OCR Text |
Show j SYNOPSIS. TI' i..rr i. . na eli II,.' alilpwr" k .f ' "i,. . -,'. . i.i, 'i Mi. . ' i . I. h. .11 An. ...i 1,. h. ... I I W I.,. II, ;- . ..ii I.. i i ,,.,1 T,,n, III,,!.... TI,. i','.'." , ,'."'i'..'.'.'l uiJ.'i," n'"."!ii'u.'.i'h. lr.,!.. .i'" I i'i. !.."'..!.',.'. ".'Im" Mi"' "..lo I I'" r....Ki'ii. .. I i'ii" I" r,. l"--i-r .,f II..- I.l.l" nr Ti,- I on i ... . .n, l,.f II,., I.aml ..I M . I... .11. M, ...in.. In. inai im.'.i. ' ai.r-M.' r,.r i.lh li i p. i. r.-. l.v III ik.' Ail Hit... ,. .n.iiii. i. I I n I" "Id. 1 n,'- Ir.irn in. a,,n Tl.-v II,. i, I....I..I ,, .or,,,,.,!., tl nly i ' i ' I a. I...II.. a. I n I i.. l .r II ,, .. I. ,r .1. ,l. iai,. 1 I" I ' - II f ..'.. i a tr. .n i .r ..rh . Mi.. I,. I,. an m. ' .i.i .ii,, , ,. Ml., i . t v.r.d l,ia 1,,'a'n..," "ll. .,,',1,'d"" ",','."; iti',' a"",'. - I " a" l..,.,,. t ii.. rma a,.. . ,1 i .1.. In II,., Ir. .rd-. . i. m ne t hum a .m ill l,"ine Thy H..hir, t, , hfr. l.v l.-l. II,.. I...II,,,,, f . ,, I, f. II ii,.ui.I II,. I. . 'am. Tl.a Irl.. a.. ,ir.-1 t.. Ir..rn II,. .una Mi., ly.llr'a al,n. aaur waa .1. . I.t.-.l ,,rw,n a. a .lanal Ml., l.-.lla ma, I. a ,lr... fr,,in II,. I.,.p.,r, aain in . rli.nriiiK a ,,.... ,i.,n I-. I..n llh.H. and Tlninr.,,.'. Miaa la-.li. h-i ,.m.. f.lKhl. Winn, r',, l.nui. Ill all I, r.v.r I I .. b a w... .i..,u.d l.v a n.h and ,.l..,.,.l dlMt Jn.lala all,..k..l lha .-artiti II, al nlffM. but w.-re .Irl. ait err I. v II. ,,. . I. ..- Ill.ika nn lad an ant leal I r. . II kill. l a l,..i,n 'm a l,,ur II. .. trie d ..rr.l h,.i,.v and ....l.ra Ml.. ...'l.. .,. ',,., I,,., l.v a la.ia a anaka. In .l.,' kill.d II and a..-l lla a.l-a..n a.l-a..n kill ,n," I',,r II," a.". ml II'"-VMnll,r,,... II'"-VMnll,r,,... m,i. alia, k.d l.v r...-r II. and III, ik,. ,ll-,ti,..l 'I'm- lull'T made ,1 ul' vil". i.. ill. a . a'.-'l'iiuna CHAPTER XIX. Continued. "Mr. Mr. Illake. prny do not ! exrlled -II menu, plenail exeiian me. III. " Vim ra rrrmliiK down Blek!' be .lllll ' Nn, nn' I have) nn fever." "Then ll'a the aim. Yet you onthl In keep up there where Ihe air la fleaheat. I'll Illlike you n ahaile." She prote.ted, and withdrew, aomo-what aomo-what hurriedly, to her tree In ihe mornliiK llhilio waa ironr iikiiIii' but In.li'nd of n note, healde Ihe lire alianl the amutler nntelotie akin (otiverled Inlo ft Kteul biimhiHi rlliln , autiHhiidn. Hho apenf the rlny aa iiaiiul on the henilliind. There wna no wind, nnd the aim a....M l.l., I, ..I ll.it will. h..r bit: aunaliude to protin't her fiotn the illreet niva, Ihe hent waa at leaat en-dttrahla. en-dttrahla. Hhoaven found enemy to work at a haW4- aaX.Ua. aaW aaaaa vHaamafrttfaw tn weiiva nut of lonK. roarae Kiuaa; yet Ihere were fieipietit lulerviila when her hnnda aank Idle In her hip. and hr Itareil away over the ahlmmerliiK Klnaay rxpanan nf the neenn. In Ihn afternoon thn heal hirnme oppreaalvely anlirv. and n hunt alow awelt hi'Kiin lo roll ahorewutd fnun beyond Ihe dlatiitii hnrl.on. ahowltiK no Irure of white ulntiaT lla oily neafe until they broke over Ihe rout! reef a There mil a breaii; nf air allrrlua. mid lor n lime the reefa an iheeked Ihe roller Hull Ihev linked f.nee lo drive on In mid break iipun Ihe iH-aeh Hteailllv. however, the aw.ll