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Show FOR SALE Real Efttnto ?l A ,, uoM incd' rn bunga-i,v, bunga-i,v, in north part of town, on" block off paved street with enough ground for cblckena and garden, lOOx 150 feet, this house has a full basement, is only two vars old and a real bargain bar-gain at the price. Terras. rroo.M DlilCK BUNGALOW I' THIS modern bungalow is located on bench, is brand row. In fart, not yet com pleted and would cost $700 more to build today. $4200, Terms. F 113503 ROOM COTTAGE, m CLOSE In on Adams avenue, ave-nue, has cellar, chicken f house and coal shed. Terms. GUARANTY MORTGAGE CO. 410 24'l Si. Fhone 115-; 115-; 988 I1 RROOM fully modern brick, east front i ' 1 bench, fireplace, hardwood floors, I .jpcpir..' porch, work porch, 1-3 ce-i ce-i -pnt-.; basement, furnace heat, laun dp tubs, eleriric fixtures, blinds, lino-. lino-. jouni . nil good supply of eoa1 ill go V with pronerf. ' 1 17. rlr,; ,. in ' car line nd KehooK Only $6400.00. 'Will require $1350.00 casn, terms on balance. aiMT ninirtrn Krir-L wniifli frrnt t 5Kiiu.ii u-v u...--.. ....... .,. ....... I on bench, 1 block to car line Lot 3x f 143 can Kive almost Immediate pos- jcicii Small a.-h pa merit , term-i io i 8Uit on balance. $4200.00. J- A M r Culloch 980 XHREE acres choire land close in: gixroom house Phone 2219. 924 VV r LONG. Phone -131 M f $13509 APARTMENTS 2 rooms each. Fine income. 5-ROf.i.M modern bungalow on Adams, lot 42x J56 ft. to allej . must be sold at I once, immediate possession; part cash I and payments; one of the best buys - in clt FARM $3250. 30 acres. 3 room house, 9 shares water, 6 miles from Ogden FARM $8500. 30 acres, 6 room house, t good outbuilding.--. 29 Shares water, 2 flowing wells. ID acres beets I w r LONG. 2779 Washington. Phone 431-M. 871 & f GOOD well built 6-room strictly I modern brick built-in features, gas and first cln- hot water heating plant, 2 bath rooms, tj room.- llnished In base- J nient; garage, chicken run, lawn and L flowers, south and east front, n real; 01 home, good loca lon and best of nelgh- l borhood; don't wait; call and inspect i-1 this home ami see owner for price t and terms. 306 32nd St. Just off, - Wash Ave. 84 1 J ,. BY OWNER U e-rooin modern brick, bungalow practically new. with gar-: are Inquire ' 7 7m (Irani Ave. Phone 2? tC 957 1 '3 ii: BY OWNER Place mi Washington Ave. 2933. 55 feeix !.'"' X all or part. Mrs Kate Beckman, 134 W. N. T. Saltj l Lake City. 905 l ( run. -ic 13 UWilfl, J-l OUIU Uf r( modern bungilow Applv ;if.o 22nd St 4 901, BY OWNER 5-room mod hOUSC with r lot 66.132. Bet. 27 uml 28 on Grant. Ap-'. Ap-'. ply 2736 Grant Ave Will sell on ra-- u onabln terms SG u: ON Madison Ave., pavement pa.d, 10 ' ' I rooms w:th 2 Apts. m basement. Base 4, ment rems ?4o.oo. All for $6600 644 jj 28th St !67 M 3-ACRE chiri.rn farm 177 N. Washing- ton Am. uv.iht i .v. ing town. s.s; ,s 9 FOR SAl.i: Ni.i: "room modern cot-1 fet - tag", in s !; i i -!! :n e uiMrw i , Jii.o S ? Jeumr. auci t i. sold wjth premises 5 if desired; paved di.sirici, on ear line, ba with garage. C. ' Ziau, phono lia or m t 1451 W. G5 0 AN el.-. ail lot mai ilie P:ngi ee .