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Show JAPANESE COURT MOURNS FOR PRINCE TOKIO, June 27. fBy the Asso- leer) press.) The imperial court of , Japan Is In mourlng today for Frlnro1 Yorlhlto Hlgashl Fushlml. who died Monday at Hay a ma of influenza. Consequently the receptions and oth- er evonts planned for Secretary of i th Navy Denby and officers of the American navy, now enroute hero to attend a reUnlon of t h Annapolis: class of 18 91. will be cancelled or . urtalled. Prince Hlgacht-T" u.-html, the seventeenth sev-enteenth son of the late Prince Knn-ll.se, Knn-ll.se, served si. me sn .'Jirh In th Japanese navy. analnlng;he rank or full admiral In 1917 He contracted influenza last November and the, court ceremonies in. idenl to the visit of the Prince of Wales proved aj heavy strain upon his weakened con-, stltution. He took to his bed a short 1 , fter th departure .,f ;hr- prince of Wales and never rose. Tho prince was 65 yearn old. The body will be brought to Tokio ioday. |