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Show Jack Kearns Passes i Through Ogden on Way To Meet Jack Dempsey Jack Kearns, Impresario guiding the destinies of Salt Lake's world heavy weight champion, arrived in Ogden yesterday from the east, to accompany Dempsey to Los Angeles, where the j chump will face a batten' of movie I cameras and preparo to ehlne as ihe !! I in im Ill 1 I in III I II bright light of the southern film colony during the coming months. The manager reiterated what has been said regarding the possibility of I'erapsey's fighting until March or later. The bout with Joe Beckett at New Orleans ou March 17 is conting ent on Beckett's agreement to come to this country. It is natural that Dempsey will not fight until after his coming motion picture is released, and possibly some lime after. Magnates who paid Jess in a "feature"' lost heavily, because it was released just before the Toledo go, after which Willard's popularity as a movie star faded rapidly oo |