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Show T A FT OROERF.O HOMB. Ilovernor Will a.ll rr I he t ailed aialee oa rir.1 Tr.mp.irt Available, The arcretary or war Tueaday Iaaued onlera and aent them to Manila, ordering order-ing Ilovernor Taft home on leave or alieenee, ao he can recuerale and regain re-gain hla health and atrength. (ievernor Taft la to leave for the I'nlted Hlatea on tha flrat tranaport available. Al preaent there era no toeaapnrto at Manila, but the K II pat-rid pat-rid ia due there from New York la a da; or two, and will be ready to aail forborne lu about ten clay a. The K II-palrick II-palrick bctonge lo the New York line, bittlf Ilovernor Taft dealrea lo come by icr and due. not care to go to New Yoet, the Kllpntrlck will be ordered to tan Kranclaco. |