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Show X 4 s THE BLOODLESS WAR A I MR PAINT FAULTS. GREAT ANNOYANCE. Kidney Disease Show Many Painful and Unpleasant Symptoms. Is a common occurrence nowa a man remark with disIf is Impossible to have good gust. It iluv Xu luar DOCTOR either the President Taft Declar'd HeWr at George S. Crowell, 1109 llroadwav. r'llntmdoiie tluse days; '1 was tumbled paint is not good or there are.no good Helena, Mont., says Any Time Intended to with a dim rdered puHittrs.y Una, however, is iot true,,,' Upon PinchoL eoiulauTa ul I he kid- rhreis g.md paint, and there are Tuit tTie qucfclum 127 ney 8. some tide k.n lie good pairii rs in together tie and bringing irregular t pas', Salt Lake City The hi Jijrtg, One uinnot evpiet a satisfactory ages of sei ri lions At versy between Mr. Ball sFr aud 1 was obliged painting job without pure w lute had turns Chief Piuehot has In a!t p''ilv t up out of ped There is a wav to make sure you are tigi li bev without test HE MOVEMENT for a coiiMitutioiidl lowriiniciit in (lima eou.c to an end As a re: OMFos at night, and the getting pure while erwi long con ft rences with See that the keg hears Na- Cured by Lydia E.Pinkhams urine was uniiatuial ing It ilat bat K to 1 "'8, win n a coup d'etat was brought about ester Gifford Pinchot herd in appeal am e On the tional 1ad Company a famous Dutch Compound i, aaa result of the igno- President Taft caused to t ekhbl a by the radicals ltd bv advhe of a fiietid 1 Roy Painter trade inaik, whuh is a Vegetable ilf'ttl.a'. Is de In It which statement of I suffered terriHowever, no raw purity Jaw. Mich, Doan's Kidney Pills and positive guarantee minious defeat at the hands of 'tin .lajianeM? an lMHi. lhit rom female ilia, never at any time during h hllm procured National lead white bly! test can Tins anyone them. -- real eflort wa ever niiido until two tears helped remedy using iiitlam- -. ago. wlitn an iiiite-ri- ger Pinchot eoniroversy ha: t fresi-de- began including 1902 B.dg. Read Trinity Company,' me at once, strengthened my kidneys nllMn-cbot- , and congesniatiou the reflect to edict was on SeptcmUT 1, 1 a intended lead up send will you romiing the disordered condi- New York City, tion, fur several a and corrected and in which, Mr. TSf tester and painter's amt fit. consisting j tion." people a ((institutional goMnniieiit. Thi was brought almut years, ily doctor , forward stand lhan said there was no Remember the name Doans Sold of book of color schemes, specitica-Monsbv the trait lint lojiuiii- -. inner, who went abroad and studied more, of the Kodsevelt io!i favor bcl for me but aa upou requeat. etc., a 30 box. Foster all dealers by (opts 1 the nature and the working of arious aoiistitutionul gotern-incnts- ,' servation of natural resour began operation. Y. X. n Mllbur Co , Buffalo, E. "Grafters." indicates of Chinese Lydia The taking , throne the to reeomniended president Ring and who, on their return, Imkhams VegetaIiead of the foreign is to he done in the way Prime Piling. PUT. SWEETLY ble Compound, and many reform measures for the preparation of granting' a constitution. Ing arid lands, ninst be d ot the Phimse govern-imnl- , (It i arlment 1 can now say I am Smee then many reat aetmties, both on the part tof the government and the law. tmt he announce is pictured as an eminent oria well woman. ental graller by the Peking correon the part of the people, are ti-ilEmma Draper. if m regard to the adoption of a con- tion of applying to congre o Timesv-whconfirmatory and enabling spondent of the Ixindon Avoided. stitution and the establiblnmht of a representative assembly. Another Operation as wtll put;, the Roosevelt writes. "Since the downfall of Yuan J11. "I want women to Chicago, of(foreignShih kat the .Whether these adiuties are prompted by the sincere desire of a the firmest possible basts know what that wonderful medicine, fice j has relapsed into its former state Lydia K. rinkhauis Vegetable Com-- ', before leiitn for Mr. Pinchot, at is The another the in jxvqde, change question. goernimntal system or incapacity, and for this - IrluLe pound, baa douu for me, . Two of tha Washington, also Issued atmhnetii in Chicago said I would for irresonsillo mom in which least, are jn earnest to substitute t hing is to blame Amiable but cor best doctors public aprtkH-- of if I did not have an operation, and die for a for Ui" stood wrtft lie has local generation of is tones well President in the Taft's leUflx rupt, archv, This sentiment portraved newspaiers. 