Show miscellaneous aussey dahlor bahler vol go lucre asora to 0 o itelson lort ca ea Z 3 1 l SS ea M za 2 ra I 1 UTU U the stockholders of 0 the first national bank of utah compete tie cis arm arco dust coin z E exchange acht ait ac BOUGHT ANO AND will n ill prompt attention SPI if co partnership rai HERETO J foro exi AlLig under the tbt firm fai bl name adi U BLICK BLACK fc C Is 1 this day dissolved by content consent ellacir parquer ill aljo eln in ID settlement ett loment ol of tho brain tse birch 1 signed HENLEY HENKY CALL jbf BUCK BLACK monnon MO I 1 nor WU vu IJ eiss la ia announcing to tho ab 10 0 cill bill black k co inform their friends mil and the pub to lc abat laxy wood to close out entire stock a ith as KUM dili delay so a ioba iio ulli b e and acil at prices tint that will lie be an la in for all U to par hass from them they have altos A very large stock of unset stones coa crabl ru bullos llos cameos etc ach they the will set it to order at t low rates their lor for silverware will be continued to enable thera to meet any demands in that line liao A A new york JUST E impose of polygamy iii ia nab by urs mr T C U STE of st lite city illus by j r this In temery interesting book Is if the only revala NOR llon of THE INNER LIFE or OF r THE MORMONS ever almo 20 pa paper tl 00 cloth bound 1160 tl 60 for far rate ual by all ty NEWS CO C 0 A Y aitchi AitCH 1 for the lio tra tanile ite california TRADE THADE THE california POWDER WORKS 14 california street 4 ivya yo AN 4 aco manufacturers and have aare OR on hawl SPORT NC I 1 N it AM IN of QUALITY ck THIS THE WILM MILIA it being befog cuianu c ed dani anil into inlo the hie interior interim I 1 I 1 a do 10 lo IN cred to the consumer wilbir a tew few da a or of the abo time line of itt manufacture out ami jr i la in very way aap iap an ap c te if in ii 31 arlot we ao have been awarded THREE GOLD Q S by the iho end tn is STATE for or maio tho t n of our products over all others othar wo we woo 0 o call 11 attention to our HERCULES powder POW DEh which tho ilia force of other aprong 0 explosives 2 11 now lit in use uno aud and tho ilia lidija f dorco orce of as 1 alio llio 3 1 DEST 0 POWDER flux tt making it vastly fiut y superior to any na other compound now in use A circular containing a of f this po der can hs it oo on application to our officio or of any of our agents JOHN F r 1 secretary J A CREIGHTON as ly Coti Cori nue V U T miscellaneous THE AT ril rilon P 1 I A S la the iho purest in tono tone tho the most powerful tire most elegantly finished ilia most durable and will r in ia tuno longer than any I 1 other an A li 7 vetios write for cletu ar J I 1 L 6 hablik GEM r IANOS tc t c are durable boo flo otono FP 1 ru Aclin jb min 9 nj lof priced try 0 I 1 18 a t ten u r a Lix rally AC mara llin atto dealt with sor lor ill ali a arc 0 tuly fury go tho IS stoy Oo 00 botto t tto d 2 Ois aai 1 to io Is holcel hOL cil idajo Dayno buy no ollier calland call ilij bear them at STREET at S vo MO circulars mailed on application VIELE L MILLS general agents al E AA arje T AI MARKET amariel ARIEl to sr I 1 cor car and Sli siai titis street eti LEVI fresh meats and poultry kept constantly on hand BECI 1111 HUTTON VEAL GA GHIE itt at ul and retail tho the best ments meats at the lowest price CJ market open at sunrise every day Sni niK 9 of f all 11 liali camle frola ho 1110 bent icus nanny i its in street near sixth milli ja llna ll I 1 na ai ASSAY OFFICE sir sirteen teet SALT LAKE CITY I 1 hive have opened an n office at tho the above plate and aad m now prepared to io do sl ell kiad or of feeal ing camp a of oro received melt or eturea promptly and nd retura tho filo foll ontas its day J 11 iolli TAX x I r OTI IS 13 HEREBY GIVES GIVEN THAT alin L loll l oll tox X tor for tho ilia byoir 1872 ll is now duo antl payable to ufa ALIX TOP OaCE Soper loor corinne Cor laae april 3 1 apa p lw miscellaneous TO mamo IDAHO AND MONTANA HARNESS AND shoemakers 0 cay C 0 ay alfill co tanners and wholesale leather dealers eslo opened a branch house ll LA S ALT 4 lr rr iliakis alx crry v I 1 rith vi lah a ful and comp completo lito stock toe of RE HARNESS AND SHOE LEATHERS AND FINDINGS our stock stoc is fargo arsa and complete embracing in our line Sail illers 4 mill tool atooli 4 