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Show l ONLY THE BEST PICTURES, ALWAYS j I . "VICKY VAN'5 l 1 I I llffl ' $f$' Who killed Randolph Schuyler? Did Ruth Schuyler, forty yeors younger th?n he, want V: I j iffl 1 to "get rid f her Ic1, grey nusband? l! ,Qks tnat vay UP to the last minute of "Vicky JlllllllllHfa yiJllbllM. '4 Van' Then you get the shock that makes you mighty glad you came. All week ; come early. f I Paramount Artcraft Star. V SrJSdESCOMEDY PRICES 6c - 15C " 20c I I : I BIG DOUBLE FEATURE BILL BEGINS SUNDAY ! I I r- : : 1 BEAUTIFUL i PRICES -- -- -- -y- r a "HH tt i I 1000 SEATS 39c 1 J. H jN 1 JL 1 1000 SEATS 20c ....in.... 1 CHILDREN eat 10c TDAPPi IN A El A 11 IfftPF" B This price includes the war tax. j j fj " J. .H jf p & JU? jOl XJP IJ s3 Mj j : 1 1 iiM I "BONDS INVISIBLE" , The 6tory of a wife who wa". true to a husband who was false. Founded on Sophie Kerr Underwood's famous romance, 'The See- -'M I y -7 jJl " " A Saw," a tale of love and intrigue in New Y ork's "upper ten." Played by a brilliant cast, headed by America's "most talked of" womc.n. ; j h . VZ :NvTX--f3 ' ' ' ':r The gaiety and fashion of metropolitan life, pictured in scenes of sumptuous beauty. Underneath, a big, vital, human drama, pulsing j ('' 'Si iJM r ) V. with the passions that rule the race. I W! AND THE OTHER BIG ADDED FEATURE JbkIK- fatty arbuckle f " 'Vlr-r IN HIS GREAT "HICK" COMEDY H JOSEPH M. SCHENCK Ptff .yZWTS I " "1 I I "KmTARBUCKLE If AVCPFn til 1 wTHE HAYSEED" I fllL JO. r I lS MiF iMM " WRITTEN AND DIRECTED eVFATTY ABBUCKlC S3S gfl VNlS aHnH DELIVERING THE GOODS. "Fatty" is a rural mail carrier in this picture. And we'll say he delivers the goods. He drops a crate j$ f TrrT tt I of laughs, tightly packed, same quality all the way down, at every step. You're on the list. Come and get your share of fun. h SCnlL)U Lev Air if ... ALSO ... h Ml j I DOOP. OPEN 4:30 P.M. ' , n w M t i I curtain at:. THF WONDERFUL PRI7MA i I 5:00 P.M- 7:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M. W w ja-jj.Ta.jm v JU & jam.JLJJ.WJH.i-. K g J SHOWING THE ISLAND WHERE PRES. GRANT OF THE MORMON CHURCH HAS GONE TO DELICATE A NEW TEMPLE, f pRPHEUrvl TOMORROW I I Manager Goss Has Arranged - For Three Comedies for ji I His Patrons. j .Hanagor J. F. Goss is offering an I sll-coniecJy motion picture bill at th t Orobeum theatre tomorrov.- algbi I I.' ' feature will be Wiiiiiim Desmond, the By Irish chap. In "Life's a Funny ! Proposition." In addition there will i be two rip-roaring coiuedits and a se- l lect musical program by the Orpheum B concert orchestra. There will be three i ehowB starting at 5 p. m. Adv. December I is the last day on which we will receive or-iders or-iders for engraved Christmas (Cards. The A. L. Scoville i'ress. 1024, nuii DICE 01 T!l!ffi Special Dance Will Be Given At Ogden's Beautiful Hall. The special novelty dance program that Manager J. F. Goss gives his patrons pa-trons at the Rerthana every Wednesday Wednes-day evening will be' given Thursday of next week;, Thanksgiving events A n-v selection of dance numbers and music has been prepared by Mi -Ltllian Thatcher, musical director of the Bertha na. Manager Goss announces an-nounces that mothers or chaperons accompanying ac-companying parties will bo admitted to the Berthana free providing I hey do not dance. There is spacious seating seat-ing room at the Berthana, both on the main dance floor and in the balcony, and the use of the scats is offered to the chaperones or mothers who desire to accompany their daughters to the M Thanksgiving evening dance. Prut W. H. Woodard will have charge of the t loor. Adv "CHIN CHIN" SERT SALE OPENS MONDAY "Chin ' bin.' a musical Com fly in three acts and seven sets of scenery, which has won an international repu mtlon as one of the biggest musical comedy successes of recent years, is scheduled for appearance here at the Orpheum, one night only, Wednesday, Nov. 26. Catchy song numbers abound v.iih delightful melody, lavish scenery, cos tumes ot the Oriental and old English type, a chorus of over thirty sprightly girlies, hilarious comedy and pantomimic panto-mimic work introduced by a number of clever comedians with Walter Wills and Hoy Binder in the leai!. al lccm-1 bine to afford a capital evening's entertainment en-tertainment of qood, clean fun. Seats' on sale Monday. Adv 00 TRY OUR RECORD SERVICE SER-VICE ONCE AND BE CONVINCED CON-VINCED THAT WE SPECIALIZE SPE-CIALIZE ON PLEASING. LYRIC MUSIC CO. |