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Show oo NO MATERNITY BENEFITS. W ASHINGTON. The ( nked Stal.s is the only leading Industrial country of the world that ii c no state or n j tional maternity benefit cys'em. say-,; Dr. Henry .1. Harris n a pamphlet cn! ithis subject, issued by he United Slates children's buoau. Eighteen countries have such . yst ais Few of 'these countries oil' r benefits to ip mothers, but ther-- is : gonftrai agret--ment that wage eaniere shal' be in ;tludd. The benefit is usuallv moneyv either in a lump sum r ;-eeKv payments, pay-ments, and occasionally medicine and j medical and surgicitl Servi The pamphlet ip-n.ts i leading Br'.i m lsh publication which utatci that while maternity benefits Is a bo:n to the household when it ccmes, the mater nlty benefit in Itself, and unconliecti I with any provision for prenatal care 01 ' for attention after the bir'h. does not alford alone "an . dequa'" or a Sail factory provision fur he ,'tat servlc of child birth." |