ms at UN U N 9 eaf ah D outania street Cori Corli ime tine dollor in grain 37 lour Ioui lo ur PRODUCE MUD ViEGE vegetables TABLES the cheapest store in corinne butter and eg eggs ca s made a speciality ly by cov I catl JT ea second baad goods gooda of til an faila bought liOB Blit naj and old LOG y W corinne 0 o finlie branch dr or OP TIIE G abat WESTERN WEST BBS m F IRE P mw mw COMPANY OF CHICAGO CiHI CAGO S X f RIX president NAT AIT ETCH director C P attorney i W 11 ClA StOTT llana linas ger cr EV CD orm and L adal di tor sor baard A Brasic lt or of this Soil sonol lind anif V diable COMPA bating been organized in our cly city we ve are now noir for business sad ami caru emily imi vt monago that all fire risks ft ill bo be car tried at uta a fair rate to alif niya tf W v I 1 II 11 I 1 cache valley stage sage line lille r eipur r VALLEY UN I 1 red STATES AlOu diya and freddys Fr lilya at t fl 6 a m via til drulak city wellsville logan slid ahl ill all towns iu fix cache valley at frankau at 6 p m ramo day lit lacavo avo franklin tuesday thursdays and at 6 0 a m mi arriving at corinne 6 p la same day rim fine coaches tai and first claf horde fr 10 per fit muc mile SAY SAM HOWE alj lt HOWLS HOTELS AND AKU restaurants metropolitan hotel lva zlatana UTAH nilsa proprietors IT is A arst CLASS UTY located commotions commodious anil and will arranged tho the rooms are neatly rd and comfortably furnished the tables are always supplied R ith the boat the market agoras fresh oysters always layaou ou hand and served up la in any style on short botic tho the bit bar is ii lilt the cincot wines V luea arid nd cigars ily il y SILVER STIR STA HOTEL montana i west went of tho tao bank of corinne AND star 11 iiran corner of attal north 41 th diamond rt warehouse LEVIS SILVER proprietor cz acy first frt art clean houses fitted up v mill atit til all ilia mox mol abao lia HOTEL city montana VAI tatt 17 3 J II if ayvis DA VIS riche annor TO nis a id frienda end the iho public generally that lie ho boo be taken charge of this well known bougs Ii outto and long lone experience in the business and attention Attea tion to the auto of alaj him bleil la in m the people first class the tables will nul be ba aljo af forda by tio coming to ile capital carl ctrl vir evir 2 alili 11 11 1 city 1 1 za W will 1 if and it to their to stop at the 1 1 aaa lille uel ue l 1 1 board by tho the AILY 1 woo acol it alo M board aua and por per week it 11 am HOTEL X va 39 30 haw M alsi street EL EITA TAITA this hi hotel is located in tho centor center of tho the city and Is tha cheapest and best housa in montana ruit aoi 6 n 1 A GEO CEO S KENNEDY 1372 SEASON 1072 J I 1 A CREIGHTON CREIGHT 09 CO FORWAR UKi MD COI IV MERCHANTS tits will giva their prompt personal pors onil attention to the hecei ring ind and of freights TO ANO AND IDAHO freight promptly ot fit lowest going rates mark consignments Consign ments caro J A C co corinne Cor iune 0 0 helena SI T fuller deer lodge loille S B D rice V virginia irginia city IV W IVI V omaha alia nb ab PRINCIPAL OFFICES HELENA 11 T IT 11 T fa it if iff W W MULL E BrIth bricklayer byer aud and Pla plasterer none KOB int the li liet workmen employed emplOy eJ miscellaneous UTAH MH AND california mm LUMBER COMPANY aoi july ii 17 vici 1 I 1 1 E napa tr Ss ay tx t e sl S I 1 f lito 3 I 1 C 43 4 3 0 0 0 i s r joir J J I 1 F r 7 7 dealers in all kinds 0 of f 1 i t building material lumber doors vone vonc tian minds blinds all kinds Moul dings chico sugar pino ceiling 1 siding mooring loor ins california REDWOOD RUNT ac SIDING a FLOORING doors sash adlinda and orders for mill MIJI promptly filled all anno ond through lh of tho Cow principal office located at salt sail lako city vr G U aus aaeng at corinne Corl J iffe GUTHRIE and Ii gotai dealer la ia 11 II w PRODUCE AND PH 1 0 montana iMon duni 0 cori coriline lint rot dot een COD sil ani il cb elice eLi roots cl tot lot in unis linds un is or of fancy aud groceries iroc cries outfits Out fiting nog 0 goods AND coux rRY PRODUCE constantly on oil hand CASH PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE ji under lutter and beggi eggi akande a 0 orders order by mad or teleZ telegraph raph promptly attend cato it to and D lot of rough luni law bm ber va hand nili tl t |