Show GROCERIES C N 0 w ca L D B E R 01 CS S HOUSE i i eL CO R ian ilka KU natii t 1 aix oix ilin ilat A gil 1 1 JC ghessi ESSi tto ar NOW given to NO TO THE unfortunate NEW KEW NEW dr gibbon gibbons dispensary p ciu KEARNY STREET BT RItT ato L comer coiner tt tf commercial sau san fraucisco oil commercial street lelal balled in 1851 for the treAt mout 0 of 1 foual soual aud seminal aisea i s filch i no aloot saivii turo lure syphilis lu in all it if f forroi for orm toi seminal weakness I 1 0 etc cie sun SLIM dis diseased cased or of bearr lID and ulcerated lego cl CIA tre treated atea rb lin GIDDON has tho re of anno announcing ancl 1 1 that lint ho he to t returned from the iho principal 5 petals of Europe europeans and has the doctor has ahna neither time nor mony in out ont now remedies and lne has returned with for the 01 ol human suffering I 1 reas r m 11 I 1 I 1 of set scalf abaro abafo afa ii solitary vi or deprived depraved be X Is 1 pra practiced iced by the youth tout ol 01 both acres to an ali almost unlimited or ant ut brodu ing ith unerring the following follow lug traio train of morbid unless combat by ac lontine med cal me meairda mea laires li irea ires vie sallow countenance dark spots under tho the eyes pats pala in ID the haij aln ing la is the cars can loiso like rustling of leaves or ro ling c ct cf f chariots uneasiness about blo lolo 1010 weak neDo of the limbs confused blunted loaa of in ap 1 proad afi 0 lloil ll like lil to form now new anqus A a w I 1 than losi of memory nic mory allons cru plona about the faco face beet ot I 1 bishes furred breath bro illi con ff coll gumption sweats motin millia a ad fre insanity ln it if rell f bo be not d i 1110 bould apply PI immediately either in a porton or by ic letter ir all bal evoi av a curo effect effected cAl by hla his nt u slid and C moio odo or of treating this disease which never fits falls ili tida it A and radical curo cura cured at home P 0 esons lit at a may bo be cured a at homo onic by residue a lotter letter to dr gibbon stating cam d loath of urae time the disease litis bas IL 0 a I 1 tre irce from vr 1 I tl 4 acy dy with ir ull full aud and plain direct directions ious fur fr neo nee by 18 15 la in curre Dov in a registered letter through the ilia pott eftim or through vi iveda esa bargo k co A pick of x a bo be by elj cx press prea 5 to any g y og rt 0 of f t he union persons persona writing writ iiii to the roctor doctor will plo csc 1 be mine area of the paper they see neo this a iberti ament in all strictly c 0 ad res DR DB S J r 1 B 0 apa pa ly cox box 1937 san ran california it I 1 aro are endorsed indorsed indor sed nj ana by more leading tiling lc rhy phy elcI snot than any other tonic or stimulant now in use us A SURE preventative tor for fever tad and agee afoa ml and til all ills orders arising from miasmatic miss matic causes are highly recommended as i in an tall lc and la in cuc of indigestion are invaluable lavt laiMo as 0 an o appetizer na ind la in casas of general debility to in pro aro th estt lar cartr i tt rai ralta treccy r barly beneficial BESEr iClAL TO FEMALES strengthening the tb body invigorating the ibo min daud aud giving toab md and elasticity to the halo system the compounded au rith the latest care nl and no DO tonto stimulant list L ever been bcd offered to lo the public SO go T TO TIIE THE and at t the SAMO time combining to 20 muy many agents scouts la is by the medical fraternity as the beat known to the it cott corte ottlo to alto them a edg judg r L hillry carnly S should havo a cottlo we ask atry every ono one to read the iho following from labuy of abo ciot lo in the ati country mitry co BT jaina co gentlemen AB you yon live hato communicated to the mod ical PT the of the nonie bitter 1 it cannot