Show NEWS BY the little rock democrat alie people of arkansas are very fond of rending newspapers but dreadful ly backward about paying for then rivers in the interior re dually high last week 1101 river rose twenty two feet taeno night at fulton and carried uway the iron mountain railroad bridge pie fruit crop of arkansas tilia sea la peculiarly encouraging and promises rich return the income from ilie sale of fruits will grutly exceed that of any former year thero ie to be new road constructed ted between helena and the st loub mountain railroad connecting with the litter near thi northern boundary of arkansas the completion of this road which is in the near future the building of tho midland railroad which connects helena with little rock pine bault and alio interior of alie state and alio establishment of ii line ol 01 steamers on the iii sippi river to new orleans will at make the greatest and most important city on the aiudi river between memphis and new orleans farmers are complaining that the production of wheat wooi live stock find nearly everything else in alie line of agriculture ie now unprofitable ye crops aro good and abundant william Boul anpo a bootblack from manilla paid addresses to paulino Pi christian a servant girl of san francisco ant she repulsed his attentions lift then fired nt her but missed A policeman sought to arrest him and received bullet in the ann and lie returned the compliment by giving boulange Bou lango one in the face tha latter brought th fusillade fusi lade to nn end by shooting william frey alie employer whom lie instantly killed in there uro houses tareo and four stories high furnished with everything ft man can think of hotels and boardinghouses boarding houses arc full all the time and of men aro alio floor teams can earn from to 10 dollars per day hay ia worth cent per pound corn cents while oats being cents wood chopping is per cord lumber is worth 20 per thousand in log 40 to 60 sawed log chopping is worth to per day the snow is still lying up in the timber it is very remarkable that large green flies are waltzing over the snow all day while at night it is very cold cold enough to freeze them GEORGIA orar in real estate in agusta ie exempt from taxation for from four to ten years for manufacturing purposes DISTRICT OF otey a private barber of raleigh N C lias been appointed by the united senate aa foreman of tho senate barber shop with a eal ary of a year ILLINOIS there were fifteen carloads of walnut log snipped from jacksonville thursday to new york on route to liverpool A cow bs given pounds of milk within a year i at a county convention held at clinton do wilt county on saturday it was voted to repudiate the county railroad debt amount ing to 2000 reports have it that minonk ie to be the terminus of a new railroad to bo run from kankakee A company has been organized and incorporated for the purpose the largest distillery in tho world and prospectively a mammoth sugar refinery and a largo shoe factory aro among the new industrial enterprise in acoria this year lion robert M knapp member of tho 11 congress irom the eleventh district is dangerously ill at his residence in jersey ville from on the lunga and stomach trie cairo st louie road proposing to remove its hop to a central point on the line to locate them at if that town will bonus for them john C hay worth of tho firm of randall murphy norton of fulton has left town and it ha been discovered that ha succeeded in oh about 1500 upon forged of the firm befaro his departure A resident of rockford who fell over an embankment and lost hie eegao of simell hae sued the city for damaged llo would probably pro bibly ive that much borsuch an if ho lived near the chicago ten ago Limea tono lowne hip cot into a aw with a woman named spencer ind made a deepwater deep WAte assault upon bior with club aba hia since died from the effects of the blow received on the beail tho elgin brick bakera etrick for higher wages a day on the the paid aira uira kofl and discharged cheru the next day ho had more applicants for the vacant aluce s than ho could accommodate all willing to work for a day on the membership lite of the association we find the names bradwell editor of the chicago lead news Boa mattoon gastile Gast tle M debeer chicago crusader mrs M fletsher teher seni mr elizabeth boynton bior bort comans womans kingdom department ocean atia S A arde journal mr M L white molin dispatch C anito the mock turtle aiming batore coni and quarrelling afterwards must bo good it boota everybody every budy who trie it A lady litber to flirt inos men liboa cold very caught but very hard to get rid of it ie the opinion of the editor of tho stillwater thai whom tle lovo cat cucumber it leaked out that afar have morton he enado ft ahmler towards butler but he dreva back a I bui |