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Show IFBIDJir PROGRJIM I IS FULL OF SIP Battle Between Red Briggs and Bus Boyle Feature of Wasatch Card Whirlwind scraps, with all oppo nonts remarkably well matched, char-! char-! acterlzcd tho card of lights staged by I Jim I owney ai (he Wasatch arena last 1 night. Not only was the Harris-Ryan match fast and snappy, but the fi'h'. between Red Briggs ol Salt Lake and Bus Boyle of Ogden assumed headline aspects. EYanklc Harris and Jack Ryan bal-j bal-j tied bU rounds to a draw. The men were well matched and uncorked considerable con-siderable class In every round of the battle. Ryan was probably a trifle more aggresslve: especially during the first three rounds, but Harris fought splendidly during the last three rounds ot tho contest LIVELY EXCHANGE. The first round ended after a lively exchange between the fighters. When the second round opened. Ryan sent a wicked left lo Harris' nose, starting an ample flow of blood. Harris also slopped ;i pan of wall pa with his left eye which throat ened for a moment or two to impair his sion. Kyan did mi. escape unscathed and several siralsht rights of Harris": found their way through his guard The third round was probably more i full of snappy action than any other I frame during the lighL The boj5 I fOUghl like wildcats and ceased their vicious exchange of blows when the gonu marked the end of the round. Although both fighters were slowing up in the last Ihroe Irames. the light nig was fast enough to j-uit ihe fans and ihe boys battled hard until the f i-' Dal mjn; Referee Downey's declsiou was popular with the light tans. SLASHIKC CONTEST. In the si-mi-w inutip. betweeu Bus Boyle and Red Briggs. the fans wit-, neased a slashing, tearing contest be tween well matched wrlirrwetghts Briggs. lor the first lime in his appearances ap-pearances at 'he Wasatch club, was in, the ring longer than the first few sec ondii ct tUt liraf round- 'n previous appearances, he has put away his op-i ponents w ithin a couple ol seconds. From the minute that the two men faced each" other, the fans v ere on their t es Briggs opened up with a scries of rapid fire short arm jabs Coyly covered and anloosoned only when he had an cp.?n:ng lo Briggs' jaw. Boyle had a sbade the be3t of Cng;T!- at ihe end ii the lirsl round, i Terrific lighting occurred n the lei ond round. In i liVelj exchange of I punches, t a h of which rocked the' bod., o! Ihe ttilei that was hit. Boyle bw ting s right ;o Briggs jaw. Brigg went out for the count of nine. Hej came baci ndweVef, lighting like .. wildcat, with Boyle covering end side Stepping l" escape his rushes Boyle v as bloving in the third, and daring th ncxl tvo rounds did not gel ihe opening he spparently was seek-, ng Briggs displayed wonderful power of recuperation and battled brilliantly' until the end o; the fourth round of I the contesL Boylo way awarded the decision. j freddy Welsh of Ogden and Frankie Stunuiers of s-'alt Lake. 140 p.unds. boxed ;T CleVcr four-ro.:nd draw. But Nflurn n! ( i; d' d ;i rn i i lone Pfeisier of Sail Lake who boxed in, the 150 pound class, went ihiough a : furious mix for four rounds. Nelson was awarded the decisit.n. OYAMA VS. JOHnfSON. Benny Oyama Filipino, :nd Jlnunle Johnson ol gdn. fought ;i bard light, .lolim-oi). while he plainly displayed stage fright and lack of ring expi I ' ence, had hilling power which, alter. Ihe Initial enconntl rs, made the Philip ier." boy keep a respectable distance With an uppercui to the chin. John sou sent Oyama sprawling accoss the ring The little brown man failed lo stay for the count and came back Johnson failed to follow his advantage, advan-tage, although it was evident that each; of his punches curried kick sulticient to shake Oyama In the fourth round' Oyama nearly sent Johnson to the floor This match was called a draw. J The four-round go between Bobby Gordon and Jack Sneddon terminated I abruptly during the second rrame, when Sneddon landed on his oppo-1 nent's jaw. Although Gordon did not stay down for the count of ten. he arose in such poor condition that Refe ree Downey awarded Sneddon the fight Kid Brown and Cyclone McFar'.utid, youngsters of 75 pounds each, battled a fast three rounds as the curtain; raiser. i " |