Show FROM MONTANA we condense the foil louing items fiem tile gazette of april giuli hiram gray atas as married to afre sarali sarah B griffith Griffit li nt at crow creek on march nrc are advertised for and laborers the montana immigration oration society elected tile rul following lowing off officers leers major J JI boyer president C hodges hedge vicc C J lyster treasurer seth bullock allock IS secretary anil and L 11 II boyle corresponding sec rotary active meng ures to direct immigration to montana will la be imin lately iniste t cited twelve steamers Et camers are arc londing loni ling at st loun louis anil and other ellior points on the missouri anil and mississippi for rort benton this abi season this divergence of freight I 1 ia attributed to the detention of freight on tho the union pite ifie it is ii 01 or cr three thousand miles from st louis to rort benton alio aar acl freight line Lino docs not intend flint the boots boats shall pet get all tho the freight it gives its his rates at per hundred pounds from chicago or st louis louia to corinne P garrison wyatts train arrid at helena from crow cheik where they were in gvinter quarters freighters tay eay the iho early last beason made them heavy bettry losers alio the lim has tile ful lowing items I 1 littly ire are turning out prot ty LY thick on lillio street now ft a days daya ivo vo saw one today to day who measured fifty efty six bin inches around ill hit waist 11 tile tho heralds local must go around fur for items with willi a tape lint in his hia rocket pocket X share resplendent on our zeree ts yesterday dressea in silver tipped embossed act of buckskin shirl abart imported ported direct farr froma tha edilh lh frontier noo no X buys everything in corinne |