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Show HOUSE CALENDAR Friday. Feb. 4. Twenty-fifth Day BILLS INTRODUCED H. 13. 100. Imlay CrctitlnR slate slo-ep ' "imnlsslon. To committee on livestsock. H. B. 101. Committee OH education U.'lMtmi,- to fllini; nf plan and spec-ifiefitlons spec-ifiefitlons fr.c school buildings, a substitute sub-stitute for Ti. b. :s. To committee , on education. I H. B. 102. A. W. Morrison Relating ; 10 the payment of pensions to tho State Insurance funds. To comir.l'tec "n mines and smelling j H. E. vers TO prohibit tho 'j'iniK of meat In puhllc places on j Fridays and to prohibit Its sale for Frldav consumption. To committee on I manufactures and commerce. H B. 104. Callister Relatinc to crc- ation ol pity courts in certain cities Slid fixing --nlarles of city Judges. ' Substitute for II. B. 53 which was withdrawn. To Judlciarv committee H. B. 103. Seccmlller Fixing annual an-nual license fees, rates of speed, maximum max-imum wheH load and prescribing rt:' illations for traffic of motor driven vehicles ve-hicles on state reads and bridges. To I committee on highways and bridges. II .1 II. 1, Henderson Resolution I of condolence in memory of at John Nathaniel Hehrie, former member of bouse of representatives Fussed un- der suspenlon of rules. ACTION ON BILLS. s b 12. Southwlck Antlolgarel ; bill, tilven lirwl reading and r ferred to committee on manufactures and I commerce. I H . C m i 9eegmlller Memorial-! Memorial-! Izlng congress to pass Senator King' hill providing for appropriation of i Jlfin.OOO for survey of public lauds In ' I I'tah. Transmitted to governor. H B I. tvers Relating to County j commissioners borrowing monCS Bl , Interest rate of 8 per cent. Transmitted Transmit-ted to governor. H. R ). Douglas Abolishing rM-I rM-I tlon of Inspector of high schools. Transmitted to governor H. r Wophano Apnortlonlng ; and preratlns taen collected on transient tran-sient livestock. Transmitted to governor gov-ernor H. B Howell Abolishing posi tion of secrctarv of state securities . I commission. Committee on corpora- ! Hons given additional ten days to con- 1 I sl'er measure. i if B. Seegmiller- Giving cities I I and towns right lo vacate streets and I alleys Slened by sreaker. H. B r;C Winder RegulaMng In-j In-j dustrial temps located .adjacen' to I vvnter used for culinary ' purposes siencd by speaker H. B Ofilnnev Providing for , pavment to cities and Inxns of taxei' collected by counties. Favorably re-1 re-1 ported, rlwn see.-,n, reading and plac-I plac-I ed on calendar. IT. B. in. McShani Giving governor power 10 terminate fonnre of office Of put '1, utiliiiev commissioners. F-..r:il'v F-..r:il'v reported with amendments, rentml'' r.-iir 1 t adopted, gb en sec en'' rftd1ng and plnoed on calendar. II B :; A. W. Mcrrlson Providing I for marrlaye of school teachers t'"1-favArnMy t'"1-favArnMy rervirted, given sconii rend-in" rend-in" and plaed on calendar H B so Douglas Authorial.' . countv coinmlrsloners to lav out alr-Plane alr-Plane lending feils Favorable re 1 ported, c'vn erond reading and I ic-1 ic-1 ed on calendar. TT B Sfi V. Morrison Mak.n-' ; Ihe PlHver llaVtle to crlmlnol i,r,-s lion In connec'lon Wlh "tn'-lln" ''- ; 1 favom' tv reported, rive" ccond hj. 1- 1 i in" anrl elated r calendar. If. B. n Winder Aitvrli1ng oniin I 1 lv commisyi'ne-s to nrrtvMe for nn""d 1 j highways f ''' voiabiv re- nrted. gl - 1 en iid reading and placed on al-; ends r S B ' I T ." .- rji" o ; "p-n arwi li vb'a' I n er jtli, Faver-, Faver-, ablv r'oor'nd vd;h am-i.imnf! r-porl r-porl .''' ed bill civn second reading I an'1 1 isi.iil on ca'enilar H. B 11. Douglo Abolishing poi-tlon poi-tlon of director of Amerlcanlsa'lon I iSenate-hoiise conferenon committee lrei-r,ri accented and adopted M B. 19, . W Morrison. Jr. AJvolisblng board ( park commission-I commission-I tv Sena'e-lK,us conference com-I com-I mi'fee flecented anil adonte,!. S. B. 7. Jenkins C realleg state de- , fur'iiii nt for rernla ion of real estate broker Recommitted to committee) ; on re efttate pnd iiisnrnnce. H B 41 ''nilnne- CreatinK board ,r educational coordination Given j ' third readinc as rmended. and passed;' I ayes 40: absent 7. j II B 4fi S.xlerberg RelaMng lo I ktes 1 rs' employment agenelea Re-' committed lo Judlciarv committee. i TOD'Y' CAI.f'IAR II F! r.l Do -'nsf-i . in? 10 death I penapv. On third riadtyis If. B. 17 A W M r, I imi J n-'a'in I i to the selection Pn,i "- n'ra '-nr rf' teachers. "n " h i reading, v iih un ! ! favorshle report. ' II. B 47. Winder Wing lo sant-1 larv supervision of l athing pools. On I tb'tl readinc. II. B. 3i Cal"sir RelH'ing o pen- ! slon :n-'e fr.r retiring flreniva On third I 1 read In". 1 I B. 59 Oninney Providing for pawner.t to oltles ml imvni of taxes I 1 lie ited by counties. On third read- , Ing. If, B S6 A w Morrison Relattig ! to mHrrio,'e of schorl toa-hrs. Oil 1 third! r' "llntr. wiis pnfuvcrnble renrr H B. "0. Dottgles Authorlsfng j onhty commissioners o lav out air-! air-! -lunc landing fields. On third read-I read-I Ing. v It B M A W, Morrlon Relating j In ameiMIng existing rambling laws. 1 n -'iird reading, with unfavorable' re'iort. 11 r, ti. winder ".elating to county coun-ty commissioners bvlidmg walks par-: allel v. lh paved roads In county. On I third reading, w ith unfavorable ro- j port. S B is Tet hs Relating to suspen- I ti anil liquidation of banks. On third reading. II B 11. Ponslas Abolishing posl-ipii posl-ipii of director of Americanization.' For concurrence in senate amendments. amend-ments. II H 19. S W .Morrison. .Ir. Ahol-lahtng Ahol-lahtng board of park commissioners. I For eoncurrence In senate amend- N'I IS, I 1 A |