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Show Society v F VRKWRLL P VRTY. fembers of the Ladles' Auxiliary to the Order of Railway Conductors entertained at a farewell party In compliment com-pliment to Mrs J W. Decker, last rhur-cl.iv even I ii l: ,i ' the home of Mr J. H. Rhine on Fowler avenue. Five hundred was played during the evening even-ing with prizes won by Mrs. J. Booth, Mrs. C. Wlnans and John Holden Light refreshments were served. A dainty auxlllarj pin w.-im pre tented to the guest of honor. Mrs Decker will leave In the near future for her home In Mexico. Mrs. L. W Haves presented pre-sented the pin. RETURN FROM VACATION. Mr and M,-.s Thomas J. Holland and son, Tommy, have returned to Ogden Og-den after a vacation of thii.- weeks spent in Wyoming and at Bear Lake. ANNUAL OUTING. Members of the Ladles' Auxiliary to the "rder of Railway Conductors will attend the annual outing of the fraternity to be held Wednesday. LEAVE FOR YELLOW STONE. Dr. and Mrs J F Morrison will leave this evening for a trip through' Yellowstone park They expect, to be gone for ten days or two weeks. t VTritTUW i imi vrc , G Frank Zimmerman entertained some of his classmates of 1315 at a 6 30 o'clock dinner laul Thursday evening. ev-ening. The party was given In compliment com-pliment to Edgar Johnston of Spokane, Spo-kane, Wash. Covers were laid for Edgar Johnston. Archie Moyes, Wen-da Wen-da 1 Fitzgerald, Edwin Hobhf Fa Fraker and G Frank Zimmerman. BASKET LUNCHEON. The Ugden Britannic assOi latlon will hold a basket luncheon this evening I at Lorln Farr park Members are to meet at the park at 7 o'clock. An entertainment program has been pre-I pre-I pared RET I' li.N ED FROM MS1T. Mrj. Ruth P. Johnson has returned I from a week-end visit in Logan anJ I Lewlston, I'tah. Mis. Johnson return- i ed last evening. i LBAl E OGDEN. Mr.? Evelyn Glusinaiin and Mrs H G. Blackman aro visiting at Lava Hotj Springs. They will be gone indefinitely. indefi-nitely. t VISITS OGDEN. George fc Wilkinson of Kansas is visiting In Ogden as the gutdt of Mr. and Mrs John I-arr. MEETING DEFERRED The meeting of the Live Oak club, which was set for Wednesday, has been postponed. |