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Show uu Packers to Have Outing August 19 The fifth annual outing of the Og-I den Packing and Provision company s employes will be held at Lagoon, Thursday. August 10. An extensive program has been arranged ar-ranged with prises for each event. The employes will depart on the IS 80 jnterurban and immediately after the arrival ,it Lagoon. James Brennan, i general manager and Attorney J. II. DeVlne will deliver addreasei At J o elock, a tug-of-war between the IvlllliiK department and the me-chanlcal me-chanlcal department will be staged The curing and the by-products de-' paxtments will then stage a similar contest, Winners of the contests win then rompeto for a $25 prize At 3 oeloek. races for men. women, boys and girls will be held, with prises offered for each event At 3 30 o'clock, a baseball game Will bp played, the office force competing com-peting against the plant A swimming rape Will be held at 5 o'clock and at 8.30 a prize waits will mark the beginning of the dancing for the evening. |