Show mi sit AGAIN the Calir urnia minstrels relt in pito pite or tile tho trine terrific storm m of last ning drew together nit an au audience bence that would la be considered large in the walli cr their performances or fief cw replete eiith ith tho feitis of song fong sa ddn 9 I 1 and deriera ge general riera A varied anil and interesting pro gramme wib iiii and na their Is foin applause il iti i tonight to night however that we expect to f 00 oo elf the minstrels dl dj their beit baving lofton tin change of bill and unlike most loose comp droles these comi come atit original song new jokes and of gaguine 0 invention hile II liol liing Ahing in the exhibition con offend tho the most fasti car they deserve 4 routing house tonight to lo night slid we wa thlu k the tha scott AN vill ill be diri ty 6 secure at aai sin eiry cir evening |