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Show 1jerDaughter anHiTSoiT I A Great Married Life Story by IPAH McGLONE GIBSON WZO INTERVIEW. HP&m ..' 50 because she rt 1 i,r. I "I'"' U,V "f , '"' r" Wa It I" 'n ! U fear- " ' ""W ' K''?H.;'v'!."'''1 ..th'-rwl-v BnSb,Ih. nirJ thf magnificent K i"r Cttrti" ,,f ,fnM,' an Win bci.-r-and K' l . n'v lnil"-nile'l mr -I ft ' - lf :.-'f 'all Ihli i I' ' i six 1 - pWlaVr.'' I on I n . , - t. pi i or nnald- i ' ' . i ih uchf tn Ih. man IB1. 1 sm v), i 1 ' I'-ll hr,-n m ' oQ.H H 1 i undi r , is bro . ' - 10 tr, ,'',, nlui v. if. should It? r'' J ut, B H. , ir'i.rrjr'o-l , u r.ot think myself capable. tory. . 'I . "How dam you say ,hal t(J ,no?.. "What kid, or, nm ruyou bljn hd Ann-,'hat "v both mud, methoda wen dlfrweni uiai WM a , won him and do you ctihft thai I am Ko-to Ko-to rtve him up unless 1 watl" . bo ,.Hrk you saw Hzrr? ftfi that ho cv,,! k;.w gat you tUS.. Il5 I In the tonn.au u,r, Si,J ?oVVl Sffi not have tohj him undtir" am cirum- 8STS HjSTMWi? ,hen ll,at " "as "He didn't. e onlv jumnod mi onrluMlcn that you had no , 'v '.h Xw thi0.0 r,a" the Vew In tho darknesn if thr name of tho man way mentioned Ora.-c Von must huve mentioned It vouraclf" had t8rtK,.5PttU rCCOffn,ZCl1 Harr, an.. "Wo might as well. Ann. t ome to some Kind Of a truce I know u ar- work-Inp work-Inp to undermine ,, not only with K.n-netha K.n-netha fath.-r. hut with Ken Mmielf rou are wronp. rirace. ir you stoU to think of the- time tim- t helped v.. ni. o th.- srrann K.,t Into with '.hj check votl mutt know Hum I :lm V nr .. be more than fair to ou But t want ... warn ypu or husband has aboni leached the end. Oh. Grace, dont nOU pee that you are throwing away som-thlnt; som-thlnt; very splrndld just f.., whim I mean to say. .;ra.-... t)iai tratlfy-Intr tratlfy-Intr t.n.-1? whlma no ... , ., 1 . fj i Ptoesa i . ould. almoat find it in .m hi ... I to forgive you ir you oame to me tonight and told me that you wore llnK to , plve up all that K.-nneti, lUUev has Jivtn you for the sake or a great love that vou i" U:. t i..?.ir f.,t Hari Slmlngton Hut you ao not even innkf that exr use I never did analyze much, sal.l Urace coldly. "Thai l where you i.r..in Wq. men fall down No man wants to analyze ana-lyze an emotion, he wants to live It " A.I this talk is not coltliiK us' anv where Grace. What did ou r.aliv come h.-r for It certainly wnsn t to tell me that 1 nin anal Ileal, unemotional or hictibrow. And ou have dlaclaimed anv degire to ahow me your lat.-st acautal' lions In tho wax of fur and Jewels a! Hioupli you have ihem all on. What do ou want me to do for you"" Oraoa looked up at me, half-tearfully and then she murmured: "1 want vyu to persuade Kenneth to po away." For a moment T was too dumbfounded to speak. Tomorrow One Woman a Sou. |