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Show PUTS CURB UPON COURT. Interatat Commsrc Commlaalor Hold to Have Eacluaiv Jurladiction Over Admlnlatratlon of Rata Lawa. WiiahliiKton -Hlow after blow wn alven tho new comuierre court .in Friday Fri-day by tbo allpreme court of the flitted flitt-ed Hlut.-a. wblrll upheld the evrllmlve Jurlmltclloll nf the Inlemtate coin-more coin-more commtaalon ovpr the inltiilnla trallv niuiiilnery of the federul rait law. Tbo principal declnluii wna an-noiiiired an-noiiiired by Chief Junior Vvinie iu tho ao-rntlcd "I'rortnr and liiitulile rime." II waa aiKlnlned by Hie entire mutt. In aiibatanrp be held that Hi" ciuiinipiro court w-uk not In aut-at! tue lla JililKiuenl for tne tnte -l iii. roinmcrrH coinmlHaloii In the uihiiim. trutlou of tho tale luwa. The ei.cllli IKiint ruled on wua that pintle Mtu fulled lu act relief belo-e the inir atato coiumerre coliimtat on hi;i- .in rtKht to K'i Itil" the roniiiieri' rout and have Hint court pad ii..-n if..-fact if..-fact lo u'cortiilii If tlu-y alionl I lu.,-bcrn lu.,-bcrn Kiaiiied relief |