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Show BELGIUM WOULD i sim s. debt! Wilson Asks Congress to Take German Bonds As Full Payment was 1 1 in ;t n, r. i.. is.- Prealdenl Wilson Oleared his desk Tuesday ot another matter growing out of the Paris peace conference by sending to congress a copy of an agreement, which he and the Hrltlsh and French I premiers entered Into June 10. 1919, and under which the slgnntorli - bound themselves to recommend acceptance of Gernutn bonds In full payment of j loans made to Belgium prior to the j armistice. The president presented I recommendations that eongress e at I legislation which would enable tin American treasury to accept German 'bonds to the amount of $ 1 7,1,780,000, the amount of this country s loans to I'.' Igfum up to til',, armistice, plus Interest. In-terest. The agreement and recommenda- lions were read In congress without comment. Neither house took any ac-! ac-! tlon. Tin- exeentfte made no explanation gl h the agreement lm not been 'submitted earlier, except to say that thc reparations commission, "has not as et finally determined the details i of the Issuance of the necessary bonds by the German government." He added add-ed that the agreement was not embodied em-bodied in the treat ol Versailles "for vurlous reasons." Submission of the agreement, so far as could he learned, clears the president's presi-dent's desk of all matters growing out of the Paris conference except the 'treaty of Versailles and the Austrian! and Polish treaties. The Prnnce-Amer-j lean agreement is in th,. files of tin-senate tin-senate foreign relations committee. |