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Show oo "Heliotrope" Playing at the Alhambra for Last Times Today Did you ever associate ft certain per fume v.tlh a certain person, so that . whiff of the perfume would remind you of them i QVeit though they themselves them-selves might not be present? It is such a situation that Rives the title "Heliotrope" to the new photoplay, photo-play, which is playing at the Alhambru for the last times today. The central figure Is a eonvict a "lifer" who before be-fore the days of his Imprisonment was known as Heliotrope Hurry, from his fondness for wearing a sprig of hello-trope hello-trope in his cout-lapel and from the aroma of heliotrope cologno that always al-ways marked his presence. Heliotrope's Helio-trope's wife Is a thoroughly bad woman. wo-man. When from his prison cell he learns that his daughter, who lias ul-ways ul-ways thought herself an orphan. Is about to marry and that his wife is planning to blackmail her. -Heliotrope secures his release and In a novel and dramatic manner Insures the girl's bappiesp. |