-.chool I tor oa . ."0, $o0.oO down, ualaucc on ; j) J. Brummii, ;'lli liudboii Ave. 754 J , J APARTMENT house, 4 beauuluP J rspanmeuts partlj lurnished. Can gnu w immediate pusst .ss,ua oi one furuiti-u ' apsuueiK. leim.s ,..r ea-n Inquire ' ' bleven, jioi Jeilerson, aiteruoons ,1 i i A jijoij G-roc m modern nousu within1 fill a block oi ire i i.i. ,, i , eji.n, hirgo lot, tH uhadc trees, will pay ou. per cent perl g mor.ih luiercsi on tiie investment, tor 0tl ; only 52GOO. j. J. Brummitt. Phone 5'J. tit j .j; AN elegant lot on Washington avenue, 160 ieet. deep, nico shade fees, only SS Oll r.'M l,nl !. .. TV,; i.. . ' ouy. J, J Prummut, 2-11. Hudson Ave- 754 & WE have. lor tale oi trade, five acres, ' Just unit-id ot cit limits in Lake , view Add Improvements are. 6-f 6-f tooui modern House, large new toal ed. new g;.rage tor tvsu cars, new barn lor tour bursts, large hay loft, chicken uouses lur buuu chickens, ' f Dowlng bpriug, windmill and well I I bouse, gas engine- and plenty fruit, fwu blocks irom South Washington car hnc. rut Walker Co., 623 Eccles Uldfe Phpno 1130. ..04 15-ACRE farm. 3 miles west of Ogden &;room ii-.uuo house, West 20lh 3L terrxia. Phono 2004-K. G. .T. Terry. A GOOD modern 4-room huusc, well jccai.ed two blocks up on the bench, lor only SH.wn, 4.1110.1,11 dovn. balance niu as paylug rent. J. J. Brummitt, ono59. 75 4 CHOICE RANCH! A(HES, about one hundred acres cultivated, balance meadow and pas-ro, pas-ro, Thls is located in best section Ogden valK-, has plenty of irn-Wng irn-Wng water, good house and other S?ro;ic'menis- iJri. including horses t'H neceasary implements, W1.000. Bfe can conwnce ,uu that this is one w the best ranches in the state for Wm1' ,fann dulr-N or ti0( l Purposes. Ion, , lur one half cash, balance Jn tune. E. W. Cannady, 2427 Hucj- S87 Read the Classified Ads FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE ?3000 BUYS A 7-room modern hou?e close in on the bench, Rood barn and yard. Terms 5-HOOM MODERN BRICK Large lot 66xlf2 ft. Good fruit trees, located on bench, for immediate sale $2750, terms. $950 37Uxl50 ft. lot on the bench, with the excavation excava-tion done and cement foundation already in, Riid enough cement blocks to build a 6-room house; this is an opportunity to pave $1000 on your new home GUARANTY MORTGAGE CO. 410 24th St. Phone 115. THE PEST BARGAIN IN IDAHO FOR A RANCH. FOR SALE OR TRADE for income propertj in Ogden or Salt Lake or will sell for half cash and balance to suit purchaser, three hundred acre ranch in Stone, Idaho Indepr ndeni , unacccHsible water ri;ht to v. ater laud all tillable land and In crop thlfi year Every foot could be watered A good six room modern house, a nice orchard, a good barn eighty-two feet by for'y two feet, with hay loft in center, will hold one hundred tons of hay, with all kinds or cattle or sheep sheds, granaries grana-ries and garape. in fact it has all the improvements that go with a good ranch, a large amusement hall thai rents for two hundred a month, thirty neaa 01 cattle, sixteen nenu 01 norses, a mule, forty hogs, two hundred chicken1- an.i turkeys, and all kimi- r practically prac-tically new farm implements that go with a ranch, five wagons, a two-ton truck. six sols of harness, and all household furniture complete, and pro i visions enough to run the ranch a year. If you don t mean business, don't answer ihis The W alker ompanv, 023 Eccles Bldg . Ogden, Utah: Phono 1130. 