1 never thought of seeing a well day fK ktter all that Is worst in Chinese officialNo newspaper, whether it is reserved or radical, SWpprrrts the existing chief forester at the tithe again. I had a small tumor and femalo his dom. All stoiles of his rapacity, to Secretary Ballinger was! difltted troubles so that I suffered day and all ncuRpepro The president feuid he hopuiMt Pingovernment in its entirety; and, more than that, almost greed, hts unscrupulous sales of office, night. A friend recommended Lydia. 1 btbBal-itnge- r - have one his indifference to the affairs of state E. lfinkhams Vegetable Compound, object in common and that is to strive for a representative gov- chot would not find reason Mrs. " for ills wealth is enormous, yet no gen- and it made roe a well11woman. letter resigning. ernment. As the newspajiers represent public sentiment, we (fin very 6L. VENA A ever Langdon Tins Hpekuno, action charitable Mr or erous "I shall not resign.' defkr well infer how eager the people are in looking toward a constitution and new Chicago, 111. favor. his Every in to recorded he been adds he Comthai bBS and chot, Lydia E. ITnkhams Vegetable a representative assembly. miulbter in every office of emolument pound, p Myrtle And yon never tire of continue to serve the jyennent made from roots and herbs. toll." chair? him walk in board tarsed to to be the most successful baa has pay he Hne my same the has proved along That the Chinese have now been awakened from the long slumlier is. for curing the worst forms of Jerome No, indeed. Onthe conthe past, concluding with pe itate- remedy female ills, including displacements, I believe in equally I op I think, nothing short of an accomplished fact. Jdie question which con- ment: They Didnt Have to Change. trary, I feel like 1 am carrying everys in which our pure inflammation, fibroid tumors, irregutheRoosevett Duriugtheyeai pdetes and before m. thing bearing-fronts them at present is how soon they will have a constitution. The port unity effect food laws have been putTnlo periodic pains, backache, and I propose to aland foHlttt as Why, I am not everything. there has been a great hurrying and larities, Myrtle and been down and made time the flatulency, totnaud indigestfeeling, repeated again, by government has, pledge long aa I have the strength Jerome But you are everything to scurrying on the part of the food man-- , It costa I ion, and nervous prostration. to methods me. repeated emphatically. But as there are still many conservatives in the for anything. their result the and to it. to chauge a uiacturers but trifle try millions to many been worth has LEFT COOKS RECORDS'lEUND, HUMOR BURNED AND ITCHED. mThe government it is only natural that promises are broken as often as they Quaker Oats Company ts a con- suffering women. are made. If the people of the celeswas Admitted to be It Thm Not exception. Allow Would spicuous Peary and tUat Quaker Oats was as pure and Eczema on Hand, Arma, Leg tial empire will maintain the rate of Taken Upon the Roosweh This Trade-mar- k Terrible. clean as possible and that it was an Waa Something Face It New York. Commander lobrt E. p regress, in the near future the profood. ideal Eliminates All any Prary refTised absolutely-toall- w it is so- - cheaplhat any onecan af gressive will and must vindicate thi Comptrte Cure by Cuticur. Dr. thaT every of the records or instrumeBs so and nourishing ford it Uncertainty conservative element. result of last year's Frederick A. Cook to be prnght, "About fifteen or eighteen years one needs It. The the purchase ot In other and Who savs that Chinaman is not points and Yale at aboard the steamer Roosfe materialv ago eczema developed on top of my experiments paint that Js tested were was thus instrumental in causing hand. It burned and Itched so much where food values is an absolute Et for It 0aU haB bt.Pn adopted ny these records to remain in 4che a that I was compelled to show it to a guarantee ot pur. on which pergonB a8 thetr food Tty and q:icuuty. r Etah. Greenland, according jto parry doctor. He pronounced it ringworm. andjendur-Aftethpy Tely fop a(crtng vigor For your own Only a very limited number of people Whitney, the New Haven spotomin, try ing bis different remedies the ance of muscle land brain, see im y protective, thk by meets received a in went my dispatch and up music. Oats Company increased disease Quaker