me heavier, IIioukIi nut an liiu. h aa a rafa iiiw rltrued the ileiiil Hinfne.m of the aiiiery bllloeka. Ilv aimaei they were rolllllaT hllth over both llnea nf r'efa and rnrhiK ahotewiird lo break upon the heneh and Ihe i HIT font In furhnta tirf The atlll nlr leverl.eriile.l with Ihe biMiliiliix of the breiikem Vet the Klrl, liihind bred mid tttiveraed In weather lure, ant heeilleaa mill llldlf ferent, her eyoa fixed upon the horl ion lu a variinl aiure. Her reverie v.aa lit l.ial dlatllllied by Ihe peeitlliir behavior of the aeafnwl. 1'hoae In the nlr rheh-d iiinuti'l In a llllllllier atrntllie lo her. while their .natea on the le.l.'.ea an, Idled r.-ll,'H.h llliolll liver lllld lu-lweell tltetr lle.ta There waa a alulller nnie than u.iiitl lu their illai'otilant I'tiiiiior. Yet even when alle Klive heed to the hh.la. Hie Kill failed lo really... their 'Ilium or to aetlae the ImpelldlllK dull k-er It waa only that K leelluu of ilia lill,-l b id lil.it.en the apelt of her rev erle: II 'lid tint olittllde upon the tl. 1,1 "f ll. t eieiai liilli III, ,u III Hhe Nluhe.l and in e to i - t in n lo Hie i l. lt, Ml) wonderinc that the air ahinil.l seem ii anil iv lluill ill midday Tin ,. uliar anpe iiaiiee of the ami mid Ihe .ve.tein ai.v nieaiu notliitiK mure to her Ih i.i an udd eff. et of eolnr iitul lidil Ml,,- Miulliii-h eiimpureil ll 11 Ii an tiiieiui'i at a h .n -..t painted hy mi iM-l lil. ml or Ihe 1 1 ii i . r.--1. . ii I -. t ill. ail N. Illier WIlilhi.M'e nor Illake w.ia In all-Ill when ahe i ."in Ii,',! Ihe haul, nil. and nel'li, i ii, :u, ,1. lluiuiUi .he ile Hied Mippei unill dm k II as unite ' oaalble lllllt Ihev llllil l'e before hel' eiuiii and had iiiilie of? n u.iiii. the Kiu-li.hiuitu to iloe and Illake on an veuitK liuui At laat. lli.il i.f vvaltlni:. -.he eoveied the the and leine I Into her tieeiave Tile air III the ileft waa Mill III, lie ..lll'.ini: lha i nn lh" heii'llnn,!. She panned, w.' h her hand upialaed to 'In... Ihe p.vv tnitit; door Mm hlld (nipped It open when r.)ia l-allle out III .he mill lllliK Alter H tnoliielira heal till Ion. ahe w ent ,iu ai l "as the hollow, leavlh',- the .1. !' Hide open. "1 Will teal ll Utile, mill lie later." ahe kIkIk.I Sha f. . wean and ileme- '. An hour ' . ,. 'M- . lav ll... I '.. Weft. .... tile iciUs Itad hiiiihi'd their alnlll note. 1 ntili hinnnl waa a muttled re ' ,,'i i itu eeho of tha aurf roartuif, - nar" ". J A.' "ij-i . .Wj i "I Know Already I Know All." upon tha aenahoro. lien, 'nth thn ulunl apri'nd of the baubiib all wuh bluek-neaa. bluek-neaa. VWatnaathtnw mnrat tfl a bllatl a t title way down Ihe ch-ft. A eroiirhlna: flKure nppenreil, dimly outlined In the atarllKhl. The flaure en'pt aleiilihll) arroaa Into the deiiaer nlKht of the laxo huh The darkneaa Wooed uhouf It like ahrniid. A hllmlliiK flnah of Mailt plere.,1 the hlnrklieaa Tho llfilre balled atnt 1 eruuihed lower. IhiuiKll Ihe flaah had Kiiue iiualn In n fri'.