therefore bo be considered as a secret or medicine no hiving been takena forit tor it we wa have OvA mined tho the forniola forn iila tor for making the bomb Bit batteria teriA and say ay iy the bombl nation leitho til the articles la ili its it composition are the best beet of the clui class to which the belong being baling tonic stimulant stor accito carminative mil and slightly laxative Litt lf thomoso alio mola of preparing them Is strictly in accordance with we rules of pharmacy having need them soon its effort IQ in our private practice we tle t le pleasure pIca BUro la in reobia mending thorn thom to all persons desirous deel rouB of ta kingDA bu tho the best tonic anil and stimulant SUm clant not now L 31 T D alb rb roBlEn rM D SI D C arnick 11 D Mo hodowell DOWELL M D 0 A WABE SI 31 D J 0 M U D E A 11 D I 1 dr 0 V F Lt mirio 0 0 U M D W A U D U S man nAL ST sr mo oct 8 19 0 JASA JACKSON co i I 1 have examined the formula for making mauff the nomo silome stomach elt tore and used daod them in tho the hospital for the lut last four moi ehg I 1 them tho the valuable tonic tonio and stimulant now in no MAO L acner sr lena july 6 1870 2870 jaa A co cie ylli the lh forr pla from which 5 our oar col rah datura ato irot I 1 rt and od haviley bivin witness ol the method of abo chodl ic III we vo can safely them as aa abo best tonic which wo we tro are acquainted from tie great cro car with irith which they are ro compau compounded led and nj from the choice which enter into them w ahmo hmo no doubt t that they sethe ydo ervo to to bo be tho the most popular tonic tOLIO find and tn we use yours i T Aty VV D 10 M D blvd t concur f i ili li in the above testimonial COMULKA 11 BI D sous JOUN HARTMAN U M D OnVA oma VAC TUii ISTINE M D JOBS T LI 1 D 0 3 51 D E r 0 0 M D oct 12 1 1870 1970 W D P REIr lik DY dl aco co agents agent I llomo bitter gents agrall blo ble to your request I 1 tite have examined tho the of th the somo stomach litters and fled find tho the rents remo adles it contains such luch as ai tire iro in general use ne by tho the medical profession they aro are very scientifically gull and pleasantly AULI and as ag stimulating tonice will bo be found essentially adapted d atod ts all corroborant alo sto tho treatment of low or debilitated stages of llio alo whether arising from impaired tr from mal arloua arlous diseases dr J IA L A M D it a 0 T Siu 31 p W T M D S 11 B 11 IIII 1111 M D J J 11 D 0 8 T SI D J 11 M D 0 W BIGLER M 51 b II 11 D OA Doi 11 51 1 l d 4 akyi is 0 A I 1 xi iq we have hav examined tho the formula of tho the celebrated stomach litters and and it to bo be composed comro Bcd of article tint that aro are considered tho the boat beat tonics used ly by tho the medical profession and knoof one of tho bout bent bitters wo we know of now in use aae tory respectfully 11 S M 1 n a 33 sillion SIl Vion it 11 DJ 13 ad X 1 0 A MAras ru 8 danam M D for halo by b y nil at A Groc groccia cra jat CO props lanm mf l iffa si treet W ir ti t i ST jn 1140 0 C J a J najt q ns F jT f gaurila itoi rila aa 5 I 1 ethl depot aa a v T a a A or etya sT ya 9 U T 1 rj IT X y A fl LOWE 8 GEORGE il L i f I 1 i r I 1 i y T i r r L L i I 1 L d i elsila Tl sila n 1 fici I 1 3 vs i 11 a A full of tho the celear celebrated abed li it u A UJ P chingo Chiti igo 0 wagon 0 waya ON IIA ND ANU AND FOR fon ALWAYS 1 1410 at rca prices as abeso agon br y male made of 0 tho the very best besl and are kubwa the tha west as the tb best and od most reliable roll ablo w m acon made and aro are WATZ WARRANTED RANTED IN LV RESPECT HESPECT also alao a toll fall stock of wagon boyers all sizes wagon 0 bows thimble skeins wagon woods wagon 0 and Carr carriage iare b ol oi all i 1 ions for sale at the he lowest cash rates also alno constantly CD n lau