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Show j Deaths and Funeral ROACH Funeral services for Mr?. I J. J Roach, who died In Oakland July 23, will be held In the First ! Christian church of Ogden, .Madison avenue and Twenty-fourth street, at I 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. The bodv may bo viewed at the , Kirkendall funeral ' hapel, until to-, to-, of Mrs a D Baker, 130 W Twenty-I Twenty-I morrow evening and then at the home seventh street, until 9 o'clock Wednesday Wednes-day morning Mrs Roach was a resident of Ogden I for iran years until last November : when she rfnd Mr. Roach removed to ' lakland. CILVKR George W Culver, of 'igden died suddenly from apoplexv at Los Angeles. Jul 30 He was bom In Indiana. February 22, 1S56, and! has been a resident of gden for thej 'last twenty-five -ars. His death came as a shock to his family and manyi friends He Is 'survived by his wife.! Mrs. Catherine Culver, daughters, Ar-,' cadla Culver and Mrs C. I- Westlake of San Francisco, and sons, H D. Culver Cul-ver and George W. Culver, Jr.. of this citv. The body, accompanied by Mrs 1 Catherine Culver. George YV Culver. Jr and Mrs C. L, Westlake. will arrive nils evening at f o ClOCK services win I be held at the Presbyterian church j j Wednesday. Julv 28, at ! 80 p. m. Rev. J E Carver will officiate, The bodv may be viewed at the home. 2 5 5 7 I 1 Jackson avenue. Tuesdav afternoon land evening and Wednesdav until the I . , tlmo of the services. Burni Ogden M -, City ocmcterv. ( MILLER Funeral services for Mrs. I Gencvra Shaw Miller, wife of Fred- iSV erick Miller, were held yestordaj at Ur the HarrlsvlUe meeting house with 'j - Bishop's Counsellor Horace L. Shurt- Kfy Uff conducting. The speakers were ft Leander B. Harris, Fred G. Taylor. K!f President Jamea W ntherspoon and W I H. Lowder. "Father In Heaven" and Kit Crossing the Bar," were sung by the srafcl''; trio, George. Lemuel and Vlrgle Web- Bbf' ' ster. Mrs Bertha F. Luddington sang, SfJuf' "A Porfect Dav" and "My Loved One - Rest-' Mrs. Iretta Fife Lindsay gave WmL i "Oh My Father." The ward Relief W V. society attended the services In a body W Br;i and acted as flower-bearers. Inter- I Jju2r'-i;' ment. was In igden Cltv cemetery Tho I t grave was dedicated by C. J. A. Llnd- ft w ' quist. j STEPHF.NS. Lucy Stephens. 61; IK years of age, died Sunday at a local MBCr hospital She Is survived bv two sons, Fred R. and B R Batllce Funeral Wpr services will be held Tuesday at 1:30 Ihjswi o'clock at the Kirkendall funeral eha- AeR!! pel Iniirment will be In the Moun- mM, -M tain View cemetery. Ritualistic ser- "H vices of the Women of Woodcraft will isWwfl be held at the grave. isbbbIbbbr |