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Show r ' WANTEl) Success Magazine wants an energetic and responsible man or woman in Coalville u collect for renewals and Mlu-i- t new subscriptions uring full or spare time. Experience Any one can start among friends and acquaintances and build up a paving without and permanent butine-- s inlit out and capital. Conplete s. Addrt-"VON structions fret. success Magazine. Room 1(0, Sucoih cess Magazine iiuildmg. New XV Settler VUita Each of the chief or Han of the body is a link in the Chain of Lift. A chain is BJ llu ' II. Meeks, of Mountain at rooter than its weakest link, the body no stronger than its weakest organ. If there i funpipifre is' a weak link in the chain of Ido which mavsnap at an time Often this weakness is caused by tack of nutnt.on, the result of weakness or disease of the stomach and other organs of and nutrition. Diseases and weaknesses of the stomach and its allied organs are cured by the use of Dr, Pierces Golden Medical Discovery-!- ! V htn tho weak or diseased stomach it cured, diseases of other organs which m remote the stomach but which &ae their origin in a diseased cond tion of ti'e stomach and Other organs of digestion end nut'ition, are cured also. The sfron man n Ftnvn sfimccA. fake the abu it ee'imr ? ne'e 7 "hcois ery and yon cur An. .' s.'yjri iiCil and u .ot GrvrN As as Dr Ptarccs Gi"irns St ' f c (.cal Vdsiser, City N. Y. View for hi ' t 'foining, was in Coalville 'll .hours last Monday on ... ' 1 1 leber to attend a reunion A Hawk war veterans. Mir feet'Hrftvcrs old and as bale iidtearty as a man of 50. Walker and Black Hawk Duri ? Ik 4 hack as lh52 he was an of th Td-tin- ini'i.n . is sent book ill p pc 4 r uu.e. Audtess Ur If. le Good Summit a . Dinner Withoui lli I 'u-You Can't A tpC ca ct- - s a Enqnm at il Utok x t t t2 Jzrtu-ipant- fui w Him ( r t'-buffalo, N. Y. cloli.-boun- v o nisht-- ocet -t a 3 looms. Monday ol- - tr ;vn 'ft cr---m j, tin- - Wia n m n 3A g ho notasum of liis liftoi mil imimoisi ev oiiln.. 1 hu lk.. Tkuic luv- proem Misses Ii.il but Nil by, tile - Fair. at 7:30 1111 Heard ne liruiieh. Ojivo Walton, Vela For Sale mieap. A banjo anti 4u Kite bum. (.ne Fiost, Merlin nClayton, Flwil Bullock, tieuiiid strings Enquire at this utfleWarhui ton. Cuitis Lanin, That Settled It. County Attorpi Peter tluik, was Lamb and t urtis - Thf Hnmtvsioncm niton. tn ttmaey- were Mmin Hie county scat on business nonpijsdl The man on whose men tal ccBd'i'ti the courts ha.i aiotnteil day. CONFJ.RFNCF. MV1 It K. i UTAH. Prize Fight pm. General Admission lOds. had ever set foot on a tain, nud he sav s he indued r k 'to 1 from Echo to Park thl'so w orketl outlie F. P. s. 5 d Was m Coalville htte was hut two or three i housi Fakl lived in Roekport in 1NVJ lie h M to lull iLilie lilst liolise iu Wasi hounte. Ho owns a large ncl inN'voining and lias large Inin Ms there. His recitals of Tit earlyrtnrs were very and we spent a very inter tlairi.onrs time listening ' - during the First performance begins Gans-Nelso- n 5ds Children under 6, Jftvst IHatioiialJSanli d NEWS, tit3 Uieinity Connrocnt. All hough 71 last Sunday was the . JLrjrcotiixi L. W. MEYERS, Mgn . fit f sra tips to pay stamps I r I1 ? peFSorjc! Found Key- .sunn I11 , in Dentist KAMAS, n i receipt i -r- w w 2l si u.ij s , . Pier-.e- HOME era 1 in e. m wfo. tii ta. Wanted DR. C. F. WHERRITT M f-- HFItlg f sis'.j new revised expense of Coaleilla. (F.stahlished May 10th, 1805.) Capital, $25,000 Surplus $5,000 We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits. We solicit youi patronage. , ' ALFRED BLONQUIST, WEP" FRANK PINOREE U JAMES FlNGREE. F.e.ionct S. Q BLACKMAN. VICE F (ii-oig- e over Kings Store Hours: 9 a. in, to 5 p. m. Office" - them to Jus-- , seemed perfectly sane, In epliejf all testimony to the conevery action, his every retrary mark rational. They