-ilon of a ai-eond A dull tunihlliiK mliiKled with tin reaaideaa Inaiin of Ihe aurf. A a. l'.ilid lln-ll IlKhled Ihe i lelt Willi Ita ll.irllUK I'OI'Uai'iltloll. Thla Hum the ereepltiK llitnie iliil not ball. Kiilu and iikiiIii the forked llk'hl llllilt alt'eiikeil aeio.H the alii, everi atinke more vivid than the one before The rumble, of thu dlataul tliuiulei lie. ietlei lo a heavy lollltlK vthli llj ilouilliateil ihe dull roar of tin hre.il, i era. The alorm waa eonilui; with the on ruh of ii loruiido. Yet Hie louieaj hum: motlouleaa In the atlll nlr. ami , Ihere waa no hound other than the, thunder ami the hoomlui; of the auif I he IlKhlnliiK tlaieil. one atloke upon the other, with ii hrllllmiey that III I up the rave'n Interior ImIkIiI'T Ihaii ul ml, I .I n In Hie while elate the Kill l Win llll-ope. I'loueheil helienlh her lipalvulo;! .hint : and hla I.e .- waa tia 'be f.n e of I U benal. j CHAPTER XX. Tha Hurricane Bl.ttt. TT Hit II 1IH.1II, 1,1 lhat aeemeil 'E " '""ineiit ill nlly "he la on her h. d atailliK Inlo Iho blank darkneaa. The atorm hur"t wlib u eiiishltm uproar lhat hrouWii her lo her reel with a .-.hilek II. i Khint treo I'l eaked and at mined un,,,, the lllipnel of the terrllle hurrlemie li!i;.-.U lhat came howlltiK throui'.li the eleft like a rout of alnlel.lnu le tnl. The peala of llllllnl, r merued hit, i line eolltluuinia roar. iH'iieaih whleh the aelld ledKea of roeka lulled and .uh ereil. rhe akv w.ia ll pall or blaek elinnla. lue.he.l with It ihl.lhiK net wink ir linked lUhllilnn The kil l alood nun I, , nl, h., alunrn d j by Ihe uproar, hit, ill,:! by the hlln.llni. Itl.ire ,i lh,, lllllll, I, limits vet ei., mote fearful of the llmll'e ivhleh even tl.i-li allowed her Mill luikliif bnneiitli the .hair A KU-t borne bmiith atruii. with hiiiiitilni; liuTe analnal her mi rail-, d at ui I tin ahe took no h I She waa unaware of lha awlrl of rain im,l Kthka and lo . . t'M waa ilrlvlns In, tlllOllKb " " ' 'I e:li ui, p , .liu r ahnok free I ' .n u- i . , a "ll hllll' I vii'lt nil. at ' of 1 . Ii. im-e bar. There wus i-k H...I pier. , d aboie the aln lll .t- he r.velnue a allele hliluull iub girl aprani; arroaa the rave The heavy door avi'lahail up li. foiu her nnd down attain. Ill lower e,lne all bin 4iinlim har faee Kor ii iiuiuieut Ii stopped III a vortical poaltlou un4 hni qulverlnir. Ilka a beaat about to leap upon Ita prey. Too tixrltod to feniprehond the daimor nf tha art, the rfrf tirnnit 'forward and ahot onw of the tlrk hara Into lla aoeket. A fcrr xuat leiiped aitalnal tha outer out-er fm of the diKir anil Ihruat In upon II, alr.xlng to burat It hodllv from Ita heuiliai. The top nnd the free aide of th) bottom IhiwdiI In. Hut Ihe hrnneo won hi ill Kreen nnd loiiKh, iliw tramiroo like whiilehono mid the hrunkon rreepera held Ihe ft nine lo-Kellur lo-Kellur aa tholiKh the Joluta were Inalixl wlih wire rop. Kulllnii to aiiuiali In Iho elaatle atriii'lure or to nap Iho rroaabar It were na If the lllll Ht tlutllt llaeir llllerillllel) ilKllluat th top nnd bottom In a Ib ree attempt to again whirl Ihe frame about. The ahlte ulate alreallllllK III llirnill'll the Ititaratleea Khovved Ihe K I I lu r upper itinlly. She Kt'iiaped tiiiother bar and ihot It Into lla aoeket ua Hie lower lutrl of ihe door Kiive hai l, wllh Ihe hlfllllK of the pleasure to Ihe lop. It iia then a Htiuple mntier to alble tho reuiiiliiliiK Iniia Inlo the diapaiiuk b"lea. Wit lilu half n mlniitr ahe had niiule Ihe dmir faal from Ihe flral bar to tho alxlll. heavy apruy v. us