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Show O. H. S FOOTBALL BOYS' BANQUETED Coach Clarence Douglas and the first team of the Ogden high schu! football troys Here delichtfui en'M talned Saturday evening by Mis--Nellie O'Keef". Annette ''unninch.no Hope Fox and Blanche Barton at n flVe-COUrse dintK-r at ihe home of Mi Barton, 774 Twenty-fifth street. The dining innm was prettily deo. rated with O ;J. s. pennants with Lb 1916 champion otball s-j upended fr m the chandell'-r. Orange chry.mthe mums adorned the tiny orange 'nt black hand p.iin'ed place cards represented repre-sented each individual player. A ph-asant vening was enjoyed and 'the boyt vot"d ihe event a conplo'e success. Those present were. CoacU I'oujila.s, Captain Lee Richards, Ceor,, Jrslu, Hugh Johnston, Paul Veasy, Al lison Skeen, Dfrnard lilcNulty Tom Dozey, Floyd Thomas. Francis lUn. Reed Vowles. ( bariep Allen, Leonard Fruiiibeiy, Jim Rrown, Spencer Stone. |