942 BY OWNER 6-room modern new house, best location on bench Posses-, ! sion immediately. Leaving city d dress Box No. 2337, care Standard 991 8U ACRES planted to rye and alfal fa, 4-room house, partly modern barn, 2 chicken coops 75 feet long, (well built), this place is close in and is a big value at $3850.00, easy terms, or! will trade for modern house close In. WE urge you to see this farm if you want one of the verv best farms in the state of Utah, not more than 2 miles from Ogden postofflcs sandy loam soil, adapted to grov.inu a variety of crops land in hiph state of cultivation, close to fertilizer IS shares water Davis and Weber canal, one 6-room brick house. 1 3 room frame house; this place could be divided in two! farms. See us at ence, 10 ACRES fruit farm, close to Orden, 134 shares waler D. and W- canal and will sell for $4750; immediate possession. posses-sion. Smith and Flinders Company, over Commercial National Bank. 975 A REAL BARGAIN Four room modern mod-ern brick. For price and terms see Owner. 524 Cross street 970 G. E M. REALTY CO. Phone 1096. 2375 Hudson 6-ROOM brick, partly modern, basement, base-ment, front porch, back screen porch. 26 bearing fruit trees, lot 95x132 ft Price $3000. 5-ROOM frame, in good condl'ion. water and lights, a good lot, on car line. Price $1900 o ROOM frame, now, being painted now with three coat? of paint, screen back porch, front porch, good cement foundation, cabinets In kitchen, llghtr. and city water Price $1600 821 75-ACRE fc.rni near Willard, 24 acres bearable fruit trees, 10 acres good beet land, 5 acres alfalfa, 30 acres pasture. One mile from school, on cement highway, high-way, modern home, electric lights, water works, telephone Everything in excellent condition Entire place fenced with hog wire, six artesian wells, private reservoir. Stock and farm Implements go with place Price right 100-ACRE dry farm near Willard. Ut. 80 acres seeded to fall grain. 20 acres plowed ready for seeding alfalfa. A. J. Taylor. Room 222 Federal buildinr. 965 FOR SALE BY OWNER Twenty acres of fine sandy loam soil, with first class water right; 1100 peach trees; 600 cherries, etc.; city water, electric lights. House, barn, etc. Has 3000 feet of street frontage. Close to schools' and car line C. H. Smith, 278 Tn .r( 1 . It f V, ctrsm ftOO S-RM. nearh new modern pebble. in bungalow with 2 large lots. Must Bell at once. Immediate possession I One half cash. 300 8th St. Ph I 3107 NR. 911 HOI :-K and lot t'01 sale; furnii i:re ;(r.d fruit. Sold at once. Phone 29-R-3. 899 BY OWNER A new modern noma near Riverdale paved road, cem at basemeht, hardwood floors, built-in features, garage, barn, $150.00 chicken house, 32 lots, $150 pullets, etc 3515 Wash. 890 -1XTEEN acres of land, about one-I one-I third cf it in fruit, with a frontage of 1325 feet on East 12th street, with a ; good six room house, plenty of chlcki I runs, barns- and outbuildings, for only 1 $4800; worth about $10,000. J j. Brummitt, Phone 59. 754 1 I BARGAIN- 8 room mod home with 'hot water heating plant, garage, chicken chick-en coops, ideal location. 