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Show I VIRGIN AREA TO BE SURVEYED Forest Service Parties to Map Out Unexplored Section of Idaho , to gunfey and map 1300 square mil - unexpioycu land In entral Idaho A K Andr, wa t opog-rR1ftrtt opog-rR1ftrtt and JIora e ttedgfei atft Dwlght smith. MBlatant traversemen, of .net Four of the for-st serxlce Will leave bv automobile tonignt, M. S Wright, in charge m?Ps ?"d surveys, accompanied bv T. R. W-tlefield. W-tlefield. an.l C J. Townseml. topographer, topog-rapher, will leave bye train : tomw for Cascade, Maho. where Mr. WMght will make up the parties, four It) number num-ber that aro to do tho work during tru? coming season of 90 days. The work Is to be done as on aid in fire prevention and fire protection. Ml permanent peaks, lookout stations and bther man-made objects, such M trails and similar Improvements, will le accurately marked, so that in case of fire, the reported location should not be out more than an eighth of a mile from the reported location Mr Wrlrrht will also make further ue and study of photogrametrlc surveying sur-veying In relation to fire detection. Incident to that work, there is to be prepared maps of the seen and unseen territory from any given point In order that lookout stations may be erected so that the entire country will be covered cov-ered The work is to he done at an estimated esti-mated cost of 1 cent per acre. oo |