pe really enjoy what is called classical that it is on the side of y it In on packs Dr. Cook on Sunday. the way my aR demands arms and to my legs and finally every keg ofwhite lead Grand opera is a Ltore to the average Dr. Cook did not appear, S he face The burning was something Quaker pats; regular size packages you buy. age vet many. people profess to admire greatly perturbed by the news t bad terrible. I went to another doctor who and the large size family pac arneau. tu enmurr per-oand with both 1102 frtstly Sanding He M the latter, Mr. Whitney. best had the reputation of being the in order to seem as cultured as their received from tn a very short time In town. Ho told me it was eczema. china. him set to hopes A few days since 1 was in and hear a complete explanathn ot neighbors. Mars the Next Field Ills medicine checked the advance of the occurrences at Etah. Dr.Vook the are many who will part from I There further. no finally but Washington, D. C., and stroked down back denied disease, the report that be wa to concluded to Remenorth the Cutlcura pole with regret. All their Ma the the where try of the Treasury building,' bring suit for slander against feary. dies and found relief In the first trial. lives it has seemed the one unconquer Biggest organ of the body tho ir rine band wras entertaining the public. It Aeronauts Crushed to Dealt. I continued until I was completely; able salient of natures fortress, the bowels ttod the most important is 1 have it a most excellent band and there very synonym of the 'impossible goal It got to be looked after-neg- lect The Frejcltdlrig- cured from the disease, and MMjYigC(. C. Burkhart, ' of human endeavor. With the pole since. troubled ot not been more . nwffnnat a competent aggregation imi nmukv hardly i v vnugi , mYistclans Tir'the country. ' On tbls wcfia- - plodoU In the sir Bvert CASCARETS help seems and 1908. the same, everything misery. longer on Saturday, "and was wwk? The Sept 19, achievemortal of realm within the sion, however, the selections did not emevery part of 7orrT A Cham. Cor, Sol Pmpt, nature Palter keep kflleii. Drag were They four men on board talk- bowels dean and strong then of now think were ment. We must all brace any popular airs; were Captain Marshal, I lieutenant Snake Story. meana health to ing with Mars with more respect.' Ylnoenot and of the classic, cold, unmelodious order and not a number eliciting any Chaure, "Before he went fishing, said the The professor's mirrors may prove they act right a- La whole Pallese town body. swallowed Reux. The Republlque left he your story-telleany day a reality. applause- rem7 a. m., anL.Dassed tras at week's CASCAXETS wca boa for a 'bout a pint an. half . of .snakebite " ' A few nights later I heard Signor Tascas hand playing near Balti- quarter before 9, going at a kigh rate edy, an of course you know what that meal. All dnrmA If Your Eyes Bother You baaca HcUkss world U enthusiastic of speed and apparently under control. is? Well, after the snake bit him, rt S box of PETTIT'S EYE SALVE, old more, and what a difference was there! Every piece of the eva remedy made. was given. Nothing presaged the terrible catas- the reptile cut all sorts o capers, kaze reliable, mont orsurcemful encore encore after echo and to the was Italians Howard Bros., Buffalo, N.Y. AU druggists applauded head. to few its minutes went a occurred which the straight remedy There was a rendition of the airs that the audience knew the familiar trophe later. Without warning, the airship Last thing It tried to do wuz to swal-le- r NEAR CHICAGO ell dollars so aenrtUa It may get so some time that a man year only ; alfalfa and elorer aura era pa, its tall, an' It got itself In the form who attends to his own businart will in music is what catches the people and the bandmen threw into their exploded with a loud report At the no better land for (rrneral farming tod -more of a hoop, an'. I'm a liar ef the chll fralt. Hplrndldellmate; pura water. Cine BnlricDallas NewS. t work the fullest measure of aiiimaTToTi.'They playedwithail their souls, ttme she was at an altHada-of all around Cklnte bf fU w keL Snap car roll day! wrecked it llflitfnm fell dren didnt than 300, feet The terms. Write formapand tUuatrated booklag as if the music gave to each performer the same amount of pleasure it to the ground, and the four men on Atlanta Constitution. Hamlins Wizard Oil is over fifty years 1. T. MERRITT. Manislee, Mick. old and, like