headtiK In upon her tliiouuh Ihe i hlnka of Hie frame work. She drew link ami hoiikIh xlielier lu u iilehe al the aide. N.ir rtw aa wna Ihe lll iihove the toi of iho dorr. II let In a torrvnt of water, whleh apouteil Wear neriiHa and aualiial Ihe (at wall of Ihe eave. It Kuahed down upon her bed mid waa already ItoodluK the eave floor. Slie piled hklier Ihe loeoanuta ored In her nlehe, and pen bed her-aetf her-aetf upon tho heap tn keep nltove the ,tter. Hut eevn In her aheltered ror-mr ror-mr the eddylim wind ahoweied her with apray. She waded iiero..rt for her akin covered Hiinshinle, hiiiI returned ' to huddle beneath II. In Ihe atlll mla i ery and terror of a hunted animal that ttaa crept wouud'-d Into u hole. 1 DurltiK the flrnt burrleamj ibero had : ta-eu compiinloiia lo whom aim could Ir k for help and comfort, unaf ahe l-ul been to a di'Kree una. ire of the . treat head of the daiiKer Hut III the few abort weeka allien ahe had mucin I more tbnii one Kllmpae of I'rlmeval V.-iiurtvahe of Iho bloody fang, blind, n niiiraelesa. Inaatiaula. deal my Inn. I "er deal mi Ihk True, thla wua on aelld luml, while ra-rore there had been the peril of the aea. Hut mw the Klrl waa itlouo. ttiii- ' aide Ihe aliutulni: walla of her roruue. the hurrleano yelled and ahrleked mid mured a hiadleaa, foi nileag umuater. hu l. ma to Inn hi In upon her. to overthrow over-throw her alamh old Iroe Klmit. that in hla fall hla shuttered trunk mlulit ,'iush and maimle her. Or at any In-' In-' ant a thunder bolt ralitht rend open I tho grout tower of living wood, und hurl her bluekeiied body Inlo Ihe pool on the cave floor Once alio funded that ahe heard Illake houtliit. r.itslde the d"or; but whan ihe aereanied 1 mix ft I J reapotiae. the blast mocked her with ecbnliiK ( shrleka. mid ahe dnred not venture to I tr.-o the door If It were Illake. he ! dtd not about UKuln. After a lime ahe I h..an in think that the aound luu miiiaiiiirTiapii.AJ.iiJU - xai-- ' iwaaxaina been no more than a fivnk of the vhirtltiit wind. Yet the tlm'lillit iif hllll out In the f ill fury of lh" lyclone aeived to turn her ihoui;hta fiotn her own dancer. She prnved iiloud for hla auM'ty, la'aeeWiinit Iind that he lie apure.l. She aouubt to pray oven for Wlnthrope. Hut ihe vlahm of that heaatly ftiee roae up b.'fore her. and ahe could nut --then. I'reaenlly ahe I ane aware of a rhniiKe In Ihe alorm. Thn lerrlflo Kuata blew with yet nn'oier violence. Ihe thunder iTuahed heavier, the IlKhl-nlfiff IlKhl-nlfiff filled the air w-Hb a flume of dilltlllllK white llltht. Hut Ihe ruin no loniter Kuahed neroaa en Ihe aimt where her lied had been. It wua i n-lerlng n-lerlng at a different mini", and lla force wua Imikcn by the Ijauid In the thick wall of the entraucn. After a time, the deluxe dnahed aalant Ihe entrance, en-trance, gitahltiK down Ihe 4uor In cnlarnct nf fontn. Another Interval, and th driving downHitir no longer atritck even thn edK" of the opening. The wind waa yeerlng rapidly aa the cyclone center moved pnat on one aide. The area of the hurricane waa little more than Ihrlre that of a tornado, and It wua advancing along Ita cnurao at great apeed. An hour more, and the out-ermoat out-ermoat rim nf the huge whirl win paaalng over the cleft. Quickly the hurricane gnats fell nwuy to a gale; thn gule became a breeze; the breeze lulled and died awny, atlll. 