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Show JEW IN PLACE OF "OWER At Oovernor of Egypt, sir Matthew ' Nathan Would Occupy Hotltlen Once Held by Jnttph. I Ihould ftir Man hew Nathan, for wr governor nf Natal, be appointed II succeed Sid Kldon Curat aa guv enor nr Kg) pi. history will have imn one nf those curious turns that M agog ihe diai-erners of algna and mens, for thla appointment that la padliig would plare In supreme ad nnlalrailva control of Kgypt the eeo eel Jew In four thousand yeara llr Matthew Nathan would be the secestor lo Joseph of hla race In tb administration nf a country thnt lithe time nf I'haroah. who befriend ei Joseph, was the grnry of the wrld. and In theee later days la be caning one nf the moat significant ' rantrlea of modern times Those who con the sacred scrip I Ires for rues for the turns history .py make will aelte upon thla Inrl- tint fulfilling one nr another pre Wtlon or fancied prediction of the put. and much may be built upon It It fart, H will ba but a coincidence bit one of unusual Interest, however Tie practical Import will be that Hit Matthew Nathan la reckoned a tint alnilnlalralur ' and worthy of al boaor. |