laal a tull full supply of mowers reaper s and mowers scalf rakin raking reapers readers Re apers threshing M machines ac h I 1 nos sulky rakes flakes plows crain craan drills I 1 i cap carig plows 21 anil and til all ands of fit the but beat ida latest improved farm ana me chinery sl N conr evir tilt the depot IX po y t felt ch swo ab JOB AUX lans hf j 11 B oaf toH N E baj T E R I 1 a L belf le lf bo iw AT alir aa cl aoh ooh ei naj i reporter Ee porter office ni nl 20 A 1 1 of c 1 I i ff fj I 1 1 SAN 1 1 1 I o ericc Ir S L L COLIM a i fr ellk if y jyoung J m 1 bo found an truc corso i wines liquors aud and 0 aigars al so AT S L 1 7 southeast lat corner of 0 montana anil and fifth alio trade Cr aillo of alio J X T V U ma FL Z X 0 17 S L f Is invited to this COMPLETE establishment WHISKIES itye ily band 3 and 7 yen beart a old old virginia rye hye Bo nour lion no bourbon urbon 1111 lers extra Cont fion bourbon urbon otar lir I 1 ras do a ideal CS in abble antl ail itala s itose ilou 14 AV nori boll Koi J ty rj I 1 f GIN s airn t r n A black S tiras A illicit if u 11 n 15 tj 1 I 1 77 1 BRANDIES 1 dufily Ua iii joice iro co b V vo co 10 D D I 1 a no is d it POUT PORT WINK ivina V P D da co P V calico miling Mili gg N cling Itch loick S co california CALIF california OUNIA WINES AVINES ENGLISH ALE 1 CASE GOODS PORTER r C CIDER 11 fi 1 1 R RITTERS iva I 1 C 1 s CIGARS WHOLESALE SALE AIND RETAIL T S SIR S L u Bui ilc UNION m PACIFIC mm wm RAILROAD the great PLATTE VALLEY ROUTE la Is now dally daily trains forming in ID connection with A ith the central pacific railroad and III all rall rail route 0 to o californi Califor nw and the COAST throngs to sim san francisco in less lesa than four days Al kolding tuo the danfore dangore of cl the st S 2 t a direct communication made at C 0 MIT aa L esa with chicago and nl northwestern chicago roi t laland and dd pacific and ht hl joseph and bilu all bluffs anil and river line of packets to and from all 11 ll east its ana mon thern cluce cities ts t S 3 FIRST claa clara j HOTELS AND ratum USES at convenient pills on the aas ae PulL Full nana mauls palace welling an and d dra ili room cars all TC cb for through rates on freight to montan maLer mince and aad other points apply to 11 gen oral freight gent agent A omaha 7 E goni supt bupt 0 W ant goal sup L fran CIS COLTON COLTO geni gen I agent omaha chicago norl ain vestern Ka It ilnay ailway shortest line sea Clil cago tile alic old line raal fall trains and sure the calabratta calabr atea PALACE DINING AND SLEEPING BLE ErING CARS osiana AND CHICAGO two ally in wah tralys ron on OVION PACIFIC MAO malo sure inre connection it at chicago liu all ohlhof the EASTERN AND SOUT HERti ROADS e tickets and all U in ID r re barj gar to freight 0 of DAVID 0 it co agents salt halt lako city or of agents of union pacific road WW 13 1 STRONG arent amit council bluins OnI onnal alla ri p 0 L DUNLAP orol goal akl arent gen I 1 burt bayh 11 chicago chicago gilmer salisbury Salis burys s ill piri cwi n nnie AND n allu LINE FROM 0 0 R r N fsr TO VIRGINIA CITY HELENA and FORT DENTON BENTON MONTANA CARRYING cAnn yiNO THE UNITED STATES MA I 1 LS AND A N D wells fargo 13 co a Ex express presse aba coambes leave coi lune dally daily for virginia city aud fort denton mondana Mon lanA itji enwer trains both wa a of tho cutras I 1 railroad good stock new conches nud aud quick time TIM HENDERSON AGENT CORUN NE n J ia EE HE Ono CERIES ETC cocq WHOLE SALt i AND riFE RETAIL TAIL 1 tr U ce es 11 it ell AND ii 1 46 G GENERAL BEER EH CHANDISE Us T cattey THE I 1 t A i largest cb stock TN itt I t T f j 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 ji J i 1 t 1 I 1 1 V 1 I ANDS AND sell at lower rates A i 1 ij 7 r r w I 1 L I 1 than min auy any other lionie i s if |