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Show THE PEST By BERTON B RALE Y. of the many folks who drje. the majority will in To be moderately careful as they go; It is more or lest their code as they spin along the road To give other drivers something of a show; , Now and then, of course, you're stuck bj sonu- driver of a truck Who will hog the road while traveling in first But of all tho pests there are on the front mat of a car. It's the chauffeur of a taxi who's the worst. He will puss you on the right, and It tills him whh delight When he makes you execute a sudden swerve. Aud hi- ryi's with pleasure shine when be crowds you out of Hut, Or he blocks you when you want to turn a curve; And he knows a joy unique when he hears your brake-beads nhriek AS he shoots across lln roadwav lilcT; a flash: He's a most annoying bird ami his rislbles are stirred When j ou jusi escape Involvement In a smash' Oh, he holds the rules in scorn, and he never blows hi- born, And he loves to make your tresses stwid on end. And he Hk-s to bawl you out when you're nervous and In doubt He is every driver's foe and no man's friend! So I m waiting with a thrill till I get such wondrous skill 1 i nn beat him at his own peculiar sport, Then I'll somehow so contrive that he'll have to turn and drive L'p the stairway to the courthouse into court! (Copyright, 1922. NBA Service) |