Show persona mrs 1 l G moore arrived name thib morning after a visit or several man months ti is with tin fit ii anil and relatives nt at los an calig fornin colonel J G J abter of helena arrived heri hen by ast 1 evenings from froin marengo P lili nois i whither whit lier lie wen went a faw weeks ago on 11 amsil to liis finity lie ife leaves fur ur his home in ill montana by tomorrows to morrows coach chillier rich of Doz ernan montana SIon lana is ii ri r from froin tire and will acin tin hero on but business Lutin iness a 1 couple of weeks major vi win m llyn durm went down to salt falc city on to attend professionally sio nally tho the district cobit rev josiah 1704 11 of SU salt lake will preach in tile airi t presbyterian church lico lic o on art next sabbath Sali balli |