Show fsr edw ODO O DO OPERA HOUSE 4 r i a or AMELIA ly aa DEANS alir GREAT UT ry central reque fit hilll appear ono ODO more night this evening rilay may 14 72 la in a choice chants Clia fite and raced nil tied amran pi pa laed bv the abo elite tin thour dail of and ami nevada eVi iila CHANCE OF BILL eff jhb MAMMOTH COMPARY OF TUE TUB V 1 JH cl 0 E asci Is conrail conri il fil tf of alt clini variety perform rford lia melc selected ll fion tho the Allio ibra san I 1 rn rhia ri lck ca opera lloa p san lan franja Ira iii 0 pie io ml k great aiford sin sian Ail oiny of amiblo mento pol irn coiro N it glata city Ne nevinka vinla ll it ot t clasa places of and include llo LIAO follow ing a so I 1 laili nat ats lats tho the aar pol MR I 1 and frankic FRA iKIC alo queen of the ballet IS S allise Al lISL 1 EATS the olly oily california Cal forda fornia clog and sons and DI pance men arad COOP COOPER tle grea graat opt opi brauc iskot as of Binn cLae opera SM segnora and aad si signer bior gallotti allioli al loli voca iala and cra MISSES 1111 AM AID lt IA PETITE tho the mat exponent of dutch comedy Z CI va I 1 XI IDY G tile only ri all all of anat nd vision mn LOWDEN LOnt irand idd families need DJ have no aca t s or lie ita tiou lit iti Lt tending we model xio word to egund 1110 inot critical 1100 11 oo rl HI silulu SEA lb I 1 a 1 CO 60 0 ar r cl 0 C 11 at gt t G W STAN LE y rv i rao ami retail I 1 li 12 CA rocelies Croc ro esies ceries provisions Licu 11 cigars tobacco etc y EIVin A TZ it 1 33 IS II 11 S UI U ailt v I 1 ir L 17 of goods from the ali EASTERN MARKET alie so incite itu parties to our oi ilen ill hil for all Ii qs juls filled rill cil fash cash paid for Prot produce IlIce 1 T office mill alkil store ju in tile briell carimer Cun irr alvet of file ciul tl alfice N ir av fa fv 11 i J ca fal lys r E r it VT n H sy UTAH AND california LU LUMBER na BER COMP Affy dealers in iii all kinds of U material material cols on hand all description mi or utah truckee california lumber shingles AMO 4 4 FULL 0 DORS DOOR ITC TC from the iha ingrio said anil all points aloud aon use line of tuo tile U C P U P U U C and nl II 11 3 office and lamer alber tard OSK alor OF 01 DEPOT salt city cutuli BIRRON CO branch office and br ar Y vaa ID I 1 D onu one liu hill writ ol of ila anpo po ajr hii 5 ft agnit Uri larich africo and SA ROOMS sarf et aboe a salt lake city T N MONEY MONE y T SAVED IS MONEY EARNED great creat saving to consumers dolow below hlll bo faunl a partial list of the llie gooda L b us bat at onka one dollar inc ciul cl brown or bleached shirting tareo bartia double ilou bli v ditl table Duit tak ladled floo fine with fancy ruf rafflea flea or trimmed etli ilia a six bairt to matai roat li flue whito eight eighteen ecra tucked skirt amne german violin with ivory hory tip bow oue azoa all afon baue ouo quarter colub quilt A good ft waterbury aurbury bury clock warranted eight il lt pair wies line white colton co ton hose two ellba bladed pearl acarl lual atIle Euil res light yards vuk black alpaca one huu arel witt album two floo walto six BIX tacked Sla tits our premium list cannot bo ox ex colled coiled to club organizers organ izora l cy yards of calico a good boil at teclo ono al un tumblers willi kit goblets to maack ono dozen linen towels ined luni i fc a right I yards liam ait act of fiher plated balth lah hit bli tes tf to mica on u bite metal two pair ladles german cornali Cor noli gots old cold atry where it it 1 I per pair aizo sizo alo abobo artic artices ls are ironi from 65 55 to cheaper than mo emu bo be purchased qed or of tile tho retail trado trade aral anh hero irB GIVE US ca i olivell cut out cauca ouo or an all number of tho bove and retura to no iota the iho boncy ned convince your tint that acio ucio c do lit bi tier tuy dollar llouis lu its this vur kuil ivr fur and urma to bruh 1 aerl virla tercia Ad andreeli dreeli HORTON CE aco no ko inae street st Xoi alma olo ii 41 GROCERIES les ETO ETC CO coa WHOLESALE I 1 ro r o a c e r s V 1 AND A 1 J i t I 1 1 l c r c i a n t s T 3 tsa II 11 1 I r i i r trl I 1 c ash i agents A blits for L ja brewer