an old friend, it can be deboard were crusbed to death.. "clid the' bearers "and 1 think tfris, after all," is the surest- - way of achieving the family ' Stats or Ohio Crrr nr ToLrDO.1f pended Lucas Cocntt. success. doctor who may be miles sway. Sending Soldiers After Reyes. Phahs J. Chfxit oCnmCrrJ. oaUi Uuct heCoh. aniM Onto F. Srm detachment A the Mexico. of Chkt Hartoer Monterey, Count jr uni SUM When a man is sick he haa great wtoae hi Uw ntr Of Totrto. BiWwfr )M. of r!U rurales left Sunday on a special Aforentd. And thnt mxl arm pychthend um IiWnAuI od Copper. P Mk OMd I bejieve that Jesus Christ was a teach- of trouble allh his wife as to how much SUvr for rvny HOLLARS HCNORUI ONE for National railway over nd botiatbl WFitFfn oC train the of Catarkh Out ouinol be cured by tUe uae eat. should be ... er come from God, and though the doc- Sabinas Hidalgo and YllUUdtna, this eem HALL'S CATARRH C , piJEKEY. trine of eternal punishment is awful I state. The two towns hare been Swore lo before me end tubwrtbed IBM.In mr premium cold takoa HOWARD E. BUETCI, MZVy from aPnlnklller A. D. when awhy fw srrrritter Uutia1 Reyes etron g bolds for year an d Jt tbM afith day of December, or milk will prersnclll . ; A. W. GLEASON. IfrT were was' XkL U pmmpOy In khihi CmA mmrn accept it upon llis authority. at Sabinas Hidalgo that political Mr; j&isc or CopyorTfU Main BllTer, ?bc; J Pcsuc. Li iie,86eaiid sal Notart and would (all oovoIomo 11 believe otherwise I prtro Hid MBtoa ippiir0. .Is gladly riots occurred some time Jigo. possible to sew and oUrhod. LwArHi Cootrui ind on pi ro Hairs (kurrh Cur Is takre tntornalty Do God's will as he makes It known CoL Beloron nurtneen ol U4 eo Corboaoty Rttioul IraA. do so; nor can I comprehend the state of thought that trouble Is likelyToT occui directly upon tB bipod nnd ibucou tree. care will take and at these points, and. the sending ot flygtnm. bend tor tMtllroortbits, K. J. 4 CX). Tdltd O mind of any man living upon, earth who the rurales is a precautionary meae of Itself. Bold by nil Drunrtou. orooiSJliSIThomp iob' Cyi Witsr FUts eoontlpnUnfc top H11'1 Tbkd Family ure. can take any other ground. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Ijran.'' A RIP." lt A rents Wanted for -- MT-yn iru,rdne t His Proper Sphere. Tor pfatldrw mlteet bint , ftoftoM tb In the descriptions given of the misery Sailors From Eight Nations. KAHN FRN -- NT A lBY Haicbec wimlouikfc. fectbotO w.. Hn.u. A XUOKAS litre, iwHprain. car Bismarck" was once pressed FCAWI CAL, Lee Ansel, Lot Shnrilnl. Prince of the wicked and of the happiness of the New York. The sailors of eight naofficial to recNo man can pray right while be France, by a certain American tions GermanyL England, material are -- for a- - diplomatic W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. symbols employed. son righteous hi lives wrong. ommend Mexico, Argentine and Holland, fel- Italy, remarkable Is a flesh He the and worms very Fire consuming that the XTnlled : States thronged the place. "be die not are the strongest material symbols streets of New York on Sunday. The lnw" ald the proud father Indee seven languages." ! of misery; gold, harps, white robes, sym- sailors were granted leave from their speaks ga( Bismarck, who did not hold 8 Hudson-Fultothe for which are here ehlps7 Does not take into annaiJaMdiAn tbs one eesentcal to womopinion of linguistic acquirebols of bliss. It is not more necessary to believe that these are other than The Half Moon very highwhat a wonderful head waitans happiness womanly health. exposition. ments; in the latter. The figures employed of and the CJermont The woman who neglects her health is neglecting the symbols in the former case than lay quietly at their er he would make! foundation of all good fortune. For without health unremain will very to the wicked where are of designed they represent the anchorage, greatest possible the doom loaea its lustra and gold ia but droaa. love Namesakes. but Famous October Their Like 1, ot the" destiny of the righteous to portray the til the naval parade Womanly health when loaf or impaired may generally ba misery, and those applied to An upper Harlem man named his circling about the t of battleships regained by the use of Dr. Pieroea Favorite Prescription. bliss. and there was an almost unbroken line of twin sons Theodore Roosevelt highest conceivable York New the a This lammed a to and William says Taft, excursion steamers, Prercrlptlom