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Show An Incentive. "Now, my boy," aald the head nf tbi firm, "If you will attend strictly tt your dutlea I will do sumnhlng flm for you. I want you to alwaya ask whtn you answer Ihe telephone, whe II It before you let It be known wheiher I am here or not. and always he careful, when Ihe people rnmt hire, to find out who Ihey are anil i wbat they want before you come Into the private office lo learn whether I with to aee them or hut." "Yea, lr." replied tha new office boy, "I underatand. I had to do lh:ii where I worked before " "Very well Sec that you make nr nilnakea, and. I have aald, I wll to something nice for you." "Whai are you goln' to do for me H I give ntlafactlon--rnlae me wagea?' "Well, I can't promise that, eiai tly but I'll bring you 'he score cards ol ike ball game! and let you make en Ibum of them If you lend lo butl ttss properly. I never mtis game" |