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Show I I UTAH STATK NEWS. I Apples ere selling on the Hilt Lake I market as high aa l.'lo for a abort j buehel. 3 Tlii f l.noO.non mark haa lmn pinHfl j In lh collection of Uin In Halt Lake jj comity. 3 The Winchester echool, one mil from 1 Murray, hae lieen cloeed to prevent the I aprrnd of diphtheria. ITho Salvation Army provided rood for over 7oo of the poor people of halt Lake on Thanksgiving day. 8. X. 1'otU, a Halt I.alie restaurant man who waa convicted of Belling liquor na Sunday, waa fined IMK I Three of the victims of tho train wreck near Adrian. Mich., Iet week, , were Ilallana wllh ticket for Halt ' l Lake. It la rumored IhotOcorge II. Wright, wanted at Frovo on the charge of being the Pelican Point murderer, hae lieeu located In Honolulu. u Mr.. Mary Judge of Salt Lake baa .Tint decided to establish In Halt Lak a I burnt for unfortunate mlnera, In oiein- ore of her husband, the lata John Judge. The Hall Lake hunlcre who attended the rabbit hunt at Krda, near Tooele, on TlnnU-KlTlnifd.lv, killed lerno rab-blta, rab-blta, whloh ware dlatrlhuted among the poor. A new labor organization, known aa the Federal Lalxir union, waa organ Iced In Hall Lake ll week. Ittn. eludca atrcel laborers and all unskilled workmen. - Dr. P. J. MrKcniie, or Halt Lake, while returning from the F.Ike' banquet ban-quet at Park City, fell from the train and waa fatally Injured, el plrlug Friday Fri-day night. ' A movement la on foot among the baa ball niitgnatee to form a Utah-Montana Utah-Montana league for oral eeeenn. the towna to t reprcaeuled lielng Hutta, Helena, Halt Lake ami Ogden. There la Joy amtitig the horacineo over the fact that the dlrectora at the Halt Lake fair ground have decided to build a mile track, and henceforth reo-lug reo-lug will lie a feature of the alatt fair. Mra. Helta Hell, a Halt Lake woman who went to Alaska In ltf'jT, haa r turned to paaa the winter In Utah. She hae been aucccssfut and baa amassed ( forluna In the froseo oorth, All klnda of produce advanced aharp-ly aharp-ly In price lent week. Fggn went to aJ ceula per doietr lit the Malt Lako market, aud butler to 3A eenta per pound. High prlcea are anticipated before aprlng. Wheat from Oregon and Waahlngton will be landed In Utah aa eoon aa ordera can be filled. A low rata made by the railroad! will reaull In the Importation of euougb to relieve the present ahorl- I The game of football betwreu the University of Nevada and tha Unlvera-Ity Unlvera-Ity of Utah trama at Halt Lakt on Thanksgiving day reaulted In a victory vic-tory for the Nevada boya, the ecore being S to t. Mra. Mary E. Ncheker, of Payaon, after eating a hearty Thenkaglvlng dinner, lay duwn uo a aofa to real, and aplred unnoticed by the family, Hhe waa 41 yeare of age, aud had lived all ber life In Payaou. The hackmen of Halt Lako have or-ganlaed or-ganlaed a nnlou. A feature of their by-lawe will be the prohibition of profanity, pro-fanity, bolateroua oonduul, aud everything every-thing offeualve to patroua and the public In geueral will be labooed. In a row at a hall given by the colored col-ored people of Halt Lake laat week 1 Oliver Hamilton ahot John Miller (both colored), lutllctlug a alight wound. The men overruled over a ticket which Hamilton claimed Miller had atolen. While at work lu the Silver King !miue at Park I Ity laat Friday, V. J Maraton waa alruck In the eye by a pltco of ateel, a ecrap of the mlaalle euetratlng the eyeball ami lodging i there. He will probably lte bla eye. L. U. Lockliart, who lived with hla family near the mouth uf the Dolores a river, Urand county, waa found dead i on Sunday, the 17th, by hla twelve- year-old eon, at a prospectors' camp, I where he had lieen working. Ha had been murdered, being ahot through t tha back. Tha Poatal Telegraph eotnpany haa aecured a right of way along the Ore-I Ore-I gon Hhurt Line tracka for Ita wlraa j from Halt Lake to Cannon, the atallou I on the Utah l.liho Hue, Judgineut to j th la effect bavlug been rendered laat 1 week. j There la a movement on foot to atari j a caunlng factory In Provo. lllepro- j poaed to Incorporate for 00. 000, wllh I aharea valued at l.'J each. The busl- ineaa men and most piotulnent farmera of the coininuuily are brhiud the Iacheme. Farmera on City ereek and Baldwin creek. In Plul ouunty.are hoping that j 0 the reaulu of the recent earthquake on ' thoae atraama will be permauenL The j volume of water uow Bowiug la nearly J twice what It waa before tbe big I abak. ! 1 .... ; . |