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Show Police Club Strlkere. Omaha. --Tho police rlaahed with an exiled crowd late Thuradny na a reault of A demoiietrutlon over Ihe arrevi of a teumater for caualng a aireel car blockade. Thn man waa draxiied from hla poalllon by a policeman police-man and the crowd preaacd around In ii threnteului: manner. Tullce Cap-titln Cap-titln Moatyn menaced llio crowd with lila revolt cr and cleared the way to a patrol hoi, where he called for help. A police il. lutl hurried tn the ..cme and iliapcraed the dtuturbcra utter arreatltiK aix ami clulibliiK inhere Ii la believed the alrlko will anon bo aettled. |