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Show j In the Juatlce't Court, In and lor ' Coalville Precinct, County ol 'iiiiinill, BtaU-ol Hub. llrli.ro Win. II. Hinllh, j Juaikeul the IW, Coalville Co-operative Mercantile In-I In-I , . itilution, a corpuratlon, plalilllir, va, Thnitiaa Itisun, di'lrndiint. Hiininiona. i The DtMu ol Utah to the aaid didi-nd- I ant: You urn tiHrriiy unimotiril to atiir llore the ahovn vntilliKl court willun trii dnya after llie ai'rv'.i- of thia aum-luoiia aum-luoiia nrnin you, il arrvril within the county In whii h thla ai'lion la lirmight, ; ollierwiao, wllhin twi'lily ilayt altwr thla 7 aorvl,', and di'h'iid the a'jove coutlej action ; hioiiktht ugainal you to recover i thr rum vl lllty-mie and .41 (.ril.4l) dol- I lare, with li-K-t! intrrcit tlirrvon fmui Novamlwr rJ.IWI.dur the Coalville Co- oprrallo Mercantile Inaiiliition, a ror- 1 (Miration, lor gotwla, w nrea and nierchaii- j due ikilil and ilclircrtHl to you; and the j tuin of ii'vcntjr-oiic and ,:in (I7I.3A) dul- t larawiih legal ititrrcat tlieieon from NoveinlKT 12, 11K)I, due Wclh, lnacoll A r.iick, a coriioratiuti, for gotMla, warea V ami lurri haniliae aold and deliverni to you, aaid turn of $71. 3ft having Won aolil, aatigited and truiiafened to aidCoalvllle Co-opcmtiv Meretiitile lnatltiitlon by aaid Welali, lnaeoll A lluck, belore the coiiinivnccuient of thit action, aud in caM-of your failure to to do, judgment will he rendered ngainat you according to th dcmaiida ol th complaint. N. II. Suiru, 1 '.".M J uailce ul the l'oac. |