul troupe pi kiy printing bill in adi adamco iney ni aa mrs in this office they play tonight to ni night ht in ill tile alio opera IIo usi cribs and cralles sell in ill ila ft furnita irn iture rc 4 en try d ay iy whilo lailo there it k net no demand for coffil coffins ros i i our city a condition of lra ira lc iii wo we hope 0 o tic continue I 1 geneal gene al envin hold lloldi n i large amount of i fail mid adi blany lore bierc ws pei liev amt lie ho lai iii deigna Iti luolin oling d the uniting of ulalie tile N thild el lilu bilts frain tit alir union I 1 alir 1 p ys 1 iIi I I 1 it aeri niTi bouti enil el othine outfit 0 livilI nr ill llin 11 1 1 atler fit A r Gloth ilg for fir tho aea iian on fand prieva to lo hii avei aci b bj ly at A kuhn A broth erfil ill tf |