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Show FOIl EN A M) II OM E ITEMS 0" INTFRF5T TOR MAIDS AND MATRONS. Waking Ulna I p the liomeallr Man a I'naalng Mm A H holranma Hrallx-tlon Hrallx-tlon of 'raonnl almrtrcimlnaa - holea the Mixlea -1 l .-i.oea. THE Until STIC MAS. Provincial aoelety Invariably acta great atore by the domestic man, he being regarded aa the Ideal husband and father. Pressed to define Ihe pecial rlrtuea of their paragon, hla admirer usually find nothing more to aay In hla behalf than that he la not dissipated: observation of the domestic man also falls tn discover that he Is any other In the majority of Instances than a negative quantity. Ills own ease and comfort are what engage his attention, he, as bread winner, being conceded Ihe lion share of whatever there I to be had In the home of oulet, or rest, or convenience, or un-dliturbed un-dliturbed enjoyment ,,f audi mild dl-venlon dl-venlon a reading tho evening paper. The usual variety of domestic man concern himself no more with contributing con-tributing to the entertainment of the home than If ho were a atrnnger. To be aura, at Intervata he arcompmlcg hla wife to church ancluble or goea along with her aomewhat unwllllugly to call upon acquaintance, but he at no time feels It Incumbent upon him to become the Instigator and prime executive of amiisementa In tho home; nor do tho exertion of domestic life ppeal to him a a duty ha should bare, In the evening with hla wife and the other members of the family. Ilia position, whlrh la acquiesced In by the ' member of the household, la that hi efforta at breudwlnliing outside earn for him exemption from the tabor and aelf-denlnl of the home. He la, therefore, aa a rulo, merely a negative quantity, unless he happens to be a pron of Irascibility, when, to bo ure, j be I a positive nuisance. It la Interesting to note how In modern mod-ern progressive communltle the ton- jdency la to persuade men against too joxcluslve domesticity. Outsl.le of social so-cial clubs, which have existed for a long time, there nro now civic associations, asso-ciations, university extension lecturea, people club and Institutes, and the ever-rocurrlng entertainments and fixed fix-ed recreations offered by aome of the moat progressive of the modern churchea. Tho effort In all these la to bring the ln.llvl.lual mnu In to proper common benefit; to atlmulnta him tn n all around and coiitlnuoua develop- j yrfce and p:a!i..n c:. ii. . ple.e. The sleeve Is Inckril erci-wl . ml ! r.n! .I.i.l with H putt of ..Ik of I... same shade which la . ..... I In'o a wrlsthnnd of bin. k vlvet The petty cniVBl and girdle are of black velvet, and a large bla. k hat iv a the flnl ,V lug ton. h to this fetching eei"inie Wiener Chic. WHAT ItlAII.V MUTATIS. The child who runs for a day over an ocean ship hu laid in a store uf observations ob-servations worth nioro than mm U teaching of mechanical Invention au.l means of transportation A f. w we. ki spent In making a little garden, plant. Ing aecda, caring for (he tender growths, gathering and ulllliilng such produce a may come, will bring the child nearer to the great nature-mother than much school work and even many excursions for naluro-stiidy. It la play. wrk. love Hint educate; apon-taneoua apon-taneoua self-expression, a. Hon compelled com-pelled by Inner or outer force", relation rela-tion to other Individuals. Kdwnrd Howard drlgg". In Ladles' Home Journal. Jour-nal. ruR A (I I It 1. or NIXTKEN. f Tha skirt la made of cloth, bordered with row of blltchlng. It open la front over a plaiting of velvet. The plain blouae la of tha velvet, with collar, cuffa und cravat ot gul- HANDSOME COSTUMES FOR FALL. 48 11 L Pale blue crepe, with allTor, blue and pala pink embroidery. Yoke ot blue figured panne velvet, with straps of crepe and black velvet Silver button, but-ton, black bell. The aklrt ha two deep accordion pleated flounce of chiffon. chif-fon. I. Mixed black and gray ult, with black and white embroidery. Tha ault I atltched with black. Sable fure. t. Hrown cloth suit. The deep collar la of ecru lace over velvet, dgd with band of velvet aud band of cloth. Veet of brown and white dotted vol vet Ermine joke and collar. ment, and to make him resourceful In I order that he ahull not only be less the victim of outside relatione and condition, but ulao that ha may better lerv the community. The dull re-Bpectublllty re-Bpectublllty nnd the snug elt-satlsfnc-tlon of the typical domestic man la, under the stimulus uf Intelligently directed trulnlng through the ngencle cited, giving way to a wholesome rmill-gatlon rmill-gatlon of personal shortcomings and an appreciation of world Interest. RTVI.IHII ItKD t'OHTl ME. Costume or red cloth with tucked panel uf the enmo cloth, and cloth-covered cloth-covered buttons forming the trimming. These panels are set lu ucb a way on the blouse aa to leave a plain round pure. The pointed girdle la of tha cloth, bordered with stitching. Wiener Wie-ner Chic timki.t KKi ii'ra. llrnpe Wine, Although thla recipe baa been (Ivan often the last time It appeared baring bar-ing beon within tbe laat mouth It ba evidently escuped the notice of thoae "constant reader" who ask for It With apologies to those who follow these reclpea I repeat It. Rteam, smash and strain ripe grape. Measure the Juice, and to a quart ot thl add a cup of wuter and three-quarters three-quarters of a pound of granulated augur. au-gur. Turn Into a demijohn or Jug, and leave out the cork, covering th opening open-ing with a bit ot cheese-cloth. Let It atnnd until It cease to torment, than rack off. Nat I'ake. Cream one cupful ot butter with two cups of eugar, add a cupful of cold water, wa-ter, tho well-beaten yolka of four eggs, a balt-toaspoonful at ground mace and cinnamon, mixed, and three cupfula of prepared dour attired In alternately with the stiffened white of the egg. Do not got the batter too tiff. Now add two cupa of hickory nut kornela, thoroughly dredged with flour. Btlr In quickly and turn ut once Into a woll-greased woll-greased loaf tin. Hake In a ateady oven, covering the cake with brown paper for the first half-hour It la In the oven. When a straw come out clean from tho thickest part It la dona. When cold, turn out, and cover with a plain whlte-of-egg Icing. Arrange halt kernel of hickory nut at regular Intervals In-tervals on the top of the Ic'nT. |