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Show f lLOVE and MARRIED LIFE hit the noted author Idah M?Qlone Gibson I I ' : i II H HABITS ' fl S put." culled John. IH thought It waa drridul nn- IHH awered. "that ou and I were 10 have H the uppr room.' on the ffttl Bid V I jH might rorno out Ml m whir jH r,re. John! M talk to Katherlr.e," ( lld A I ee. You BH tloa furniture that rou had aw I 1 a AaasV 1 Law 11 HH -" men and up a cheap dlsh 9 nnd l(Hch-n utensils, and we can get a.onz v. them until my mother"? apede f VB from tin- ol.l 110 H asked John In BBBBBB har a car- HaK tomorrow. Katharine?" inurrupted untU wo r. j "- V ' ; , "Well, John, I must have n number .1 1 BiBa i i nun f Bb en for heaven take ?: them.", HdlV aald John In exaaperatlejp ' 1 feel just lBHr9 aa though I wore In a taxi with the. 4 Kir 94 1 en and go with a J JFT Do you wan I me to open l 1 CB. yT account again it Blanki lKEjKi John hr-Mltated a moment "Yet. 7 1 BV J have forgiven them for the aray that L . 9 3 " do- BF an daddli Jmwf av 3 BBJ rrBBH J MLyAfAyAfJ "Katherlnc. do you intend to take taffljH the huby over to the new hotiee ut fore glflBH it ia In some sort of order .and you rmDH fire able to get servants to help you IH take ttirc of It?" nsked Alice as we iBJ BBB Not nt all, m dear, 1 haven't the JzSBjB slightest Intention of doing such a l iinng." I answered u Ml HT THING ID DO. HB "1 think that the hest thing to do w is to go to th It telligei ffli BB ' find some one to help run the house. BjHv then," wns Alice's comment. thai yu are going to need tn that blf house?" h asked. Well, It et.ms tu me that the Iaa: I can get along with 1 a maid and a cook an 1 n laundress. M 1.-S8 Parker and tte chauffeur." I Alio laughed "l don't thlnV Johr. will reduce expense much." she said. lie uimr rem'-mluT that he bought ( the hoiiso, not I." nut when he bought, mv dear, he thought thnt ) 011 were a wealthy worn-an. worn-an. witft oil wells running a million a mlnu 1 Allrf, " I nr'd' d aolemnlv. "don't vou thlnl; that John Uu mon enough to keep up ihls house that wi nre moving Into" ' Vc" irar Me has plenty Ofi money If he would not try to gamble j on the ktock cirrhanK'v 1 m fflal he purehose the hou and I hope that' . 1 will f :rmsh 11 hea uf lfull . for It j arm keep him from spending thai I money With his brokers. However. Hi is dollars to doughnuts that ha m el would have Ix.ught It. had he not j thoufht that your money was going to pnv for it and Its upkeep." "V'hy. he couldn't think that. Alice, j He give m the house for .1 birthday prenen'. " "I rira Kure he did. Kathcrtne." said Alice, "particularly aa he told Tom the other night that he wns not quite sure) Just where he was Kolng to get the 1 money to n.ake the next payment Tom j offered to take the houac off his hahde, but I would net let him lend' Jcihn any monpv J thought II would be u Kood thing for him tn sklrml&h around B Utile. sTl S'GTNI SS 1 MiMI )'i i l "John 'JorIon. even If h'a Is my brother, has always hd one great fault, he hns been ery stingy with those who aere d pendent upon him In any wn while he nrroK.i'ed f himself him-self the privilege of throwing his monev away royally If he felt like it Thre Isn"' a man In this town who rer.lly makes more money 'han John. I but he has never paed any of I!. He 1 does not even have die luxury that1 other pejplc would have under the; n.ime . lrcu.Tit:in e.i He Just ! t's It' drlutdf tt-.roush IjI.-h fingers and then he la ang.'.- l.ccause he has been such I an Idiot and lakes it out of those who! are near him." "You don't like your brother very Wftll, do yOU, Alice?" Vs. Katharine, I like h'm very much. He li my only brother, .vou; know, but that a th- reason why li probably aeo his faults quicker than I anyone elp. I.Ike many other men i who will not listen to reason and who only think of themselves and their own pleasures, forgetting that thci greatest pleus..re in the world Is making mak-ing someonr besides themselves happy, I ovj iirother John is always reaching far something, hr kqoWs not what." j l Copyright by National Newspaper! Ser Ice. ) 1 omorroti Kathei Im 'a Marrii Philosophy. |