647 23rd St. Phone 1032-R. 966 j SECOND HAND STOVES j j WE tuko your ola rango as first pay-,meut pay-,meut on any new range or will buy your old range outright. Homo Furniture Fur-niture Co. 4672 Politeness is a coin that parses cur-jrent cur-jrent In every country on earth. Read the Classified Ada. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARM. 18 ACRES land with plenty water; in room brick and frame house, good barn, new cow barn for 10 cows; new-chicken new-chicken house for 500 chickens, ecyjip ped blacksmith shop; 15 acres alfalfa, S acres wheal, 10 acres mixed bearing ffuif, balance general farm and pas ture land. Close to city limits and car line. Will want $2500.00 cash and give long time at low rate of interest on balance. $13,500.00. J. A. McCulloch 857 PROPERTY on Grant bet. 24th and j 2 " t h Sts. Applv 2736 Wash. Phone 3145-M. 819 BY OWNER Two 8-room brick house on Reeves Ave. Inquire 128 25lh St. 829 THREE-ROOM frame and 50 foot lot I at 1950 Ode)l avenue, near warehouse district and three blocks from the car shops. $950. Can be sold for $200 cash and balance on payments O. A Ken-nedv, Ken-nedv, basement Utah National Bldg Phone 913. 879 BY OWNER 5-room modern trick cottace situated on east front lot (50x 150 feet) in railroad district; has ce menl basement and screened porch Immediate possession. Price $3500 00 on reasonable terms. Phone 272K-W evenings. . 90S j WANTED 1 jYIa'e Help YOUNG man wanted. Greenwrll's Confectionery, 7- YOUNG man v lm has had whole sale grocery experience, should have falrlv rood education and be capable of nan dlinfr clerical work. Ans. box 339, care Standard. LABORERS wanted Utah Serum Co, Wilson Lane I. J. Isnckson. 955 MEN Age 17 to 55 Experience unnecessary un-necessary Travel, make secret inves-tigatlons, inves-tigatlons, reports. Salaries; expenses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 743 St. Louis, 837 BOY with horse at Taylor or Wilson. Write F H. enre of Standard. 869 WANTEI Young man who can do typewriting and light office work. Good opportunity to learn the flower business. Wages $4 00 a day. Would like applicant to live in Farmlngton. Miller Floral company, Farmln&ton, Utah 827 THREE boya with horses for Standard Stan-dard routes. Good pay. Apply to Circulation Cir-culation Mgr., Ogden Standard. 556 WANTED Laborers lor oui-of-town work. Good pay. Apply 215 Ecc!e- Bldg. M BEFORE selling Juberty bondJ got prices from J. A. Hoglt & Co. 451 V WANTED I SECONDHAND Reed baby cab In rrnnrl nrmrl 1 1 iiin H n.is.inii hip till JfitVl 1st. Phone 1287. 939 l buV Liberty Ouudu. J. j. Brmumltt, ; till Hudson Avu. 63a ACCRUED tut. pliDJ market price foi liberty pond- oalJ uy j. .v iiotlo l i Q CAST-OFF clothes. 2371-M. OGj , LIBERTY tonde oinighL J. J. Brum-! Brum-! mitu Phone o$. 25i9 lllajN JtA'o uani ui me sua lard otflco. j Concrete Ornamental j Works ORNAMENTAL CONCRETE. CEMETERY concrete coping. Wheel wrlgh', Twentieth and Douglas. Phone 2QZ6W. 42M rjFOSAii AJaC3 i HUMMY roadster cheap. Oood con-! dition. Inquire evenings 2940 Childsj Ave. 95'j; i ONE Ford louring car. Phone 705 or : inquire 2-153 Harrison. 961! i J l-'oli.j Sp-edster lor sale 1919 model I First class condition Owner leaving townj Call at 1015 Orchard Ave. 90J 1 ' 1916 FORD roadster. lyifc FORD touring. 