Its, tor or 90 rtaru, allege that those deep-semisrepresentation It is an error to think him the other beta asked A friend to curing dellcmtr, weak, palm, wracked with the rails Sun: spectators. doctrine that life is a probation who hold the views herein set forth the ; women, Pf tka haadreda at tkoaraada along. getting how iwejre they day mad tkla torn la tka privacy at tkelr koaiea for Flood Suffenrs. must needs believe that the majority of the human race WilSupplies answer. death at the was Famously, ending without tkelr barldt ta aabmlt to ladalU Washington. While supplies for the liam digs steadily Into his breakfast will be lost. Infants, irresponsible persons, all Gods true children in cate noaatloalaga mad ptfaaalralr repair flood sufferera continue . lo bowl while Theodore yells and pounds Mexican those who doubt if they be true to the light pant axaatiaatloaa, every age and country, even reach Monterey, much more can be him over the head with a spoon. women are Invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter frtt. Kck no man can multitude the number! form that is in them, which used to advantage by the relief organi held as sacredly confidential. Address w orld s DIs All correspondence A Suggestion. xatlons, according to a telegram Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. the was Leon De seeking Ponce at the state department from Da. Pixacaa Gieat Family Doctos Book, The Peoples Cons ess A flying machine would be invaluabl FooA cloth- fountain of youth. Medical Adviser, newly revised Haffna. edition 1000 pages, ana his muttered impecuPytfM F Bol tfl kkgfA ftt rljblSitoffii Fitsmsaf lrxeom wrkinli wwnrw wmmaft aindln "1 wonder, a north pole expedition. ing ant blankets are In demand. Par a to pass nious rival, did he ever try Even in its present form it would serve tlcularly blankets for the women, his best girl? babies and old people are needed, ow- drug store with comto carry one much further and, of course, ing to the cold nights. Mr.' Hanna Digging into his Jeans he was sodas. four for to pay faster than any other means of transporta- says he Is aiding the Mexican Red pelled Cross with his own funds. Good Roads Mean Money. tion. The people need to be educated to Captured After Long Chsse. I do not mean that a trip could be made tha fart that money spent for good nuver.-Amjs- edt to the pole and back, but with aihip"asa thrown away, . of 8180,000, roads Is not moneyl postoffice- In for makeshift base "the range of exploration would be Johan Vascora, a Russian, aged 40, whereas money spent worse than thrown is improvements widened. waa captured by the provincial police Courier-Journaaway. Louisville - One could chart much undiscovered In Prince. Rupert last Sunday. ApFink Eye, Eplsootlo have plenty of money, Vas-orpearing The spiritualistic medium finds no country with little effort and with matheShipping Fever had been In Prince Rupert for hidden treasure except in the pockets fit Catarrhal Fever matical accuracy.r several weeks. When arrested he of the credulous living. I HMtoiaVA VO BArtW now WII W mwnj ogv wr imwrew V and blood., mpM. iba a was BlsoS as tk sn art. firm railway in laborer, the OTtas value LTqilS believer am disguised aira of I e tans, Tw wi.ror'i Plreennt Pellet renlat and thf body. Cura. lIMp-- r Is, lXw.d Mw, S ( holorm la K'wooaSjrnJ. from hobnail boots and old, dirty etnmnrh, liver and bowel wearing hlMtr )lvRUM?k rmalt,. thirv UGr1pp Mkoaf hnM such the as commercial service, eW Mid i a fin hulrnty rwndy. toeMd W m Qotn phWiwvRUumw, -- tscisireuc. Hb granule, Ei; to uk aiCAixty. carrying clothes, and carrying a roll blanships in warfare and for lighter Fis AookCs. pncsmpsr.Oarss.r itT Rhow toyoiirdrnrsirt. wbwiiiglttarro. venturesome class for more and 1 of Curas" siwiol sssts wosIsS. mait sod trav 1 Identhf of denied wfio kets. Vasora at and first want to light dont of messages stay "The people 60SKEI, IKO. U.S.I.. SPQHK RED1CAL CO.. tity, but later admitted whoT was, little must read big books. elers. confesslc.fi though" he made no ADVISED U f ' i J $ TV d W f .4 Kansr-Yu-Wo- TV, al , r;-- , T v. h V ' ?y, Lv.i' - V dc k t. b '- I he-ma- kes l j l Classical Music Enjoyed by Few j ' n, 30 ft. Bowels - -- ed 4 r, -- r-- RANCH LANDS -- ASSAYS -- HI. Is Hell a Place dr Condition f .W m, ny to-da- fHfc-NE- 1 40-19- 0B. -- Fortune Telling n flc-e- tr Consul-General- jn I l. a DISTEMPER I . lirrtw-jret- Sucar-aoau- It i j . t |