'd by the torrential tain. Within the bnohuh nil wna ni:aln dark and alletil. I'llerly exhausted, the girl had aiittk back au.ilnat the friendly friend-ly wall of the tree, and fallen nahi-p. She wna wnkened by Imarae call: "MIhm Jenny! MIkh Jenny, nnawer me! Are you all right?" She atarie.l up. barely anvlng her aetf from a fall ua Ihn hlg unhneked hula rolled benouth her feet. The mnrultiK aiiiillWit wna aireauilng In oyer her door. She aprmig down tinkle-deep tinkle-deep Into the mlie of tho cave Hour, and rnn to looaen the hum. Aa the door awting up, ahn dnrled out, with a cry of delight: "You am a.-ife ante! .mi. I t.a iai uiium uir Ju. iui you're drenched! You muat bultil Ore dry youraelf at once!" "Wall." aald Illake. "I've got to tU you aomcihliiff." ' He caught her outatretched humla, and puaheil them down with Kctitle force. Ilia faro waa grave, ullnoat aol-emn. aol-emn. "Think you can aland bnd newa I ehoek ?' i What la IIT You look ao tniime!" "Ifa iilamt Wlnthrope aomethlni very bail" She tuni'it. with a t-'tiap. and hid her face in Iter liatida. ahudderlng aittb horror und loathing. "(lh! oh!" ahe cried. "I know al ready- I know nil!" "All"" demanded Illake, all, ring blankly. "Yea, all! And und ho made nn think It waa you!" She Knaped, and fell silent tllake'a face went while, lie apokr III a clear, vibrant voice, tenae na an overatntlncd violin Htiltig: "I am ape.-iklug- about Wlntbrope under aland ine? Wltithiopc. lie hue been bntllv hurt." "Tho door awuiiK down und alruek hliu. when he wua creeping In." Cod!" roared Illake. "I picked him up like u atek baby the tonal! 'an lid of grinding my heel In Ilia Nice! tied' I'll" "Tom! don'l don't even apeak ol II' Tom!" "(!iid! When a helpleaa girl when a!" lie choked, beahle lilinu'lf with rage. She apraiiK to him. and chiikIh hli aleeve 111 a convulalve gruaii. "Hush for tnercy'a aake! Turn Hlake. reiuiiiu ber you're a inun!" Ho calmed like it ferocious dog ul Hie voice of lla ninsiet , but It waa aev nil nilnuiea before he could In I tin himself to obey her Insistent iirgluti that he ahoulil return to the Injured uuu "I'll go," be nt luat growled "Wouldn't do It even for you. hut he'i good ua dead lucky for Win!" "Dead!" "Dying. You amy away." He went nrouttd the ntiohub nnd a few pHcea along the Weft to the pluci-where pluci-where a limp form lay huddled on the ledi:ea. out of the mud. Slowly, hi thntiKli drawn hy the fnactuatlnn ot horror. Iho Klrl crept itfier him. When alio anw the broken, atorm beaten limn; that hud been Wlnthrope, ahe Mopped, and would have tut tied back After all. aa Hlake hnd aald be waa living V. hen ahe at. Kid at the feet of Ihe wrl liluK tUuro, mid looked down Intu Hie battered fine. It te,ulred nil her will power to keep from fulnilng Hlake frowned up nt her for an In Hunt, hut aald nothing. Wlnthrope waa apayklng. feebly nnd brokenly, yet distinctly: "Iteally. I did nut luemi any harm m Hist you know Hut a man does not nlwaya have control " "N'ul a beast like you!" growled Illake "Ow! Don't It me! I say now. I'm don for! My legs are cold already " ITU UC CUNTINI'KU I |