1917 BL'ICK touring. PACIFIC NASH MOTOR COMPANY 2331 Hudson Avu 8S8 'MODEL bC Overland louring. Ib-CYL. CADILLAC touring. 8-CYL. PEERLESS tourine:. rWO-T ON Master truck (new), I THESE curs are all lu llrti-daas order I and ready lor use. Lot us show you. ! Browning Auto Co., Ogden, Utah. 543 FORD louring overnauled complete ' Snap lor quick sale. Ray Shurilifi, 2150 Was'i. Ave. 1S4 BARGAIN Buick Six, model D-45. .Phono 2702. 8961 'FIAT, Hupmoblle, Chalmers; all m gcd running order. Wasatch Qarags and Stoiage. 1 ijouu .-o. l iit.i cl.ioo .hop in connection. 9110 FOR SALE E LEVATORS. WE lurnish and l 'all high grade electric or hand elet ovS, any capacity. capa-city. S rite A m. Wati, ,s, 24J Juiun Street, Salt Lake City. We buy second ! hand ones. 23C6 WANTED Situation nv.vrtMMU i rtmmmmmttm EXPERT typewriting and clerical work, geneological records arranged. Phone 1286-W 958 I PRACTICAL nurse by the day or week. Phone 1821-M. 763 -ri. ie i u nmjfiiim nulla i LFOR S.AlLF. j Miscellaneoua LARGE heater, library table and cooking cook-ing utensils. 359 Kershaw St (Brown's Court). 974 , , !'MNO for sale. Call 2158-W. 670 28th St. 948 LARGE handsome Davenport, chinn closet and buffet combined. 2203 Wellington. 973 A $135.00 PHONOGRAPH with 21 r. c lords like new. $80.00. Box 697 care .Standard 990 ONE. dark Jersey cow; one Ugh' red cow; one red yearling heifer. Call Mrs. E. S. King, 2668-W. $10 Reward. 967 'oVER 2000 ft seeond class lumber; 3 hives of bees, single harness, cedar ; post. Anton Rowler, Wilson Lane, (Box 7. 916 HOUSEHOLD and office furn I coal and stoves. Mrs. A. P. llibbs, 2223 Adams Ave. 936 DINING room table and chairs; also 'buffet in golden oak; very reasonable. I Call 472. 929 FIVE hundred shares of Cub oil a'ock. jat 10c Call 2531 W. 926 CHEAP, soda fountain and wall case. 288 25th St. 930 CANARIES for sale, cheap, 1.60 to lo, guaranteed lingers, bio in t. 934 ONE beautiful upright piano; must noil at once for cash; am leaving town. A bargain for 1200! Inquire at 1521 I Ogden Ave. in rear of 16th St. or phone 2050-R 925 PIANO lmciI new ;.i 923 BiiiImI'I i Ave. 937 i SINGLE buggv, 2305 Lincoln. Phone 894. 931 ONE ,22 Winchester 1906 model. 2214 Washington; ask for Murphy. 932 'WHITE Leghorn pullets for sale. 3548 Hudson. 900 FURNITURE Exchange paya highest prices for second hand furniture and ! stoves. Phone 2464. 253 25th street. 933 1000 SHARES Cub Oil stock. Box 685 i are Standard. 9n2 NICE large potatoes fie,, from frost, are not black inside. Order now be-j be-j lore the raise. Phone 151. 917 I'tAYKi; PIANO Marshall & Wendell make practically new. Wilh rolls, etc. I Price cheap for quick sale. Call or write 411 24th Btre t 876 EOR SALE A lady's suit, satin lined, in good condition; wistaria color, size 11 bust; was $40; will sell for half. j Phone 13G0-M or call at 2530 Gran.ercy Ave. after 2 o'clock. &59 i iCUTTER, buggy, good driving pony al a bargain. 2150 Monroe. Phone 1355-W. 855 DODTA 1)7 H1 on'.rrc Annlv T XT Spargo, 24C5 Wash. Ave. 874 FOR SALE Furniture for eight rooms party buying furniture can rent house. Call at 614 24lh SL 818 WILL sell 750 shares of Fargo Oil at Ho cenls. Call 3070. 833 GOOD cow tor sale, anu tcp buggy. 