bennis L A G E E DR R A 14 P R U aa PJ L E E r M 31 s dealers deale s i in ii Js I 1 sicy CN LIQUORS cigars n it bacon baca I 1 ham shoulder elc eire CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE V ta assacl SS acl barq HORSE aid SHOES blacksmiths and builders nails special inducements to 0 o oa idill tr 11 i l lt lilt miscellaneous ISCEL 0 hafl H s ciari san francisco a and Sacra monto ironto ia fzli A atit 1 t a jr arnom line j lan arn 8 A 1 nom aa A 4 31 I 1 7 ai 0 a 0 0 pin 14 1 i CT 7 59 djin I 1 I 1 2 hi alj 10 ii 5 8 in HUM ZV it 4 I 1 1 in 1 allm 11 23 lathrop 14 11 43 p i n 1160 60 1 45 3 to 01 stock 10 4 1411 lia sacr daprato da crato at ro ra a ai it arrears from OCT treat n tit I 1 urn gat is vat rello binl ad oil ofden I 1 aa atae away my aitt A A r rrex L M eail 2 0 p ID a sunan at I 1 2 w P 5 10 1 I ca iiii I 1 ll 11 a 1 1 01 0 1 m kw ild will 4 13 lt I 1 as pi PT pro ako 10 6 M 2 oad n I 1 5 10 p rn A trite from m arat 1 I 1 ln lean y 13 tor trains running frona ran columba and na tida il t fair or running towar dio san llo y ali bia imbt hand Colli columna tillia and aad real norih naw d hi A S N oarl f T 11 aerah pa 1 FAR FREIGHT count COMPANY ONLY authorized AGENTS PACIFIC RAILROAD s the east E ast to CORINNE AND MONTANA AND THE ONLY PARTIES authorized to make special ratos rates to corinno corinne through bills of lading lacing wa AND TIME guaranteed TO CORINNE for special rates almly Al ply jo io vr ir engral general en cral western agent laii JAS r ACLER condral manager mu 1125 im st louis mo L NV rv iLOK and denler lit in iary hatae 0 1 s goods cloths claths and vestan 3 of tho finest finast quality kept constantly on hand corinno corinne utah 2 lf t aine hse THE BIVER cortes birgl go raj beautiful fir sale at a tl at tb li ills lh Is onu anio of ow ia batt t indent ni nira aured in fit he be tates aud ami luuri of alacia art rc soa old la in the ll 11 IV than of any orbr 1 iulio iu lio ke ra TAN TED AGENTS TU TO raa 00 AA per ill ralo ra lo and nil GOAN li to I 1 introduce the iho improved filar marshall sevvin machine thia will sl liem here foil fell luck tidd bind brall cord did cabrol lor to la a uirt must superior ni dianner anner fri ody afif IS 1 ully fully alid ad warr onrod td for live ewt dearia we W will ry pay 1000 for any maC maclina liua high price or low lo 10 that ill sew a stronger moro more beautt lut or more mor datla acin than ours our it makes duke tho the LOCK stitch b be cut and etui till sa s1 ITCH every cn can ho be clot colu it call not bo be pa aed art spart without twing loving IL 11 wo we ply pay agents to per tul apt or a commission fram via hilb tco tint that on bo be mile for circulars clr cutora aud ud tern dress is km a co mill A aest vork calkios CAL riOS tia do not dot bo be imposed upon by cibor partos parties traveling through the country I 1 linking off under lie aniio in iio really or other too lo 10 ours our is ij the gen tunit and tyli au cheap machiot manufactured OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1 N utah li I 1 W it if manre xea M or of Caari alle city territory did on the ich dy of Ic bruy A P IS N bittor in tho that loni land office oak lit at salt brit uto IALO city U r i for tho CT artl bao nod bamat ir tho md described lidil land to th beof liao ilio dimbly lola 1018 two iwo 2 hi 1 C 6 8 an ill 0 loo lo 10 of li 0 O 6 township dine 0 north rig range all id allty it 2 act containing lu in all one OB hundred bundled 3 so 80 acts cr ally aey right aud and survey claims in the above or balag ofine of tt collit vf tit alanl wil wl lille ilia th same with anti the clerk lh lill ay iy biot court of V T of august A ii wit 11 as by la W I 1 U M U no bayor foco cut aj ta C fazlic calley sae line lilt VALT VAILEY ey igrec rel STITES ml af P r ank fl star afi leave corinne city we at I 1 U G in via alt brigham 61 t lid arlla Fr lla a i balk li ngan LOKI nidai to tonn toda DA in cache at t 6 i p nl DJ dame am dy tua Turdy days 5 ThursdAY Tb ardt 11 lutu lt turning jams 9 at cr tiit 0 P an I 1 at 6 in and nd aal yal same eme ur art frt 10 cc eluo che 5 aud liori aaa B per ti t i |