were about in despair when matters to gdf took Ini Ineviieeted turn Oh, doctor, pern me to return the umbrella I boriw from you labt week, said the patiif - Audih,.at the thought of earning w ith no their qualms of con geiemkt (e learned men decided that anyong (4o would voluntarily return a borrow i umlH-ellshould he placed Paicel cohtainmg clotln s hi - "1 fu l'0tli Si dgcni ml turn , n.tlce 0f tlie Church of Jctub tween Echo and Coalvilh to tills office. Cm ivt of Lattv Saints ill conBirch, vene in the (Tabernacle, alt Lake Mills Bros, of Hojtsvilie have 13 U. October on of V. 8, at 10 , Graduate Sunday, city d head of early spring cot o clock a in. A full attendance of s wold bucks for sale. County Surveyor the officers and members' hereby Surface and Underground Sur- - Edwin Peterson, of Brigham city, requested. When the confidence adjourns on y eying. a brother of ye editor, was a county . UTAH Fair visitor Wednesday, on liis way Monday afternoon7lt"Wilt be until - under be alnt. Wednesday, Oct. 6, at 10 oclock a. to Evansion, Wyoming. Ttiaslgply proves Lost Surveyor mi-.tiii- i.i 1 vv av J. Don well-bre- j Io-- - hoytsville -- Abstracter. A Edward H. Rhead special train bearing theofficials V.. and O.W. FRENCH, in Summit Block, Coalville Office HouTs, from 2 to 4 p. m. ' Attorney szat Law. - Phone 41 Red. acre FOR RENT OR LEASE farm, situated near Farmington in Davis County, well fenced, with a good dwelling house thereon. Apply for particulars to E. E. Rich, 52 W. Lake City, JLtah 100 -- Washington. . SUNDAY SCHOOL T Wednes lay the furniture ofdairy commissioner, Willard Hansen and state coal mine inspector, J. E. Pettit were moved from the city and Coalville county building, Salt Lake, to 501 I. Dooly block. This Infoimation is conMeets every Wednesdays Evening given for tile benefit of those of the either in jones Hall. Visiting Brothers templating visiting above. Cordially Invited. , a In the quarterly report to gov. w a. STOCK MANr V.O J.O GpARK.N.G J.- 'H OOtOH, Secy. 8pry Wednesday, State mine InWM. WELSH. Truiurer. spector J. E. Pettit in part says All the coal mines are working and Notary Publie. finding a ready market. Some trouble has been experienced In believes getting carsT there is no need of alarm over " coal shortage, but advises the public to lay in a ton or two extra. Lodge No. 28, O. O. F. , C. R. JONES, ME-Pe- ttit Notary Public UNION. The conference of the Deseret Sunday School Union will convene at the Tahernale, Sunday evening, Oct. 3, at7 oclock, are invited. seini-annu- al , DONT USE POOR OIL For use on sewing machines, writing machines, bicycles and all purposes requiring a fine lubricant, the best is eheapest In the end. Genuine Singer Oil can only, be obtained at Singer - - Stores. - N. J. PETERSON. Coalville. Agent for Summit Co. how trifles will ! j : 1 f Are cordially invited to call and amine myrelegant assortment of Pattern Hats, School Hats and Baby ' Bonnets, before going to Salt Lake or else- -. have a NEW-- HAT wherer Be sure-yFOR THE FAIR. Julias M. , The Value of a Brain, One good strategist Is worth several armies. That Is why Napoleon could accomplish more than all his marshals together. It was he who You can never outnumber a said: brain. That is why the single Robert E. Lee, south of Mason and Dixon's line, was more formidable than all the union generals together. Had Lee served with the north rather than the south, said Lincoln, the war would have ended two years sooner. Thus, too, the greatest living mili, lias declared tary that one Moltke.jin the side of the French. In 1870, would have turned the scaTe in favor of France. Uncle Sams Magazine. writer,-Lecompte- ' i j jr-reste- 29-3- t cu Coalville Co-o- p President, Clark 1 MILLINER PHONE 41 BLACK. Thovas - organ-grinde- mans No trouble to show goods Prices Reasonable. on 8llght Misunderstanding. r