3460 Wash. 824 A FEW of those excellent uncalled-for uncalled-for Dundee tailored suits. Iteduced prices, various sizes. Dundee W ooleu Mlhs on Hudson Ave. 738 , FULi. equipment of nousuold luini-luro luini-luro lor sale. 2050 Gramercy avenue 59 7 SECOND-HAND gooaa bought and ;,oid. lvciou. lClu Wash- i'n. 0-Hi-vV. 463 GASOLINE LIGHTING, lamps, Q'.uu-ties, Q'.uu-ties, globes and Uxturcs. M. J. biouc, 2S6y Giant, Ogden. SAXON roadster lor sale clieay. Ap ply 306 28th St. 487 apples lor sale. Leslie BallanCyne, Biverdala 220 I ciECOND-HAND goods bouhi. anu Isold. 1 verse-a, ioiO Wasn. PLoie. !030-Vv'. 9t:2 i'lGS for sale, b.aie Industrial bchoo 8486 OuOO SliAlvJ cub Oil, 4c. Musi raist money, hu , StandariL b'jii rUXl saie, ouo u. uu plow, woou ui Steel beam, oue ts laue, oue vvagoa. Call ai 2812 Grant Ave. 54ol ! t ANAR bud.-,. 2u Lincoln. 83j iiiGli grade line oi. I'iuls anu brubhej lOl l.ilv at COSU 160U V aoUlLloloii .'iL 1 Uoue 6b6 J. 2821 6ECOND-HAND goods bought. tdd and exchanged, 1600 Wasbiugton Ave. I Phone 686-J. 2625 iNEW and second hand goods bought I oold and exchanged. Highest prices paid tor second hand furniture Trunks 'and suit cases a specialty. Siuer Trunk Furniture Store, 241 Twenty-fifth street. Phono 1321. 92 HOLIDAY turkeys. Phone 2222. 600 I J. A. HOGLE CO. pay biguesl prices in Ogden lo. Liberty bonds. 2450 UNCaLLEU for suits, tailor mado, big reduction. Cordon's, 211-J5 25th St, I phone 419. 21 v7 , , WANTED ; I To Resit $ 4 OH 5 ROOM turn, or partly turn. Phone 1955-M. 963 LNTED TO RENT- 2 or 3 furnished or unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. housekeep-ing. Telephone 47-J -1. 921 A woman grows wiser as she doe sn't grow older. 1 riri n iiiiii 1 uMiniMi WANTED Female Help GIRL v.. .no d at Grecnwell's Confectionery. Confec-tionery. 971 GIRL to assist with housework either part or entire day. 2573 Fowler Ave. Phone 1510. 935 W VNTED 2 girls experienced in cleaning and pressing ladles' clothes. Regal thaners, lis 28th St. 911 GIRL who can uae tjpewriter. and also to lold circulars International Wool and Hide Co 2025 Wall Ave 928 OIRL wanted. Wistaria. 927 STENOGRAPHER for a couple hours each day. W. B. Wedell 2468 Wash 945 GIRL to assist with housework and can of children. Phone 2376. 912 'WANTED School girl, good home, I three in family. Phono 1561-R. 848 1 WOMAN for kitchen and experienced ichambor maid. Virginia Hotel. Call 114. 832 GIRL wanted for light house wor.x. C"9 I 21st St. 776 , DRESSMAKING taught tc anyone willing to apply themselves. See Mad am Capiau, 3rd floor Wright's Biore. 9242 I A,'TKO--A f-hamber maid. Heulv j hotel. Apply in person. Soil GIRLS wanted to sew on jTorallB. Wt pay while you Ie?.rn. On!v those who I want steady Jobs n.ed ac,-cy. Scowcroll. Manutaciuring. C014 j FOR RENT I MM SLEEPING room and kitchenette for housekeeping. 2523 Adams, in rear. I 995 'GOOD home for responsible married Couple to keep house and take care of 5-year-Old boy. Dx 850 care Standard 961 FL RNISHED room for gentleman. 2022 Orchard. 993 EI G3GANT furnished sleeping room, hot air heat, with use of piano; also sleeping porch. 566 24th street. 977 ONE nice sleeping room for one or two gentlemen Use of bath and phone. Phone 436-W. 981 WARM modern room for gentleman. I Close in. $3.50 per week. P.oter.