Show INDIRECT DAMAGES received at a tile ila hothir I 1 this n is imply that gladstone undo ills his promised explanation in the house ilota 3 Q of commons last night lit the antof of the br arit ailt aia iah premier is is to la thol that tho ilia american ant lias has out of its ita position as taken lit in the early p pitt pill itt of tho ilia negotiations tiati ons ile alio opinion that thi codr bour 0 cat at Washington r ol 01 J ht iia hy I 1 W ii ilia prospects of general grant fur for ro clention what this lias hns to d do with ilia alic matter is ii icely but certainly ilia charge of crawfish ti firdous ilia ho or of ilia tafv r and his secretary Sec rotAry of is 13 tile liia reverse The dispatch before ua thit crowded balci les cheered clice reil tile announcement of ir gladstone at annl leaks of ve approbation in ill abe grandillo Gran villo toia tho story it is probably abla that interesting particulars of tho case IK it stani lj fiill coma inthe in the to re of tile tho cven ing ir r to morrow marrow tile tha ril lair tit lit present looks p pleasant casabl to ilia eng lili lih but wa ahro aro a very different erent construction will bs bo faund upon it at washing ton i there lias has been no back doivo doaa grant te the electoral co allego that vill N ill ballot hr far flione he consists con sisti of otas tiido alne e tile alt states tho the yew en engal Eng gli a nd nl and states ilia states 12 rotte vy tile tile iho neg groes I 1 cifa vote veto of liao southern states has been proportionately iacre ased As ai A i there nrc are moro inore than quarters of a million colored colore voters it is plain to bo be can cecii ahai bry if mt 11 yhoUa balance of power power between the parties parti oi they know villa are arc 1 I no 4 |