An Italian Fund recently Resident Agent-Firea fine by hla wit He had escaped BOYS! GIRLS! COLUMBIA BICY- been playing before the house of an ' Insurance Company CLE FREE! Greatest offer out. Get Irascible pld gentleman, who furiousof San Franctseo ly and with wild gesticulations oryour friends to subscribe to our dered him to move on. , The Italian stolldy stood hla ground, magazine and we will make you a present of $40.00' Celumbla Bicy-el- e Knd played., on,, and, at last was for causing a disturbance. Shoemakers. the (at the best made. Ask" lor parAt the court the magistrate asked is the Agent for Summit ticulars, free outfit, and circular him why he did not leave when he Address. was requested to do so. County for tellffig How to Start Me no nnderstan mooch Ingleese, 22d 1 Blast The Bicycle Man, was the reply. 111 Well, but you must hare underStreet, New York Ctty N.,Y. stood by bis motions that be wanted you tergo on." A surprise party was tendered "Na "1 tink na," was the 411 Send mf t orders I caa an employe of the be come to dance."rejoinder; Stephens, Joseph MagaWeekly them for you. Times at the home of the editor last zine. " " Coalville, f - FOR ALL MAKES of sewing machines are made by Ths Singer Manufacturering Co., and sold ly me, ENGLAND. People from thes district of Manchester, England, are earnestly Invited to be present at a to be hd J in the 21th Ward hall, 6tbj North and Ufmre Streets; Salt Lake city on Tuesday evening Oct. 5th. An excellent program will he rendered and refreshments served free Take the Centro St. car, Secret Society. Ji THE BEST NEEDLES THE LADIES OF SUMMIT COUNTY ing at 7 o'clock. Tiie ilrst Nunday of October being Conference, it is suggested that Sunday, Sept. 20, bo ohseived as fast day in Salt Lake, Ensign, Pioneer, PEOPLE FROM ; B A cheaply made aewing machine is dear at any price, because faulty in action, liable to break and difficult to operate general Priesthood meeting will Liberty, GianKe, and Jordan Stakes. A special Priesthood meeting will be held la the Assembly, llall on 10 "Word was receiv Salt Lake Tuesday., Oct. 6, .poiqenetng at oclock a. in. yesterday that Ben Birch and Miss JOSEPH Grace Young were married there - JOHN R. WINDER, that day. The young couple are very ANTIION II. LtNI), popular here and the Times hastens First Presidency. to congratulate them, Postmistress Northcott is getting in shape to move the postofflee in Young's8tore room. The present place has long been inadeqiiae and we feel to congratulate MrsT North-oo- tt in selecting the new postal quarters. Moving will begin as soon as permission is received from Coalville, Utah .Mary Ann f ou All who can should observe these hours as near as possible. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW- - iplour destinies. ed-fro- Physician and Surgeon P,Hr NEELE-Y- A of the U. P. passed through, liere be held ill the Tabernacle on Mon this morning on their annual day ev ceiling, October!, commenc- trip. They found ever.v thing Ahstracfer of Titles for Summit in fine condition at the depot. Bond County. Under $10,000.00 Real Estate, Insurance, Farm Loans Mr. and Mis. W111. Neilsen of Office at Residence. Coalville, Devils Slide are the guests of hel Utah. 'Phone No. Red parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Somtomorrow leave mers. They Surgeon and will make their home iu Logan. Physician Office ever m. It is Economy to Get the Best Ladies, Misses and Childrens Coats and. Suits of the the latent If you are looking for New York styley, fit and quality combined. WE HAVE THEM Our Fall and winter gooods are' now in we have a full andxomplete line in every Dept. It will be a pleasure to have our clerks show you through, giving prices, etc. We ask for a fair comparison, as we know, it will pay you. RememberWe keep the best and al ways have it. d & oalviie Co-o- p |