-nce- 2311 Adams avenue. 883 SUNNY furnished 4 room apt, private bath. 2785 Grant 951 FURNISHED shanty suitable for baun.lor. 246 2ord. Phone 2520 W. 943 FRONT room, 2651 Lincoln. 923 R .1 ilED room, steam heat, with bath adjoining. Also a garage for rent Phone 2942-M. 835 2rd St. 9i j FRONT room newly furnished; lovely home for teacher or young lady attend I ing school. L. D. S. girl preferred. ! 3545 Wash. Ave. 889 TWO large furnished rooms, modern Phone 2775-W. Mrs. John Angus, 1300 25th. 918 SLEEPING room, 2638 Adams. Call after af-ter 6:00 or Sundays. Phone 2966-W. 866 Mi E -I., ping room, bath and use of phone. Phone 1148-R. Mrs. A. T. Mor tens en, 2954 Adams. , 868 MODERN housekeeping rooms Mrs. S. J. Daker, 2731SMadison. Phone 2029. 845 FURNISHED room with hath for gen-Ui gen-Ui man 1 blocks from city hall Phone 1897 J. 666 ACCRUED InL plra m-rltei price for liberty bond paia by J. A. Hogia & Co. 1448 FOR RENT Unfnrnbed ONE large room suitable for light housekeeping; also garag'e. Phone 3314-J 893 4 ROOMS, leeping porch and bath. Phone 2754-W. 989 : DRESSMAKING j i RESSMAKING, plain sewing. 350 31st St. 98 7 FASHIONABLE dressmaking, beading, bead-ing, latest v.ool darn. Fitting and Vork guaranteed Phone 2860-W. 679 RE vK 2330 Au.uns Ave. Phone 1551W. 684 PLEATING, buttons, hemstitching, I picoi at loc per yard; third floor W. H. Wrighi A: Sons- 501 FASHIONABLE dressmaking, braiding, braid-ing, Loiiehint; and wool darn. 457 26th si oouth apartmant. 327 DRESSMAKING Phone 1912-J. 207 HEMSTITCHING and picot, all work guaranteed. Singei Sewing Machine Co., 2333 Wash- Ave. 338 P BUSINESS j OPPORTUNITIES 0mmtnmmmtmmmm0mmmm0 1 mmmtd Kn; SALE! Small hosiery plant. L'p-to-date automatic machines. Will produce pro-duce 10 to 15 doz. pr. per dny. Will tenth ou the business. This Is a money maker, Can be handled with a inall capital See Mr. Nielsen at Og-d Og-d n Utah Knitting Co. factory. 810 Never bet on a sure thing unless you can afford to lose. ' WANTED , MucdUzieout J ! YOUR vacuum cleaner to repair or overhaul. Phone 2097. 991 MEN -who are hustlers; rr.ut under-!1 stand truck driving. Good pa and op ! portunity to share hi profits if desired Give references. Address A B.. care Standard. 334 : Cnn. uu - - - "i-i'i i.--. LOST MMMUNMMMMMHMM1 BLACK wolfe neck piece. Kindly return re-turn lo 2627 Jeff. Reward. 9S5 'oNE casing and rim 31x4 bet. Lake at. I r and 26th St Finder call phone 1971. Reward. S. P. Garner. 950 1 BLACK velvet purse. $5.00 currency. 2 00 Bllver and small change. Gold ring with blue set and other articles, i I Return to 2843 Grant. Reward. 919 BLUE serge belt trimmed with braid. Return to Standard office. 849 ON Bamberger between Salt Lake and j Ogden lady's grey silk hand bag, containing con-taining 10 bill. $1 in silver, gloves, ehecks, etc. Return to Salt Lake or I Ogden ticket otilce. Reward 962 RSONAL t ORSETIERE for the famous Barclay Corset. Mrs- W. R. Loouey, Arlington Hotel. 