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Show j Good Woman Gone j'. to Her Reward - . ,. , Mr.. Klinh. th W ilnmi Mamliall 1. - ' wife of , Miimhall .Med at bur f ""' W.-illienday, Sepl. VK ,k, f '" ( "dlll H I.-. or which. . h,, Oeell ' ' " a path in nit It. r.r for the pS ,,r, i " ninl nhe had l.e. n c.iiillin.l ,ed 'I '-'V'1 nlllfe June. She wan the mi.lgliler '' ts of Win. mid May Wil The do- '" rcnkcd wan burn Jv M) lK-M) nt ' . " ' Vi.ik.hliu, i:Ku,d. Wan hiiptbcd a lueiiiber of tlm - Church t.f Jenun Chrl.t ,,f .,.er- dll.V Nlilltn WI g,t ,.11H of j The ileceaneil WfH lliairietl to Will. f M imhall at tliiiwood chiiicli, near 'Ail Wa.elleld, March IH, 1H7K Mlieeinl- '( graled to Coalville with Imr fitmily f In and ban inadn thu her Hume I evernlnce. She w an thu innl her of I fourteen e lblr. ii, four of whom 1 with a loving liunbaud and eight ' f graiiilchlldreii mivlve Imr. Mm. Mnmlinll wan a loving wife and mother ami her family wan thu pride of her llie. It wan her ilnllght lo nee tlmill eoinforlahbi ami happy. The Hiirvlvlng t-li I lil r.-n are l.reim.i Mitrnhiill Mm. Lilllu AndreWH Nellie auilJennle Mamliall. Kiim ritl aervlci H will be held til j lake lioiine on Hun. lay al ? p. in. j |