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Show Vance Of the bnoka about Venice there It o end. Kor the historian the "Queen of Ihe Adriatic" baa alwaya poatested peculiar charm, and there are any number of hlatorlea of the famoul niiytata. Of courts the great reter iolr of Information concerning the Ve "Han republic la the "Archl-tj nf Venice." published at Iniervali throughout Ihe yeara and atlll bring "tularly added to In order lo he rome posted on the "monetary tie "nt of the Venetian Itepubllr" out would have to wade through mar. orka bearing generally upon Vena " hltlory. There la no tingle et bauatlea) word along that particular but In nearly all of the hletortet of Ihe rrpt blle may be found suuie. '"'tig llluetratlve of hr wonderful financial ajati m |