Show BY MAIL INDIANA the brazil strike continues with no hope of indiana tumma arc very busy getting ali cir corn in whilo wheat never looked so well at this time of the year A house builder named morgan aggei bright clipped and fell from a two story dwelling at greenville tuesday and received fatal injuries new albany will take advantage of alie law at legislature pen nitting cities to nao the assessment and will abolish theodice of assessor regj A killpatrick ft licensed exhorter of the M E church at was sent to the ivanne asylum ill health and financial embarrassment are tho binen of his malady during alio spawn of 1878 there hogs slaughtered in indianapolis di on increase in creaso of over ane previous year yia now next to chicago ai a i a packing cent the cobit of tho state is behind in its work to alio extent of 1400 cases ca ses so that a care docketed at any given time cannot come up in regular order for a year and a half afterwards it is now nip and tuck between brown county and colorado and arizona on the gold mining lunacy parties nrc in new albany belling bharms and talking up all three localities cali ties and brown county seems to be quite as popular and salable as leadville and jucson moses kennedy a farmer who resides near Kr anklin while plowing plowed up a make s neat containing thirty largo reptiles who so frighten od him that ho abandoned hw team when they too took fright and ran on and striking the finco a rail was forced through one of the animals killing it almost instantly john bolton a rural lumberman while on a business trip to evansville visited a disreputable house aud became enamored of one of alio inmates and asked her to return home with him and become liis wife she consented and last monday was the day fixed for their return when alie timo arrived she paid the could not go but sent her trunk with him stating that she would follow in alie meantime however ho had given her to amount to some three hundred dollars it now re nulls atiat the trunk was packed with and other heavy material and alio lias left tor st louis IOWA dubuque wants a pontoon acroca the river at that point ohn john J derscheid of eagle township has died of lock by tho amputation of a finger A contract for tho construction of the burlington k northwestern harrow gauge railroad to washing ion has been let dubuqu a sensation in the marriage of charles marble er to miss oliver the sixteen rear old daughter of its wealthiest business mar A M cooksie who resided with ih sn john ne ir hose hill mahaka county the other day y hanging himell with a log chain eltta ll ttA yn ij 11 i v Jut icCi of cloux casy gays lK will not jail anymore tramps ho expresses the opinion eliat the mere facts of a man being out of work and destitute of money do not constitute a crimo for under llie constitution iowa and of the united states a man can bo subjected to involuntary servitude an eldora father debauched three of his daughters two of whom were unmarried tho other a married wo man be forced to yield to his unholy desires but she told her husband and the unnatural unna father fled and has not yet been overtaken by the in ceased censed son in law the lecherous old scoundrel has heretofore borne a good character being outwardly functions with divine grace iio was active in tho temperance cause and was a frequent exhorter at camp meetings and church gatherings TERRITORY about 2000 havo entered to take possession of vacant linds shreveport complain eliat their city in all sorts of thieves and rii the of new orleans during the past eight years havo aggregated and the picayune asserts that not ono dollar of this large sum has been spent jn wr manent improvements tho corn crop ha been injured by lie cutworm around opelousas Ope lousa tho cotton crop will also lo 10 month later by leabon of the lato drou ht and cold nights und the delays of re planting tho ravaged corn work on alie railroad from ton to new orleans via Ver millions n rapidly largo bodies of laborers being near franklin and at lake chutes and tho prospect is tho line will be completed before january 1880 hie is numerous on tho of avoyelles Avo yelles parish it said hat aleo birda are always on tho alert and ran only be killed from a buggy in thia way they do not parcel ve their danger and will allow tho marksman to drive within a reasonable distance DISTRICT OF COLOMBIA tho supreme court of abo united statha ha affirmed the constitutionality of tue pacific railroad sinking fund act by tho Forty fifth thi decision put nt into ho which would otherwise laivo abts among the stockholder of the pacino railroads and compel hose favored corporations 1117 ado y portion of W their earnings to a sink mg fund for tho payment of h bonds guaranteed by |