983 LONELY WIDOW, worth 100.000, wishes to hear from honorable gentleman gentle-man under 60. Object matrimony.: Writo Mrs, Hill, 14 E. 6th, Jackson-1 ville, Fla. 938 j i Reau t-o Classified Ads- ALIAS SUMMONS. In the District Court of Weber Coun- ty, State of Utah. Luella Humphries, plaintiff, vs. Ed- H die Humphries, defendant. . I The State of Utah to said defendant: H You aro hereby summoned to ap-pear ap-pear within twenty days after service i of this summons upon you, if served I within the county in which this action H is brought; otherwise within thirty days after service and defend the fl above entitled action: ani in case of I your failure so to do, Judgment will be rendered against you according to I the demand of the complaint whicK has been filed with the clerk of sahj j court. This action Is brought to re1- 1 cover a Judgment dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now ex- I isling between you and said plaintiffs JOHN A. SNEDDON, - Plaintiff's Atlornev. 3 H P. O Address: 316 First NatlonaT Bank Building, Ogden City, Weber I county. Utah. - j WANTED I I To Borrow IQ Ft;R 30 days or party to takE part Interest in paying business. A-l security. Pox 9, care Standard 917 ' , i FOR SALE Poultry auda Egga . WHITE LEGHORN pullets and year- : ling hens. Phone 2763-W. 2156 Polk. 992 6 WHITE Leghorn chickens for sale cheap 32S1 Lincoln. 979 ( SICKENS WANTED. ONE thousand pullets or yearling H hens. Wo have one hundred young H turkeys for sale Phone Joseph Barker H Co., 9 W. North Ogden. 956 MONEY TO LOAN IT will pay you to sec us about good farms, loam-, cits residences and lot.-:. H Phone 1876. Porter Realty Co., 2374 Wash. Ave. List with us- 968 MONEY to loan on Improved real ea-late, ea-late, no unnecessary delay. E. F. Bratz, 417 Eccles Bldg. 401 MONEY advanced to salaried people without security. Others on furnlturo and pianos. Easy weekly or monthly payments. Dix, 227 Col. Hudson Bldg Phone 284. Ultl RALPH P. HUNTER, l5DllsheJ 1889. Mortgage Loans, Real Estate Lnsuxance, Utah. Idrdio lands, farms and city property. Persons aeslrlog to I loan money on good Ilrat mortgage-security mortgage-security will do well to consult ma. Good applications always uu band. ( 431 24th Su, Ogden. Utah. 331'J MONEY to loan on improved real cs- I. ; Ute. Kelly k Hernck. 778 1 i klONEf to lean on real estata Becur-tty. Becur-tty. i. 2. Hrumltt. -ll-tl j LFOR- RENT Mucellaneoug -' "- - gyj GARAGE at 2533 ad.nus. Phon. 86 FOR RENT Board and Room BOARD and room for two gentlemen In private family. 8 a '.reek. 2"25 33rd St. 847 FOR SALE OR TRADE j EIGHT acres Just outside of the city j limits on south Grant and Hudson ave- j nue, what is known as the old Oak ) chicken ranch; it has a six room mod- 1 ern house with city water, has a How- ij Ing spring, ample water for all that is needed; has windmill and well house; IL .... gasoline engine, has a new garage for two cars, barn room for four horse:-, big ha loft, a new storage and coal QOU lour big Incubators and enough chicken coops for Hye thousand chickens; chick-ens; four acres ir platted in lots, there ; can be enough lots sold to pay for J what we ask tor the whole eight acres. We will sell for a reasonable payment down and the balance to suit purchaser. pur-chaser. The Walker Co., Phone 1130. ll CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS are payable in advance, if you cannot bring your ad in use the phone and we will collect the following day. R We absolutely cannot afford to keep books on small amounts like these. Please do not ask us to. 1 j |